mlindner's review against another edition

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[23 Dec 2013 Sara began reading The Stories We Tell to me and we put this on pause.]
Started re-reading to Sara in very early May 2014.

wilsonthomasjoseph's review against another edition

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This is the type of book that brings one closer to humanizing the very old past. It’s pleasing to know that someone was so enlightened and revered so far back in time, but it’s not pleasing that though his work has lasted so long, we are still trudging along and making the same mistakes. I guess it is silly to think that one open-minded thinker should change the mindset of so many when one considers the readers and heeders of other revolutionary texts of the world. But, I will judge this for myself when I start reading The Complete Essays for myself.

discobanana's review against another edition

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A few books have been that effortlessly enjoyable

grimgaze's review against another edition

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This is more than a biography of Montaigne, it is a contextualization of his essays, both the writing and the reception of them in the years since. It places Montaigne's work within the history of thought and relates it to what came before by discussing his influences and what came after by discussing his own influence. It is incredibly comprehensive in doing so. This is not just the life of Montaigne, but the life of his Essays as well, the editing of it, it's rise and falls, and it's everchanging interpretation based on the popular ideas of the times.

It is more topical than chronological in it’s approach, but still does manage to roughly give a chronological timeline of Montaignes life. Beyond his individual life, it also gives the overviews of the chaotic events of 16th century France: sectarian violence, wars, plagues, and more. It shows not only how these events influenced Montaigne, but also how his viewpoints and character influenced his own reaction to them. Even more, the character of Montaigne and how it relates to his writings is given a focus, how much of a consistency there is between the real man and how he portrayed himself.

I decided to read this book because I wanted to have a better understanding and context with which I could approach reading the Essays and it absolutely exceeded my expectations with it's scope and quality.

itsspfw's review against another edition

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إذا سألني أحد: من هو مونتاني؟
سأجاوب كما وصفت سارة بكويل مقالاته (التي تعكس شخصه تماماً): "لكنها كانت مصطبغة بالفعل بشخصية مونتاني الفضولية، المتسائلة، القلقة، وكثيراً ما فتحت ألغازاً أو مراوغات بشأن السلوك الإنساني."
مونتاني فعلاً فضولي ومتسائل ومقلق، مما أدّى به أن يكون مصدر لتحليل وبرمجة المجتمع والكينونية، ومثالاً للشخص المنتمي لذاته ومحب للقدر حتى يومنا هذا.

في هذا الكتاب، تقوم سارة بكويل بتعريفنا على مونتاني وحياته بشكل ثاقب من خلال استنادها على 20 مقالة من مقالاته التي تقرّبنا أكثر له.
ومن خلال هذه الـ 20 مقالة أيضاً، مدّتنا بمحاولات للإجابة على السؤال الذي لا طالما سألناه وطرحناه مئات من المرات، وهو (كيف تعاش الحياة؟)، ولكن على طريقة مونتاني الخاصة والغير مستثناة.

تأخذنا بكويل في رحلة طويلة ولكن لذيذة إلى فرنسا في الزمن الذي عاش فيه مونتاني لتعطينا ملّخص حياته وكيف تأثًر المجتمع الفرنسي والأوروبي والإنجليزي وبعض أطراف العالم به وبشخصه وفلسفته بشكل سلبي وإيجابي. وحلّلت لنا شخصيته المعقدة، وحكت لنا بعض الحكايات التاريخية، وعرّفتنا على أشخاص تاريخية قد عاشت معه وأشخاص تأثرّت به وأشخاص قد تأثّر هو بها.

سيرة ذاتية ممتعة وملّمة للذين يريدون للتقرب ومعرفة من هو مونتاني، والترجمة كانت أفضل من ممتازة.

soavezefiretto's review against another edition

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Extremely well written, very entertaining, thought provoking. An excellent book that also has a few lough-out-loud moments hidden between it's pages, like the part about the "cannibal chic" or saying that Lawrence Sterne's "Tristram Shandy" is like "Montaigne on speed". Genius, that.

mtillstaff's review against another edition

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Time to read Montaigne's Essais, I guess!

aditurbo's review against another edition

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DNF. Very boring, unnecessary details, too few actual teachings of Montaigne. Written in a convoluted and non-straightforward way for no apparent reason, this biography masquerades itself as a sort of self-help book, which keeps telling us how great Montaigne was without really showing us why. I'll just read the original stuff, thank you.

mickymac's review against another edition

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Worthy but weary

This book explains Montaigne in a discursive and comprehensive style that teaches much but fails to capture the mischievous and vivacious personality of the author

megbriers's review against another edition

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Not quite as interesting as I thought it might be, I feel like I should have maybe read The Essays before coming to this, and will definitely be attempting that soon. Some good chapters scattered through, but slightly too slow paced for my enjoyment.