
Totally His by Erin Nicholas

meags's review

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I was incredibly underwhelmed by the previous book in this series, but decided to give this one a try since I hadn't disliked the writing of the other book, just the plotting. And while this book suffers from a few of the same problems, the general arc of the story is much more compelling.

Finn Kelly spots a lingerie clad actress trying to sneak back into her burning theater, and follows her inside to make sure that she isn't in danger. Sophie Birch is desperate to save the only copy of a script she feels will be a game changer for her small theater. Of course, with so much skin on display, Finn is really feeling the heat in the room. And Sophie is really digging the heroic cop display from Finn.

Despite Finn's insistence that they can and should embark on some sort of romantic adventure, Sophie puts the brakes on it. She doesn't let too many people get close because her con man of a father is back in town and she worries that he'll fleece her friends for all they have if he sniffs out what these people mean to her. And even worse, Frank Birch seems to think that if his daughter marries, he'll be set for life in a guest room. Sophie has watched her father bleed numerous people dry and she'll be damned if he'll ruin the life she's made for herself here in Boston.

I really liked the explanation of why Sophie didn't want to get involved with Finn. It made a lot of sense. It was self-preservation not only for herself, but for people that she didn't want to see get hurt the way that she had been. The descriptions of all of her previous stepmothers and the hurt and pain that Frank's marriages cost her is palpable. To me, it seemed even more compelling than a generic "I'm a afraid of getting hurt again," which I know is a real excuse that people use for not getting into romantic relationships, but after seeing it time and again, this was a really fresh way of keeping the hero and heroine apart.

I did find that some of the expositions were too long and unnecessary, and could have been dropped into the story more organically. Some of the characters seemed to just get lost in their own thoughts a little too much, which is not the best use of third person omniscient in my opinion. However, the characters were clearly separated and there was no POV-jumping. We also only got the perspectives of Finn and Sophie, which is always a good choice to keep the prose clear and uncomplicated.

If you enjoy books with family drama and light suspense, then you will likely enjoy this book. There are a lot of characters to keep track of, but I don't think reading the previous books is essential for this one. Most of them are Finn's very large and boisterous family, so that's all limited to this book.



cheryls's review

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This is book 3 in the Opposites Attract series and it features Finn Kelly and Sophia Birch. The Kelly clan is FANTASTIC! Frank Birch, not so much. I kept the hope alive for Frank until the very end. The life he led, for Sophia according to him, made me sad for her. Of course she’d doubt anyone’s staying power. The chemistry between Finn and Sophia was explosive and so much fun to watch! Finn, like his huge family, was amazing. And Angie? If she’s Finn’s mom you know she’s pretty amazing too! I adored most ALL the characters in this book. They were very well developed and had amazing personalities!

This book was a very entertaining read. I found myself either smiling or laughing most of the time. I can’t wait for more from this fantastically amazing author.

lauraanne9's review

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***ARC Provided by the Publisher via NetGalley***

I enjoy Erin Nicholas. If she writes it, I will read it, because I know when I open one of her books, I am going to enjoy it. I am going to like the characters, and I am going to be able to believe in the relationship that she creates between them.

Finn and Sophie meet when he catches her rushing into a burning building and has to carry her out because she is resisting arrest and refusing to leave quietly. And, not only do you see in this scene that Sophie is feisty, you also get a good look at who Finn is...and that he really, at the end of the day, just wants everything to work out for everyone so they can all just go on about the things they need to do.

This carries through the book and both is the reason Sophie falls in love with him, and the reason she believes they are not able to be together.

By the end, there is a resolution that works and it is a real world resolution. And, this is the other thing I love about Erin Nicholas. Her characters live in the real world, the fixes to the situation are real world. They feel like a conversation, and a resolution, that could have happened in my own life last week. I love this about her books.

I recommend this title.

howjessicareads's review

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Very fun: full review coming for Shelf Awareness!

anrobe's review

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I didn’t expect to enjoy this one quite as much as I did. A cop and a theater owner … yes, please! I love how they met – so perfect given their characters. Sophie and Finn are such an interesting mix and their journey is quite interesting and compelling. The story was more complex than some of the romances that I have read which was a nice change of pace. It was a quick but satisfying read. I love the whole finding a family theme of the book. I loved how Sophie was a bit damaged and yet still found her place in the world. I love how sassy and real Sophie felt. And it’s the little things – trying to meditate and then deciding to box to metal music. That so sums her up! She’s an interesting character to follow. Really good story. I’m going to go back and read the earlier novels in this series. It definitely read like a stand-alone but I can’t wait to go back and see how things played out before this one. Really solid romance!

NOTE: I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

ellesea's review

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I'm surprised to find out Totally His is the third book in The Opposites Attract series by Erin Nicholas because, how have I managed to miss the other books (so far)?

Sophie Birch has spent her entire life trying to get people to love her, so as an adult, she doesn't always keep up the façade. When a fire begins at the theatre she inherited from her namesake grandmother, she's desperate to get back into the burning building to retrieve something that means a lot to a person she's become close to. Only an arrogant police officer hauls her out...rescues her leaving a lasting impression on her.

When Finn Kelly sees a scantily clad woman in pink underwear running back into the burning theatre rather than to escape it, he rushes over to locate and evacuate her from danger. Only carrying the reluctant, half-naked woman stirs up far more emotions than merely doing his job to protect her from harm way.

Finn is an archetypal gruff cop but underneath that testosterone-fuelled exterior is a caring and compassionate man. He's met his match when he encounters Sophie Birch, who he recognises as a feisty woman and more than a handful-pun intended. Their attraction is instant, but it's external influences that affect their chances of even having a relationship. Yet, once everything is out in the open, their path to a happy ever after is inevitable.

I read this as a standalone and it works perfectly. The protagonists from the previous books are secondary characters in Totally His and their presence adds depth to the narrative rather leaving the reader feeling they are missing something. The author's writing kept my attention always even when scenes that made me feel uncomfortable. There's nothing wrong with that as her narrative is doing exactly as I expect from a writer...eliciting an emotional reaction from a reader.

Overall, an entertaining novel from a new to me author; one I'll be reading again soon because of her other books in this series.

***arc generously received courtesy of Forever via NetGalley***