
Black and Blue by Gena Showalter

literaturesque's review

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Gena Showalter always delivers when it comes to this world and the characters she created. This is a different series but it still deals with the same world, problems, and paranormal action and crime her Alien Huntress series does. I love that she still gives doses of characters you love from that series in this one too, as well as creating brand new people to love. That is, if you don't mind just how much this world is fantastical and unusual. These are human characters falling for Aliens after all (though to be honest they're really just more ridiculously beautiful creatures than humans, who may occasionally have powers humans only wish they had, gold or sparkling skin, and wildly colorful eyes. And they're full of Danger and have to deal with the typical problems and discrimination you see in the world).

Corbin Blue and Evangaline Black and both characters I loved so much. Corbin was so much more than his looks and sex appeal (but let me just say....there was a lot of it) the way he flirted and played with Evie made me laugh out loud but he was so capable of making me swoon and soften at the way his feelings for her evolved even with the misunderstandings between them. Evie was easy to relate to and easy to enjoy even when she was being her complicated difficult self while in denial about what she was feeling for him. And when she does fall for him she doesn't do a complete change in attitude because her spunk and sass is who she is no matter if she loves you or not.

I hope John is given his own book as well, he deserves it.

franjessca's review

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Full Review posted on Book Lovin' Mamas

The storyline and the romance between the characters should have readers enjoying every bit of this story. (Those two had built up tension between them, and they needed to get it out)

I give this book five full moons and highly recommend it to paranormal romance readers out there. If you are a fan of Gena Showalter, then you will enjoy this book. I highly recommend reading the books in order though. You will want to know what Solo went through in Last Kiss Goodnight.

Oh, and for everyone, who misses Dallas, you will get even more of him in this book. I still love me some, Dallas. =)

jotyler2021's review

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3 1/2 stars...Finally. I was pleasantly relieved to see that Gena broke through a barrier while writing this book. Although the writing still seems unsure and cautious at time, you can really see a vast improvement overall. And I have to say that it's a huge relief for me as a fan of Gena's books.

The story was interesting, reminding me of the Alien Huntress novels, which is a plus, and you get plenty of action and violence to go with it. Watching Blue and Evie's relationship develop was fun to watch; they really played off each other well. The chemistry is pretty hot, although not as steamy as the old Gena, I can definitely say the improvement is HUGE. But one thing I can confirm is that the sex scenes are much smoother going than previous bumbling attempts at them. And we don't need to wait for a wedding to get any action!

To sum up...this book is a big win for me. I am looking forward to book three, where we finally get to meet the elusive, John No Last Name.

ceres84's review

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great read. much better than the first book in this series. I really liked Evie and Blue. They had a great chemistry and I really enjoyed their bantering. the story was very interesting and exciting. so I will definitely read the next book in this series

shell74's review

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See my full review:

cbrich21416gmailcom's review

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Mercy! This was not what I was expecting when picked this book up at a book sale for a quarter! I didn’t read the first and didn’t realize it was the second in a series when I got it. This book is darn near straight erotica. I’m not complaining mind you, but be warned going into it. If you don’t like loads of steamy sex scenes stay away. If you love steamy sex scenes I highly recommend this book.

straightupbookish's review

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yes yes yes genas back loved this book her last couple of had been disapointing but loved this one

nicolewhopickedthisbook's review

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Love this spin off!! I have every book of hers. she is amazing.