
Ugly Girls by Lindsay Hunter

bibli0rach's review

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Two young women bond together by acting tough. When the same boy starts to send both of them messages on Facebook, each of them begin to develop a relationship with him. Creepy stuff, especially for those of us who work or live with teens.

rubenstein's review

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Ugly Girls lays everything out in the open from the very beginning. There's no glossing over or pretty little bows. Instead, this is a story with a stark portrayal of two unhappy and bitter girls. There's no one to root for, no team to cheer on. At times overwhelming, and without a doubt tough, Ugly Girls held me captive. Despite the gritty feeling I had when it was over I enjoyed this one immensely and I do recommend it - though have a sappy love story on deck. Trust me, you're going to need kitten videos by the time Ugly Girls is through with you.

For the full review and more, head over to The Pretty Good Gatsby!

goldbirdcages's review

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Beautiful, vicious, very real.

voya_k's review

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Right up my alley of sad poor people doing horrible stuff over and over and wishing they could stop. Recommended for fans of Orange is the New Black! Ugly Girls has jail, ride-or-die friendships, regrets, obsession and nuanced portraits of lower-class ladies aplenty.

mylibrarybooks's review

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So. Good.

jbamlove's review

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sadiyya's review

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Lindsay Hunter's first novel Ugly Girls is very good. I wouldn't mind watching a movie adapted from this novel. The story is dirty, real, and leaves a person full of questions.

oliviapengle's review

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Bitter, raw and gripping. No likeable characters, but you felt tenderness towards them for all their hurt. A quick novel about class that has no seamless ending.

kels_mca's review

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Far from uplifting, but very well written.

icameheretoread's review

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I didn't finish Daddy's, I forget why. And possibly I would not have picked Ugly Girls up if I had known it was by the same author. Ugly Girls- however, I couldn't put it down. It's like watching an accident about to happen, and being unable to look away. Ugly is a character itself in this story. Every character has some form of ugly in them and it all comes out. Hunter did a great job of getting into characters' heads, I just had to shake the disturbing feeling that left behind while reading it.