
Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers

itsdanysbooks's review against another edition

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holy crap som to prečítala za jeden den. presnejšie za 5 hodin.

To bolo take uzasne, ze je to jedna z naj knih za tento rok! za velku cast hodnotenia je zodpovedná dokonalá audiokniha, ktoru odporúčam. A viem si ju presne predstaviť v tej booklab edícii ako je Mŕtve dievča a Charlie


- KONEČNE super duper mega skvelá hrdinka, ktora bola ironická bitch. bola presne taka po akej som už dlho tuzila, taka antihrdinka, ktora bola na vsetkych protivna a kedysi bola kralovnou skoly. milujem ju
- pribeh. myslela som si, ze je to mega predvidatelne, lebo uz dopredu som tipovala, co sa jej asi stalo, ale nebolo to tak. az na konci mi začínalo dochádzať; ze co sa stalo
- vtiiiip. na to, aku temnú temu rieši kniha som sa dost nasmiala na tom, ako je super napísaná. a teda hlavne na skvelo nahovorenej audioknihe
- hrdinka pilaaaaaaaa. uz len cigarety mi chybali ale huraaa. celkovo bola kniha dost realne opisana, co sa tykalo mladych, ze bezne mali sex, party, pili, nadavali, ale na hodinach mali voci profesorom rešpekt
- aj napriek typickej stredoškolskej téme tam nie je ziadna svina, ktora hrdinke robi napriek ako v kazdej jednej knihe. tou svinou je totiž hlavná postava


- po tom, ako nas autorka celu knihu pripravovala uryvkami na skutocne odhalenie som teda čakala nieco epickejsie a hrozivejsie
- skoda, ze sa o tom, ako hrdinka pila len hovorilo a nezažili sme to velmi
- ship?? autorka vykreslila az prilis dokonaleho kamoša na to, aby predstavila menej zaujímavého hrdinu

Jednoznacne odporucam!!! Ako, 75% knihy sa nic nedeje a len sa rozpravaju, chodia do skoly a hrdinka ma sebadestruktivne sklony, no nieco ma na tom tak chytilo, ze som to musela skratka dočítať. malo to totiz vsetko co na takych YA contemporary knihách milujem - realitu, smutnú temu, tajomno, sex a alkohol, skutocne svinu hrdinku.

surpriseitem's review against another edition

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4.5 because the ending could have been a little more fleshed out but everything else about this book was perfect for me. I love Courtney Summers. <3

elinlorentsson's review against another edition

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4.5 stars!!!!!!

mellabella's review against another edition

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Cracked Up To Be kept me entertained. It was well written and thought provoking. The main character (Parker) was not likable. At all. She came across and whiny and self important. She is on some sort of tremulous probation period with her school due to an episode where she stole her boyfriends (at the time) $, went to a hotel, got drunk and took pills. Her ex boyfriend still wants her back. I have no clue why. Even though he was kind of dating Becky. The girl who took over Parker's place in the high school hierarchy of popularity. Becky sounded like Elle from Legally Blonde. I don't know. Maybe because the author referenced her wearing pink a lot. She is trying to distance herself everyone that cares about her. When I found out what Parker actually did at the end of the book. It made me dislike her more. No. Actually, scratch that. I started to dislike her more when she convinced her parent to get a dog. The dog died when she took it for a walk. She was nice to the dog. I guess. But she also told her mother that she didn't care if the dog lived or died. Hmm... There is also Jake. A guy who has no clue why he lies the insufferable Parker. I liked CS's other books way better. But this was not bad.

christajls's review against another edition

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This review originally posted at More Than Just Magic

Cracked Up to Be is outside my usual reading comfort zone. I don’t read a ton of contemporary and almost no books about teen “mean girls.” So I was a little nervous diving into it. I gave myself plenty of time to read it so that I would be able to finish it during the read-a-long. I did not expect that I would totally be sucked up in the story to the extent that I would start sneaking pages whenever I could – while cooking, in the morning when I was supposed to be getting ready for work, over my lunch break. I couldn’t get enough. This book is addictive – I couldn’t wait to find out what the big secret was that had caused Parker to change her life so dramatically.

One thing that really stood out for me, other than the mystery of it all, was that Parker wasn’t a particularly likeable character. In fact she could be down right horrible. But for me this was a nice change from the average YA female protagonist. People are complicated and they are layered and reading about characters who are perfect in every way gets boring. Reading about someone like Parker, with character flaws abound, is significantly more interesting.

bmg20's review against another edition

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nagam's review against another edition

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This was my very first Courtney Summers novel. I was super intrigued by the summaries on all of her books – she appears to tackle huge issues in a very tactful way for teenagers. This particular book was my first to read because there was an element of suspense. We are introduced to Parker at the height of all the confusion – her life has gone to crap, her parents tiptoe around her, her guidance counselor and principal are on her case, and she meets the new boy at school. The catch is that Summers strings us along with subtle hints and slowly pieces the entire story together.

I immediately wanted to be Parker Fadley. She was a strong, witty, takes-no-crap kind of girl. Her sarcasm left me in fits of laughter, even though I knew that deep down it was just a cover up for whatever she was hiding. When new-boy-Jake is introduced, he becomes yet another source of tension. Parker is trying to force him away with all the abrasiveness she can muster, but something continues to pull them together. Jake is intrigued by Parker because he can’t figure her out. I was definitely rooting for Jake because I found that Chris (Parker’s ex-boyfriend-that’s-still-in-love-with-her) had serious issues since he was in a relationship yet still confessed his undying love to Parker. I also couldn’t figure out why Chris and Parker had ever broken up, so I assumed that the unspeakable-suspenseful-truth had something to do with him.

Overall, I really enjoyed Summers’ writing. She’s clever and funny in all the right places. I do wish the story had progressed a bit faster so that the ending wouldn’t have been so abrupt. Once I finally figured out what happened, the story ended ten pages later leaving me with a few too many unanswered questions. I am all about using my own imagination and filling in the gaps of the story, but I really felt like this needed a bit more. I would have been happier if the book were a little longer. Although this book wasn’t a best-book-of-all-time kind of read for me, I will still definitely be picking up more of Summers’ writing.

Are you a fan of Laurie Halse Anderson‘s books? If so, then I highly recommend you check out Courtney Summers. And vice versa. I’ve read a number of Anderson’s books – Speak, Wintergirls, Twisted, and Prom. You can’t go wrong with any of those if you’re looking to read something similar to Summers’.

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kagold240's review against another edition

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“Unlikeable” female protagonists are all I want to read about now

hitbooksnotgirlz's review against another edition

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This is another one of those books where the MC alludes to an event, THE event, something that changed the course of their entire life and made them who they are today.. But they don’t give you all the information. Bit by bit, slowly but surely, you get a little more. It wasn’t until one of the final chapters that the story came together and the final piece was put into place. It was kind of fucking infuriating, but riveting at the same time.. This kind of writing annoys me, but I guess it interests me too.

ckausch's review against another edition

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High school girl suffers a downward spiral and no one can help her. Loved it. A lot.