
The Match by Harlan Coben

mmc6661's review against another edition

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Harlan Coben returns with Wilde, The Boy from the Woods. If you've not read The Boy from the Woods you will still enjoy Match since the author references Wilde's past enough to understand although I highly recommend reading both.
Wilde was found as a child in the woods and has never known where he came from or who his family was. He's put off DNA testing for some time but now he's finally ready to search for his true identity.
As Wilde starts to contact possible family members who are matches through ancestry sites he discovers that not everyone wants to be known and not all is what it seems. Soon people are disappearing and bodies are showing up. Wilde may possibly find all the answers he's looking for but at what cost? And who is taking out their own retribution righting wrongs?
As with all Coben's books he pulls us into an intricate cast of characters who seem to have nothing in common only to put them all together in the end. Also like Coben, it's that last chapter that finally gets us!
I always look forward to the next Harlan Coben novel!

where_the_pages_bleed's review against another edition

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Thank you to Penguin Random House SA for gifting me this book in exchange for an honest review.

TW: Death, Suicide, SA, Cyber Bullying, Mental Health issues, and Abandonment.

First note, if you are here and this is your first Wilde book this is no.2. BUT Good news, because Mr. Coben gives enough info, you can jump into this one WITHOUT reading no1. A round of applause to Mr. Harlan Coben thank you...

Wilde was left in the woods as a young boy, who knows for how long really. He's lived his life being separated from his past, or so we thought. After Wilde does a DNA test to find relatives, he is sucked into the whirlwind lives of reality stars... Right where the fun begins.

Wilde is messaged by a close-matched relative only known as PB for help, but Wilde is a little late with his response. As this is the only matched relative Wilde has ever had he needs to find this person, not only because they asked for help but because they hold a key to finding out who this 'boy from the woods' really is.

This book has:
- The good old Wilde-ness we deserve
- Reality t.v. and the dangers of it all.
- Cyberbullying and the dark web
- Murder, always that.

This book also offers us more of Wilde, more info on him as one of the main quests is to find out about his family. This part is both a happy and enraging moment. Are some truths really worth coming to light? And what is the price of fame worth in your life?

janedreader's review against another edition

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Loved it! Hope to see at least 1 more in the Wilde series

alixfish's review against another edition

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Another great Coben book! So fast paced and it slowly snowballs all throughout the story

carolpk's review against another edition

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I was not as engaged in this story as I thought I might be. I think it would make a better Netflix or Amazon streaming series than a compelling read.

jennchandler's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. I enjoyed this very much and had a hard time putting it down. I did however, struggle figuring out all the relationships at the end, which I think is problematic, considering that there’s such an emphasis on the DNA relationships in this book.

joo13's review against another edition

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I read the previous Wilde book and then straight into this one. We find more of Wilde's background and he gets dragged into a DNA mystery that may or may not have something to do with his past.
I found this very enjoyable.

scarlet_thomas's review against another edition

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The Match (Wilde #2) by Harlan Coben was wildly disappointing. I loved The Boy From the Woods but this follow up was hokey and annoying. It could’ve really been good regarding the DNA matching websites, but it just didn’t live up to the previous book.

laurapk's review against another edition

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4.5 stars because there were a few issues but oh my! This book hooked me and believe me I had a hard hard hard time putting it down. I've rarely been able to sink into a book like this and just completely ignore the world around me. So obviously, rounded up to 5 stars.

The author knows very well how to build tension and twist your expectations around. The DNA match chase got a bit complicated and could have used a small clarification in the final chapter, but it was such a fun ride. And the dialog was SUPERB! Loved it!

There were a few small questions I had about the book:
- It was unclear to me how Wilde setup all the safety protocols on his phone before powering it up.
- How did Wilde know how to turn on a VCR player as a kid?

The ending was a bit abrupt because I felt like one very important plot issue was left unsolved:
SpoilerI'm talking about the part where Wilde was kidnapped and tortured by 4 cops from Hartford who thought Wilde may know who killed their former colleague, and nothing happened to them! That's a pretty big issue! One that I wanted solved.
However, I suspect this novel connects with other ones from the author, so it may get addressed in a future novel. And while Wilde was a good person to follow, character development was pretty sparse for my taste--with the exception of Hester, she was brilliant I want to see more from her in another book.
Spoiler I'm also a bit hesitant about the "Peter was framed by a woman for SA" plot, even though I give the author props for opting to leave the possibility that Peter actually schemed together with his wife Jenn, thus taking him off the victim pedestal.

And now, excuse me while I search more books from the author and overload my already over-full TBR.

reneek84's review against another edition

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Another fantastic read.