
Reckoning by Lili St. Crow, Lilith Saintcrow

1madchild's review against another edition

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Utterly Perfect

so glad i stuck with this series.

erazonasarah's review against another edition

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A disappointing ending, but does tie up most things.

katetj's review against another edition

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More reviews can be found at my blog: Nomalicious Reads

Being a big fan of the Strange Angel's series I was beyond excited to get my hands on Reckoning, the final book in the series to find out what would happen to Dru and her companions... then the book came out and not being able to wait patiently for it to get to my mailbox I started reading reviews zealously and became terrified.

That's right, reviews... made me terrified to read the end of one of my favourite series!

After I read some people's negative comments that the ending was 'shit' and other not so nice words I started to question and pick apart all the bad things that could happen at the end, that she could end up with the wrong guy, that everyone was going to DIE... so when Reckoning finally showed up in the mail I placed it wearily on the shelf next to the others in the series and backed away to a safe distance in case it exploded.

Not really.. I'm just being melodramatic, cause I'm awesome like that!

But no, I really did leave it on the shelf for too long, but putting my big girl pants on (an no not Bridget Jone's granny pants version) I finally picked up Reckoning, thinking 'Meh, what could be so bad?'

...Nothing really. After all my melodrama I found myself quite enjoying it, even the "horrible" ending wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. Sure I can see why everyone was chucking a hissy, but I thought that it was a satisfying ending for the book and for what Dru had been through, the conclusion reflected the person she was at that exact moment.

Was it a good ending for the end of a series? Hell no! It felt too much like an ending you would have knowing that there was another book coming, or a new series coming out shortly after... I would like to see more development more of a conclusion, a lot of the new problems that came out from the end of Reckoning deserve to be solved... So is Dru's story finished? I bloody well hope not! But hey who knows! (further investigation is needed on my part)

I'm satisfied, yet unsatisfied and it's possible that I wasn't raging mad because I expected the apocalypse of all endings.

So now that my little confession and rant is over I should probably talk about the rest of the book! Reckoning had what all the other Strange Angel books had...

Those being:

* Dru being an idiot at times and me wanting to kill her.
* Dru being her normal hilarious, kick-ass and snarky self.
* Graves... being kick-ass, yet still hot and nerdy.
* Christophe being douchey and hot at the same time.
* Ash being adorable!
* Running away from bad guy, being caught by bad guy, escaping again and kicking ass.
* Oh and of course the standard... Dru not being able to decide on which boy awesome guy or creepy yet hot old dude to choose.

Okay so you get the drift, I'm not mocking or anything, I actually like all these things... I must admit though I wanted more action, more romance and I found some things were just a repeat of all the other books rolled up to the bad guy actually dying this time. It was good yet I just wanted MORE!

I really really really really hope that Lili St. Crow isn't finished telling Dru's story because although I didn't mind the ending, there is just so much left unsaid, new mysteries to solve and definitely a lot of room for her to grow into the awesome leader she should be. (not to mention other character's development after what happens!)

By Lili St. Crow
3 and a half nomalicious nomnom noms

grumpypeta's review against another edition

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An actual conclusion might have been nice. Only one question out of the many raised throughout this series is resolved. I want to know what 'Dru' is short for! Yes I spent 5 books wondering what the hell her name is short for, but in my defence so do a lot of the other characters. I would have liked something a bit more concrete than this, it just seems too open-ended to be the end of the series. I just can't see Lilith Saintcrow pulling a Richelle Mead and tacking on a spin-off series to explain stuff that could've been explained in the main story arc. So all of those questions go unanswered. Boo.

amibunk's review against another edition

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This was an enjoyable conclusion to the Strange Angels series. The author as a nice way of plotting her novels as concisely as possibly, but also in a well written manner. In the land of supernatural fiction, St. Crow's restraint will be appreciated by her readers.
Then ending had a deliberately vague feel to it, in regards to the whole Christophe/Graves/Dru love triangle and with the introduction of the Maharaj. However, this too felt slightly natural. Nothing in life ever ties up nice and neat at its conclusion, so fiction should be allowed a few messy points as well. One can only hope that eventually St. Crow will write a new series exploring these matters at some later date.

scarletcat13's review against another edition

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I loved this series and Dru as a character, but the only thing I absolutely hated was she never picked Christophe and Graves in the end. It's the last book and I assumed that Dru will finally pick one. Even if it's not the one I ship her with at least there will be closer but that didn't happen. At the end of the book not only did it feel like she not pick a boy but never told them she wasn't interested either. Leaving the love triangle in the same state it had been through all the other books.
You may not agree but just be warned so you're not super frustrated like I was.

andreana_k's review against another edition

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3.5 really. Quite enjoyed this series but by book four I just wanted it over and things were starting to get cliche, like the Italian restaurant scene with Christoph. Yes we know he's rich and cultured already and she's a hipster bum that he can't get enough of. MOVE IT ALONG.

_camk_'s review against another edition

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I shall be honest before I even begin this review that I only read Reckoning to know what happens. I did the same with the third and fourth book so naturally I had set myself up for disappointment and disappointment is pretty much what I got.

Five books later and some of the questions were not even answered. New questions were formed and were also left unanswered which is a cause irritation.
It feels like St. Crow has finished a series on Sergej but not on Dru. Maybe that's the plan, to write a new set of series on Dru, I don't know.

Dru in Reckoning has bloomed yet she seems more helpless and whiny than ever. Be it, towards the books climax, her badassery does return, thankfully.

We do learn, however, a little more about Dru, Christophe and Graves and their back stories. Not much but it's something. Speaking of the three, the love triangles carries on and St. Crow just wrote the easy way out of any love triangle which annoyed me.

Overall, I'm glad the Strange Angels series is over because I know if she brought out more I'd be compelled to read them even though I won't enjoy it.

elerijane's review against another edition

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I really liked this book. I think it was a fun, epic conclusion to the series and Dru is such a powerful independent female protagonist.

However, I am not entirely pleased at how it ended without Dru picking between the guys... I mean I get how it shows girl-power and how she doesn't need a man, but the whole romance aspect was a key theme throughout the series and not knowing who she ends up with doesn't really satisfy me as a reader.

Still going to give it a 4 star rating because I really did love reading this series. It was generally such a fast-paced can't-put-it-down reading experience.

narcissusiscrying's review against another edition

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I don't really like how it ended, but it was still great.