
Άγρια νύχτα by Gena Showalter

eulsie's review against another edition

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1 star. DNF at 59%. I can't believe how bad this book turned out to be. How does this have so many good ratings?

I told myself that if the story and characters didn't improve by the first 100 pages, I would stop reading. I persevered a little beyond that, but mostly by skimming to see if there was any hope that could save this experience for me. There wasn't. It all got worse. Partially thanks to this little quote here, given by my buddy Paris, who I want to toss into a sea of molten lava:
“Who is she, why is she still here and when can I see her naked? Paris asked with an eyebrow wiggle.”

Basically, there's this girl, Ashlyn (our special snowflake with soft, honey-blonde hair who doesn't know just how BeAuTifUL she is), who hears voices in her head and hates it. So she goes off in search of someone to help her figure out what's wrong and fix it. Long story short, she runs into this glorious, demon possessed-warrior in the woods named Maddox. They have the hots for each other from the second they make eye contact. He takes her back to his castle, which houses his other demon-possessed, roommates. By this point in the book, I was bored but still a little intrigued, so I kept reading. It wasn't long after this point that I almost lost it.

If there is one thing you should know about me, it's that I abhorrently despise insta-love. I will admit... I have seen it written well in the past, but rarely. And here's the thing: two people can be attracted to each other instantly, but don't play it across as love. It's lust. Haters can blame that opinion on my stone cold heart.
This book could have been salvaged despite the insta-love, but there was nothing to redeem it. There are a lot of problems I had with the story itself, but essentially, Ashlyn has no personality whatsoever and becomes completely dependent upon Maddox. Maddox views her as this delicate, soft, virginal angel who must be protected at all costs. *facepalm* chill, dude. maybe get to know her before you dive right into her pants. geez.

Ashlyn is no better. Despite being an educated, seemingly intelligent woman, she does nothing but sprain her ankle, get locked in a dungeon, pitch a fit and cry, and follow Maddox around like a lovesick puppy. They both truly believe that the other hung the moon. These two act like they're in love after literally a few hours. STOP. Give me character development. Give me something to relate to. Give me CONSISTENCY (Y'all really expect me to believe that Maddox's castle is decked out with televisions, porn/sex dolls, and security cameras, but he doesn't know how to procure medicine for Ashlyn when she gets alcohol poisoning? Are you serious?).

I seem mean. I swear I gave this book the benefit of the doubt. But I'm not suffering through the other 41% of this book.

birdloveranne's review against another edition

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It was pretty good. I liked the "brothers" and do look forward to reading more in the series. Some of the world building type things seemed strange. Guess I'll have to read more books to see where all that is going.

sandyfleener's review against another edition

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3.5 stars a good story but could be better

The sex scenes are very good. The characters needed more fleshing out for me. But since I'm just getting into the series that is what I look for. I think I'll really like the series more once I get to know everyone better. On to the next book.

crochetchrisie's review against another edition

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So... I may have read this all in a day. Yup. It was good. It's a hearty, steamy 4 stars.

sherrill's review against another edition

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A good series that is promising in all aspects.

Nothing like a good demon, a fortress of a castle, and love!

obviouspseudonym's review against another edition

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A little boring. The start was interesting, but I really don't like it when we start jumping around to other people in the story who aren't the main characters. Just not my cup of tea.

Also do lesbians not exist in this universe?? Paris is weird.

sandeeisreading's review against another edition

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rereading... just cause.

juburkasaurus's review against another edition

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I picked up this book and wasn't expecting much. I have read several reviews and what not on this series and I was curious. So I finally got to it and ........... Let me tell you it was a page turner. I loved the characters, the story line, and the plot. It didn't ramble, in my opinion, which you have to admit some books in this genre can get a little ramble-ly.

I was laughing out loud at some parts and wanted to cry at others. But the last couple of pages made to do both. I loved that last conversation between Maddox and Ashlyn.

I do have to admit I got really confused by some of their demons. I mean there are ... what?... 10 or 12 demons? So trying to keep them straight was a little confusing, but after awhile I got the hang of it. And what is with some of the demon names? Some just don't work right with their actions, mainly Aeron's. I mean "Wrath" just did not work for him. "Vengeance" or "Justice" or something else would have worked better.

Anyway, I do believe I will go out and get the rest of the serious and continue reading them. Ta ta for now.

lillyenrose's review against another edition

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Action & Romance

The Darkest Night was an absolutely wonderful read! I was hooked! There was romance and action and supernatural forces! Everything I love all in one book. I’m amazed that it took me this long to start this series. This is definitely for an older audience as there are explicit moments in it, but they are well done in my opinion. Highly recommend for a mature audience who is looking for supernatural beings, love, violence, laughter, and romance.

livinliterary's review against another edition

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This was a very good story. I liked Ashlyn and Maddox. There's a ton of info in the story as it's the beginning of the series so you do have to pay attention or you could miss some pertinent info.