
Downfall by Jay Crownover

nicolerko's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars
I really enjoyed this one. I when I mean I gobbled it up that's honest truth. I couldn't put it down. I loved the characters so much. They had such raw emotion. It grabbed me right int he heart. Solo,man you can't help fall for that guy. He's life has been on the tough side and has made him a hard man, but he has such a heart of gold. He has such a protective side when it comes to those he cares about. Orley and Noble turn his life completely upside down. I loved the scenes between Noble and Solo. They really warmed my heart. This is a great book because it really shows you you can't judge a book by it's cover especially when it comes to people. A real good message with a book that doesn't let you go until you finish it.

alexandra_92's review against another edition

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I received an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Review and blog tour can be found on *Milky Way of Books*

This story, as told in Jay's introduction at the beginning of the book, is set in the world of The Point series. Since I have pretty much read everything, I knew what was happening and what was going on with the code-named key characters. If you haven't read the series, then there's no problem because this is a good start if you are a first-time reader of Jay's works.

I loved Orley and Solo. They seemed so different and yet they fit perfectly in each other and in a cruel city which shows no mercy. Their moments were sweet and the setting around them felt very realistic. Not to mention that they have great chemistry. ;)

larareads2much's review against another edition

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arden19's review against another edition

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The whole book was good, but that ending had me honest-to-goodness cheering out loud! <3

dreajones's review against another edition

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I love Solo and Orley 😍

artemissia's review against another edition

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Mon avis complet :
Dans l’ensemble, En chute libre est une très belle histoire d’amour et d’espoir. Un message d’amour également de la part de l’autrice pour cet univers si compliqué, mais qui, par la force de ses personnages, a su devenir merveilleux. Merci Jay Crownover !

whatcha_listening_to's review against another edition

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This book was kinda awesome I loved that it felt like a point book but not. I love that she was a single mother and how this big kinda scary dude who was so standoffish wormed his way into their lives and it was so much better for not only them but for him.

It had me sucked right in, I didn’t want to pause it for any reason.
Not your normal boy next door that is for sure but it was one of my favorites by Jay Crownover and I can’t wait to see what more she has in store for us.

I also really enjoyed the narration, both narrators do a fantastic job of bringing the book to life for us listeners. More by these two are in my future that is for dang sure.

greylandreviews's review against another edition

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3 stars
Feels like this book is connected to her The Point with some of the references. But you don't need to read that series to read this particular book. It was an okay book, always enjoy reading a single-parent romance.

booknerd_1107's review against another edition

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***received an ARC in exchange for an honest review***


Jay Crownover once again brings to life a story that will capture your attention and heart and won’t let go. You will be rooting for Orley and Solo hoping that they will find a way to a life they deserve and Noble will make a lasting impression on you. I have been a long time fan of Jay Crownover and each book she surpasses my expectations. Get ready for a wild, dangerous, sexy ride that will have you wanting more!

Orley can’t catch a break. Her job has decreased her hours, her babysitter has told her she can no longer help and now her car is dead. But when she gets into a bad situation she meets a stranger who will not only help her that night, but who will become someone she will be able to trust with all of her secrets.

Solo takes care of everyone and when he sees a woman and her child getting assaulted he steps in without a second thought. What he doesn’t realize is that he just saved his new neighbor and that she and her daughter just might save him also.

As Solo and Orley get closer they will find what they have been looking for in one another. But will it all work out in the end? Or will their happiness be threaten by someone who is trying to take Noble?

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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Ce nouveau roman de Jay Crownover s'inscrit dans la lignée de sa série que l'on connaît en France sous le nom de 'Bad'. Cependant, comme le précise l'auteur dans son avant-propos, ce livre peut se lire indépendamment du reste, car elle reste vague sur les personnages qui gravitent autour du héros, mais pour celles qui auront lu la série, vous allez retrouver des lieux des personnages bien connus !

Solo est quelqu'un qui n'a pas peur de se salir les mains, et qui s'attache à faire régner la sécurité dans son quartier, c'est celui que les voyous craignent, et qui bosse pour Bax, et participe à des combats clandestins pour Nassir. Sous cette montagne de muscles et ces tatouages multiples se cachent un jeune homme au coeur en or, très attaché à sa maman, et qui tombe très vite sous le charme d'Orley et de sa petite fille. D'ailleurs, sa relation avec cette dernière est touchante et très jolie à lire.

Orley a trouvé refuge dans une ville qu'elle déteste, elle est méfiante et fière, aussi, elle va mettre du temps à baisser sa garde et à laisser Solo les aider, elle et Noble, sa fille. Grâce à lui, elle va s'ouvrir aux autres, lier de nouvelles connaissances, et reprendre en main une partie de sa vie. Ce n'est vraiment pas facile pour elle de faire confiance, elle tient à son indépendance, mais au vu du danger qu'elle encourt, elle aura bien besoin d'un coup de main pour devenir libre.

Dans ce roman, on se retrouve donc (de nouveau) dans cette drôle de ville qu'est 'The Point' et on retrouve peu ou prou le schéma des tomes "précédents". À savoir un mec à l'allure peu recommandable, qui trempe dans des affaires louches, et une fille qui se retrouve malgré elle dans ce lieu qui craint. Après des débuts tendus, ils vont tous deux s'apprivoiser, se rapprocher, et surmonter des épreuves ensemble. Pour les "initiés", les clins d’œil aux personnages que nous connaissons sont sympas (et Key est toujours aussi badass !). Rien de nouveau donc, je trouve que par rapport aux autres tomes de la "série", celui-ci est un cran en-dessous, mais cela reste une histoire efficace.