
A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi

jess_is_currentlyreading's review against another edition

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surprisingly loved this book had me kicking my feet haha

janagaton's review

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The conversations about racism towards the Middle Eastern community in this book was heartbreaking to read about, and that's why this book is so important. The only reason it's 4 stars as opposed to 5 is because I think I'm getting too old to enjoy reading about high school romances anymore lol. Other than that, I loved that our main character had such a unique combination of interests (breakdancing & fashion), and I enjoyed the subtlety of the humor sprinkled throughout the novel. The multiple storylines touching upon deeper concepts such as not only racism but also sexism, the pressures that come with being an athlete, dealing with bad friendships, having an unstable relationship with a parent, are all incorporated into one book very well.

readwithkiekie's review

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The first time I read this book I believed it was a little bit insta love but after rereading it I’d have to disagree. While the pacing of the book is quick, the story does flow through time pretty quickly making Ocean and Shirin’s relationship appear more insta love.

The writing honestly isn’t my favourite, it’s short and choppy. Tells you what happens rather than showing us, so it keeps you at arms length from forming a proper connection.

drridareads's review

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madiganinwonderland's review

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I totally love this. Super super quick read with a lovely perspective and a really sweet romance. I loved Shirin, her brother and Ocean. Ocean is definitely the first crush in a book I've had in a while he's so damn sweet. Shirin and her brother's relationship is so sweet and it really makes me wish I had siblings.
Spoiler I am SO glad this book had redemption for our mcs. We didn't excuse Shirin's behavior in the end just because we're in her perspective. We didn't even have to wait till the end for her to realize most of her shit. I love her. She's so real and not forced and to be honest of course I can't help but only picture the precious, gorgeous Tahereh as our mc. That's exactly who was in my head the whole time. It made me feel like I was sitting down with a friend who was telling me a great story. And I loved all of it. I loved the pace with the story. I didn't even mind the internet side of the conversations (probably because no social media). They completely added to the feel of their budding love.

Tahereh is such a great author from what I've read so far she just knows how to tell a good story. That being said, if I'm completely honest this book is more of a 4.5 star for me, because it suffers from a lot of telling not showing. A lot of the conflict and conversations are just wrapped up in Shirin's head for us and while it cuts down on length, it definitely took me out of the story more than once.
However, I enjoyed this too much not to give it the full 5 stars. I just loved all of this and I read it in a day because I just had to know where it was going. Overall I'm really really glad I picked this up. This gave me a new fictional character crush and a new author crush. Oh bisexuality how you make life interesting.

reeyabeegale's review

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This was a book that openly discussed how it feels like to be on the receiving end of racism. I’ve lived where I am now my whole life, I’ve always been surrounded by people with the same race as I am so it will be biased to say I know how Shirin felt.

I’ve been on the receiving end of bullying and that was something you don’t forget, it changes you in so many ways.

I enjoyed this book because it was quick and direct to the point. I love Ocean more than I do Shirin, but I struggled to picture him in the way the rest of the town/school saw him. I don’t know why that is, I can’t seem to put my finger on it, but yeah I saw (read) him differently.

goodem9199's review

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Brings back the feeling of first love with complete clarity. Such an important book about racism and privilege.

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review against another edition

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Het eerste wat ik deed toen ik het boek dichtsloeg was naar mensen kijken. Niet naar ze staren, niet mezelf verbazen, geen domme vragen stellen of aannames doen, maar echt oprecht kijken en zien. Ik zie jou, jongen met je skateboard en je muts over je oren, met je prachtige glimlach. Ik zie jou, meisje met lange roze jas en je haar in een paardenstaart, met die droevige blik in je ogen. Ik zie jou. Ik zie jou echt en niet alleen het stereotype dat de wereld jou wil maken.

Mafi is er wonderbaarlijk goed in geslaagd om een verhaal neer te zetten dat de rauwheid, de schaamte en de pijn van discriminatie weergeeft, zonder daarbij alleen maar in een negatieve sfeer te verdrinken. Want hoewel de tranen me regelmatig in de ogen sprongen, vooral omdat ik durf te wedden dat dit soort dingen nog steeds gezegd en gedaan worden, sloeg ik het boek eigenlijk vooral met een grote glimlach dicht.

Shirin, het hoofdkarakter in dit boek, maakt namelijk een hele mooie ontwikkeling door. Haar persoonlijke groei, de lessen die ze leert en wat ze over zichzelf leert, dat alleen al maakt dit boek de moeite waard. Maar ook de ontwikkeling van de manier waarop ze naar de wereld kijkt en andere mensen ervaart is ongelooflijk mooi beschreven en komt tot een prachtige conclusie.

Dit alles combineert Mafi met een lieve romance, die geloofwaardig verteld wordt, maar nooit als episch of eeuwig gepresenteerd wordt. Vooral dat laatste vond ik erg verfrissend. In veel YA boeken wordt gedaan alsof die tienerromances eeuwig duren. En niemand, ik ook niet, gaat een tiener ooit vertellen dat je eerste liefde niet belangrijk is. Want ik denk nog steeds regelmatig aan de mijne. Maar dat ze eeuwig duren? Dat is helaas toch meer fabel dan feit.

Wat mij betreft had het verhaal en boek nog net iets meer uitgewerkt mogen worden en net iets meer diepgang mogen krijgen, maar ik denk wel dat dit hele actuele problematiek op een hele toegankelijke manier bij de doelgroep onder de aandacht brengt. En wellicht, wellicht is dat toch een stuk belangrijker dan die extra diepgang en uitwerking die ik zo graag had gewild.

anyajulchen's review against another edition

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Es la mejor novela juvenil que he leído en un tiempo. Recomendadísima.

imissyou's review

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I mean I accidentally ran into you and I haven’t been able to breathe straight for hours

Im broken in so many ways after reading this book that I can't even explain it in a good way, but I'll just say I had to stop to breathe because it went too hard on me. How can I explain how freaking much I love Ocean? I truly don't know but this guy is one of the small amount of male love interests that I truly believe they are the one for the main character.

To be honest, both Shririn and Ocean have my whole heart. At the start I really disliked her, I tried to understand why she acted the way she acted but I couldn't, the pages passed and I started understanding her fear towards the humanity and it made me really really sad. I think the saddest thing about the islamophobia portrayed in this book is how real it actually is and how many people have to go through it in their daily life, it just broke my heart.

If I could read this book for the first time again I would but for now I'll just go and write a fanfic to change the ending so future readers don't cry as much as I did.