
Градът на тайните by Sasha Gould

angelcwrites's review against another edition

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You can find this review and many more at Mermaid Vision Books!

Release Date: March 13, 2012
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 262
Format: Hardcover
Source: ARC received from publisher

Tell Me More: Before I say anything else, I have to express my disappointment over the change in covers. The previous cover--which you can see here--was beautiful and atmospheric. It had the feel of a Renaissance painting, which tied in wonderfully with the story. The new cover, however, feels derivative and might actually make casual bookstore browsers believe that it is a paranormal novel. Sometimes I agree with the need for a new cover, but this book didn't need it.

The reading experience itself is difficult to describe. Laura's story is full of mountains and valleys of revelations, but you are never quite sure which one it is. Conversations that seem innocuous turn out to be damaging, events meant to save reputations destroy them. And in the middle of this quiet chaos is a sixteen-year-old girl who has to learn to lie and cheat and keep deadly secrets, not only to save her life but her family's as well. "Intense" doesn't even begin to cover it. Gould's talent for atmosphere serves her well--you can almost hear the lapping of the water against the gondolas as you turn the pages. Laura's world is an easy portal to enter, and shadows lurk everywhere. I was extremely impressed with the details Gould included in the story, and my attention never wavered while I was reading.

I cite this book as an excellent example of well-written teen literature for many reasons. One of them is the impeccable combination of parts that turned into a magnificent story, otherwise known as organic unity. It is one of the standards I hold books up to when I read them. Should the author drop the ball, so to speak, by including unnecessary scenes or confusing plot twists, it becomes harder for the story to remain whole. Cross My Heart is a powerful book for many reasons: because Gould takes care to mold her characters well and make their actions believable; because her atmosphere reflects her setting and vice versa and; because the themes of secrecy and loyalty are played out in mysterious ways. I never once asked myself what the point of a particular scene was, nor did I think there were any unnecessary characters or descriptions. Gould said exactly enough of what she needed to say to provide a tightly woven and intriguing read.

The Final Say: Historical YA has found a bright new voice in Sasha Gould--Cross My Heart is not a book you should miss if you love chilling revelations and emotional intensity.

amandapearl2's review against another edition

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This was a fine historical mystery and I think it would be great for people who are looking for a light read. There's nothing deep going on here, but if you're looking for a fun historical murder mystery with a little romance too, then I would recommend.

nataliesboooks's review against another edition

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A suspicious murder set in Venice - I was pulled in at first. However, I found the "love story" to be tiresome. For example, one character is asking the male love interest why he loves the main character Laura. His response?

"She's the most beautiful woman in Venice."

Really??? Superficial much??

Also, they barely spoke and then they were in love. I wasn't feeling it.

Laura was foolishly naive and did not learn and grow throughout the novel. Her father was an annoying alcoholic social climber. I didn't like him at all. The women of the secret society seemed like nothing more than gossips. I didn't see their "power." Laura's best friend seemed superficial. So you can see, I didn't really care for anyone.

Also - I found the story to be too short. Everything was wrapped up so quickly which made me feel like the "problems" of the novel weren't really problems at all.

Again, I read this because it set in Venice and I love Venice, but I was seriously underwhelmed by it.

jolieraeee's review against another edition

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it was amazing! completely unpredictable (except for one thing, but outa the whole book that's pretty good)

maidmarianlib's review against another edition

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The pacing, especially at the end has problems, but this one kept me up past midnight just so I could finish it. Strong characters and atmospheric writing. Looking forward to more by this author.

vlynnk89's review against another edition

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This book is fantastic. I really enjoyed the characters and the intrigue.

mctmama's review against another edition

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A historical fiction and a thriller/murder mystery, too. Also, a little romance in the plot as well. I enjoyed this story of Venice and learning about the "Segreta" a secret society of women!

wint's review against another edition

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2½ stars
A pretty fun ride with an unfortunately annoying writing style.
The thing that it most reminded me of, weirdly, was The Selection, entertaining, not that deep, still immersed on the cool aesthetics of a time-vague Venice.
Don't know if I will pick up the second one (to be honest I didn't even know it was a series until I came to log it), but it's fine, it was already solid as a standalone.

inconceivably's review against another edition

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Cross My Heart by Sasha Gould hasn’t gotten a lot of hype that I’ve seen. Let me tell you: it deserves more! The lyrical writing makes the atmosphere so rich and engaging. The plot is full of masterful twists and turns, most of which I didn’t see coming. Cross My Heart is definitely a book I won’t be forgetting anytime soon!

Laura has spent the last few years in a convent. When she is suddenly sent for at home, she can’t wait to get there! She is thrilled at the chance to spend time with her sister, Beatrice. Unfortunately, she has been sent for because Beatrice drowned in the Venice canals. Now Laura is expected to take her place and marry nasty old dude. When she finds a way to get out of it – she takes it without fully weighing the cost. The secrets she is about to uncover make her wonder if it was worth it…

Y’all, the plot twists that Sasha Gould weaved into Cross My Heart are truly awesome. This novel kept me engaged from start to finish, I couldn’t get enough of Laura and the people in her life! Who was really on her side? Who wasn’t? All the questions I had kept the pages turning.

The setting was brilliant as well – Venice is so gorgeous and lush and exotic throughout the story. I love the life that Sasha Gould breathed into it.

And, to keep the praise coming: Laura was a great character as well. I thought she was developed well – her thoughts and actions stayed consistent to who she was. Considering how plot-driven this novel is, I was thrilled that the characterization didn’t suffer. Well, mostly…

Freaking insta-love. No matter how much I loved all the characters, not having enough relationship interaction and development is a big no-no. In fact, I’d say that this one thing is keeping Cross My Heart off my list of favorites. I was rooting for Laura to get her man, of course. But I was extremely let down by how quickly they fell for each other.

So, other than the one (albeit big) misstep, I fell for Cross My Heart. The writing was gorgeous and the plot wonderful. I definitely recommend this one to historical and mystery fans!