
The Descent of Monsters by Neon Yang

loganslovelylibrary's review against another edition

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I thought the format of this novella was interesting and well done. And although the writing was excellent and descriptive, the content was just so gruesome and hard to stomach. The storyline was an interesting look into the politics of the world, but it doesn’t quite seem to fit that well with the previous two novellas. An interesting experimental novella, but not my favorite in the series!

kynan's review against another edition

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TL;DR: I got too excited about reading this series and forgot to review them as I went. Copy/pasting what I wrote for [b:The Black Tides of Heaven|33099588|The Black Tides of Heaven (Tensorate, #1)|Neon Yang||53763120]: Excellent worldbuilding, intriguing magic system, interesting characters. It's a silkpunk bonanza!

misterkait's review against another edition

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Gosh, these novellas are good. This wasn't what I expected at all, but it flew by and kept me riveted until the very end.

elzabetg's review against another edition

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Meh. I wasnt fond of the style of this one. Mostly diary entries, letters, reports, etc. It didn't seem to add anything to the story told in the first two books. Maybe it wasn't meant to but it seems like all of this book could have been part of another that told a better story.

2.5 stars

tellingetienne's review against another edition

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This novella is written in the form of letters, transcripts, and dairy entries. It was fascinating but kept me wanting more due to the format!

tiashe's review against another edition

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Lo stile mi piace e anche l’idea di strutturare il romanzo come uno scambio di corrispondenza e in modalità diario non è stata una cattiva idea. Il problema è che, arrivata a questo terzo volume, non me ne frega più niente dei personaggi, che trovo sempre poco sviluppati.
Se nel primo libro la storia sembrava interessante, andando avanti con la saga questo interesse si è ridotto drasticamente. Mi sono veramente annoiata. Leggerò comunque l’ultimo, ma mi aspettavo di più.

giulay's review

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"This is not some misbegotten love letter or ode to a life unlived. As if I’d write that kind of horseshit. Fuck that.
This is a call to arms."

TW: misgendering, gore

Unpopular Opinion Time

ashkitty93's review against another edition

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I hesitate to add this to my audiobook-would-recommend shelf mostly due to chapter 8 and all the redacted transcript content. Regardless, I love epistolary books and the intrigue was excellent.

magratajostiernos's review against another edition

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Un consejo: Leed esta saga sin prejuicios y simplemente dejaos llevar por lo que quiere contar Yang, disfrutad del viaje porque es toda una experiencia.

Para mucha gente este puede ser el libro menos atractivo de la saga pero yo no os miento si os digo que es de mis preferidos.
Hay una razón por la que amo esta saga por encima de todo y es que siempre me sorprende, es original a más no poder, juega con los formatos, con la narración, con los personajes... y es todo menos previsible.
A mi me gusta que me sorprendan y Neon Yang lo consigue como nadie.
En este libro además tenemos una de las cosas que más me gusta, y es ese formato medio epistolar lleno de cartas, informes, fragmentos de diarios... lo que hace la lectura no solo muy ágil sino adictiva. Por otro lado se nos presenta una nueva narradora, tan malhablada como genial, hay mucha más trama política y conocemos las cloacas del Protectorado.
'El descenso de los monstruos' es la demostración una vez más de que Neon Yang quería contar no la historia de un personaje sino de un imperio corrupto, de una sociedad agrietada, y consigue hacerlo sin caer en clichés y rompiendo los esquemas del lector una y otra vez.

pachypedia's review against another edition

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Me ha sorprendido para bien la nueva estructura que presenta este libro con respecto a los dos anteriores, ya que está todo narrador por medio de cartas, diarios, informes y entrevistas para esclarecer un incidente.