
Bookman Dead Style by Paige Shelton

jackielizn's review

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Bookman Dead Style is the second book in the Dangerous Type Mystery series but I did not feel like I had missed out on any information by not reading the first book. This book had a wonderfully diverse cast of characters who all varied in age and personality type. I really learned a lot about repairing books and the different kinds of typewriters while reading this book. It was really interesting. The mystery and suspense of finding out who was behind the murder kept me interested and the pages turning. As soon as I thought I might have figured out who the killer was, I started to suspect someone else. I loved this book and will definitely go back and read the first book in this series as well as others by this author.

mrskatiefitz's review

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This was another solid book in the Dangerous Type Mystery series. Though Clare's relationship to the accused killer seemed a little tenuous to me, I liked the involvement of Hollywood actors in the plot as well as the details about the state of Utah that gave me a stronger sense of the broader setting of the series than I felt in the first book. I also enjoyed the fact that there was a secondary mystery involving The Rescued Word itself. There were a number of new characters added to the mix in this book, and sometimes I had trouble keeping track of them. Personally, I would have liked to see a little more of Seth, though I do love that he is not in law enforcement and that Clare often partners up with her best girlfriend, Jodie, to solve crimes, instead of a boyfriend as is the case in many cozies. I also like where the author is taking things with Creighton, even though I don't especially like him, and I'm very curious as to where his bad behavior will lead him in future books. Finally, I loved reading about the invitation-only party that Clare and Seth attended, and I hope the fact that they will be invited every year from now on means we might see another one like it in a future book.

julieputty's review

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The writing is fine. The mystery and the sleuthing make no damned sense. Still, I just rolled my eyes and kept reading.

irishcontessa's review

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Despite two atrocious continuity issues, this lived up to the first book in the series. Secondary characters are still mostly flat and Clare is still just okay to me but the mystery was solid and the setting enjoyable.