mrssgtainslie's review against another edition

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Great book! Love the focus on The Word and the way she includes recipes. Great read and would highly recommend!

liralen's review against another edition

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Oh dear.

I checked this out of the library because 1) I watched Full House when I was little and 2) I'm still reading about eating disorders.

This book?

Not good.

Frankly, I think her messages are pretty lousy, too. I don't have a problem with books with a bit - or a lot - of religion in them, but I'm not so comfortable when the message is pretty clearly that only one form of religion is "right". (Apparently yoga is spiritually bad because it asks you to connect with yourself. Who knew?) On self-control, she tells people who write in for advice (who, by the way, all spend lots of time praising her before getting around to their questions) that if they can't limit themselves to (for example) one cookie once in a while, then they should just not have cookies at all. Ever again.

...thus dooming anyone who actually takes her advice to failure, or possibly eating disorders, or possibly both.

It's all very... earnest. And misguided. And goodness, she really is Summer Van Horne, isn't she?

aedgeworth27's review against another edition

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It had some great (but not novel) healthy eating tips. And it wasn't too tipped towards spiritual stuff until the end, which I didn't love but also didn't bother me. Good book, interesting read.

bethreadsandnaps's review against another edition

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Pro: I admire that Candace embraces her faith and shares her testimony. You can hear how excited she is about God in her writing.

Like others, I was hoping this would be a memoir about her Full House years, and it wasn't.

Con: Her message doesn't work very well in a weight loss book. If you pray and display self control through eating less and exercise, you'll be successful is her message.

It comes across as moderately preachy. I know she doesn't want to come across that way, but it does.

The yoga part had me LOLing. Now I don't like yoga. Mainly because I can't meditate well. I personally prefer Pilates to yoga. However, her reason is kind of crazy. She thinks yoga leads you astray spiritually. Really!!??

There was some women as a "helpmate" to men references that thankfully didn't get explored more. The few that I read were cringe worthy.

The fan letters she had in the book were eye-roll inducing. Most of these letters gushed over her. She could have cut out the gush.

As far as tangible weight loss tips, I came out with sparingly few.

kgsatter's review against another edition

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I didn't finish it, but not because I didn't like what she had to say. I like the way she presents her spirituality and how that can go hand in hand with physical fitness; I'm not at a place in my life where I need help with that aspect. But someday I may come back to this book and read it all the way through.

jlynnelseauthor's review against another edition

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I met her and got this autographed!

I think this book is beautiful. Mrs. Bure's gentle but firm motivational stories & advice bring me to a state of mind I would like to stay in. I'd like to have a stronger relationship with God. And I'd like to take care of my body better and have better self-control. I love the way she says things and how she brings biblical stories into the fold to help deepen women physically and spiritually.

However, I think this book is easily misinterpreted, and I want to touch on three main areas: (1) First of all, if you're not a spiritual person, some of Mrs. Bure's motivational tools she gives will not make sense to you. From the negative reviews I've read, some people think she's saying ‘praying will make you lose weight.’ That's completely not the case. She's guiding you to find strength in the Lord. When you feel you're losing control or find temptation beginning to take hold of your heart, take your cares and concerns to God. She's not saying pray to lose weight. She’s saying to pray to find strength within yourself. (2) Sometimes the way she says things might be taken the wrong way too. She's always trying to be encouraging, and everything she says is meant to be from the heart and helpful. However, if you’re looking with a cynical eye, the way she says things might be interpreted as condescending or giving a negative message. (3) She's also not preaching about starving yourself. She's simply trying to teach you about not gorging yourself at every meal. Don't eat until you’re stuffed. Listen to the cues of your body and eat until your body is satisfied. Don't treat every meal like a Thanksgiving feast, but remember that food is fuel for your body. Enjoy it in moderation, but also be mindful of how much you are eating. She clearly outlines, too, that she does fast, but she never fasts to lose weight. It’s a tool she uses to strengthen her relationship with God and walk in the path Jesus walked. For some people, this is a powerful method of their spirituality which can be easily misunderstood.

I like the way this book is structured with the chapters followed by snippets of advice, verses, and recipes rounding out a section. I think it’s a wonderful way to return to the main points she's getting at as well as reiterate these ideas in your mind. Repetition is definitely an ingredient needed for success. There are also some fun-looking recipes that I'll definitely have to try.

Mrs. Bure is a wonderful speaker. I heard her as the keynote for the Hearts at Home conference in 2013. She was very candid, humble, and glowing with excitement to share her story. Meeting her in person was a real treat. I believe she cares about helping women build a deeper and more trusting relationship with God. Spiritual strength easily goes hand-in-hand with personal strengths to help us all take care of our body better. She has some great ideas about becoming the person I want to be. She does not sugar coat anything either. It’s not going to be easy, and she is clear about that. But it’s a fulfilling road if you chose to work your way down it.

Her book is not a step-by-step program. It’s a tool to look into yourself and build yourself up. Its opens your eyes to some biblical stories and verses you may have heard before but are now shed in a different light. She provides personal stories about her struggles. She helps you find ways to motivate yourself. Her love for God and for helping other women is truly apparent in the pages of her book. I very much enjoyed getting to know this child star I used to watch on "Full House" who lives her life for God. Life is work, life requires patience. If you come away with anything, it’s the tools to help you accomplish your goals both spiritually and physically. She gives me a place I want to go, a healthier person and someone who relies more on God than myself. I hope to put her words into action.

manda_reads's review against another edition

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This book was not for me. I found it to be preachy and boring. I did not finish it

bryladyzama's review against another edition

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Excellent! I really enjoyed this book! It was filled with easy tips and tricks for anyone wanting to live a healthy life, physically and spirituality. Each chapter has some great reminders, a summary of the verses used in the chapter, as well as an easy recipe. Highly recommend for anyone struggling mentally with fitness or a new believer.

bstaats's review against another edition

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I was never a fan of Full House or Candace, but I really liked this book.

It's part testimony, part motivational, and part Christian teaching. We all know that being healthy is good but Bure writes very bluntly what we can do to accomplish this and why it's important for a Christian life.

She doesn't have any weight loss quick fix secret and she says so herself. It's an easy read, but one packed with inspiration. She even includes handy little sections on Scripture verses and recipes at the end of each chapter.

If you're looking for a book to help motivate you (and convict you), this is a good place to start. She's writing as a Christian working mother, who just happens to be a celebrity as well.n

jens_1000lives's review against another edition

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amazing...she is full of wisdom