
Space Boy Volume 1 by Stephen McCranie

owlyreadsalot's review

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This was such a cute read. From traveling through space, to finding a new home on Earth (yes, it's all gone in reverse), to dealing with all the new technology, and nuances the world has to offer. And Amy is really something different, which i love... I mean, she sees the world in flavors! Yes, flavors, and I'm all for it. Then there is the boy with no flavor, whom no one really seems to have a name for. The only thing really known, is that he has a darkness surrounding him, an aura to avoid.

There was much of all that goodness in here, but sometimes it did seem to fall flat, like when it came to Amy's friendship from her her time on a mining colony out in space. I get it's her trying to move away from the pain of missing out thirty years, but somehow it didn't read like it on page. But, maybe all of that will be shown more in the next issues.

For a first in the series, it was pretty well done, along with the illustrations. Can't forget the technology, those net gear glasses are definitely a want. It's another interesting part of the story, what it all means, the process of seeing all with a direct link up, anywhere. What it all means for mankind. Can't wait to read more on all of that, plus Amy's growth, and more about the no name guy that has more to tell than just the darkness around him.

jammeepler's review

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Space Boy feels like a classic, long-lost 80s Japanese manga in color. It's easily one of my favorite books I've ever written and one of the best webcomics I have ever encountered. If there is anything I had to ding about it, the opening chapter is a poor teaser for the story to follow. The second chapter, however, is perfect.

We follow Amy, a 16 year old girl who lives on a distant mining colony owned by a corporation. She's been there her whole life and, when she suddenly has to leave, the consequences hit harder than the saddest scenes of Interstellar. She goes into cryo sleep for 30 years and takes a long road to adapting to Earth gravity and culture. The book still has such an infectious energy, optimism, and enthusiasm.

If you love stories about space and manga stories, please check this book out.

alizalondon's review

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Super cute, I binged this entire series in a day. Wonderful characters and crazy twists, though we don’t see a lot of those in this volume (yet).

powisamy's review

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This was interesting and easy to read. I can't wait to read the second one to see where the story goes.

belle_fiction's review

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Where do I start with this? Except for saying I loved every single page! <3

Space Boy is a refreshingly unique sci-fi drama centred around Amy (the MC who just happens to have synaesthesia) and her adjustment to life on Earth. The story begins with Amy and her family living on a mining colony in space, where every person (according to Amy) has a flavour. But then disaster strikes and her dad loses his job so they are cryogenically frozen for 30 years and sent to live the rest of their lives on Earth.

Here, Amy finds it hard to adjust to life on Earth and thinks about her best friend, Jemmah, back in space (a girl who is now an adult and has children of her own). She has to contend with societal expectations and catch up on 30 years’ worth of history she missed whilst she was frozen. And then there’s a strange boy named Oliver who doesn’t seem to have a flavour and regularly skips class, but who Amy always seems drawn towards.

So there’s plenty of things happening in Space Boy which is a relatively short read but it’s packed with an abundance of issues including figuring out one’s identity, having to uproot from your home and re-adjust into a completely new one, forging friendships and self-worth struggles. Amy is an incredibly relatable character and I’m glad she has found friends in the confident Cassie and her helpful boyfriend, David.

I’m really looking forward to continuing on with the series and discovering more about the mysterious Oliver. I feel like there are going to be quite a few revelations along the way and I cannot wait!

A delightful little read that I shall be revisiting again and again.

pero_tefi's review

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I CANT OKAY, i read the webtoon and need information as to where this book reaches in the story but at the end of the webtoon I CRIED

amybbooks's review

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I really enjoyed this! It was a good start. It’s set in the future, and honestly, I can see some of the technology coming very soon for us. It was entertaining to dive into. I’m looking forward to reading the others in this series.

1katherinerine1's review

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i've been bing-reading these, very fun and goofy sci-fi series with interesting applications of futuristic technolog

rdyourbookcase's review

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I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Space Boy. It had a lot in common with Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century. I wasn't a fan of the technology but I did appreciate that the main character saw how it affected everyone around her both positively and negatively. She was the only one willing to unplug. I'm looking forward to unraveling the mystery of Space Boy in the next books!

k8s's review

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