
The Architect of Song by A.G. Howard

lunarmonsoons's review against another edition

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dark emotional mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


sabrina_thereader's review against another edition

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I read, well more like listened to this book. the Architect of Song was my first audiobook and man was it ever stunning

For the storyline itself, this book was yet another stunning enchantment created by A.G. Howard. I fell in love with all the characters. The story itself flowed beautifully and kept my interest locked in. Each secret that unfolded was crafted with such delicacy. Overall I was amazed.

As for the Narrator, I was completely speechless. She did a fantastic job at executing the story. The emotions and voices she put into each character was original. I had yet to listen to a full Audiobook in its entirety until I came across this one, and I am forever grateful. For it showed me a new light and view on audiobooks

Overall I highly recommend this book for it is a beautifully dark, enchanting read that'll leave you speechless.

jessicabeckett's review against another edition

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If you’re new to my reviews and don't know, let me catch you up to speed: I am in love with words written by A.G. Howard. I mean. Obviously. There, I said it. I’m almost positive that I would read an instruction manual titled How to Unclog Your Toilet With Your Pinky Finger if A.G. Howard wrote it (although, Anita, please don’t take this as an invitation to write said instructions--that was a weird statement even for me and I am sure I should talk to a therapist about it or whatever and I'm probably bluffing.) and I'd give it about four-hundred stars out of five. I'm not really kidding, the woman could write "Hello, I'm A.G. Howard," and I'd probably give it the highest rating imaginable after just casually passing her my wallet.

Needless to say, I went into The Architect of Song with high hopes that only a few modern day authors have earned from me. I was excited, firstly, because of its plot and the fact that it wasn't a young adult novel. It's exciting seeing one of your favourite authors expand through the genres and in A.G. Howard's case she does so effortlessly and proves how severely underrated she is. There was something instantly classic about The Architect of Song that felt familiar yet undeniably its own--readers who love prose that is highly detailed, indulgent and poetic, will positive swoon over the glorious way this story is told.

For the rest of the spoiler-free review, head on over to BOOKEDJ.

fairestofthestars's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed reading this!
I didn't expect to like it this much. I'm not into ghost stories, but I like [b:Splintered|12558285|Splintered (Splintered, #1)|A.G. Howard||17562095] series so I gave it a try. I did feel more 'at home' with the Splintered series (but I guess that's just because I love everything Alice-themed), but I like [a:A.G. Howard|5186274|A.G. Howard|]'s writing style.

Our main protagonist Juliet is deaf, has been for most of her life. She's just lost her mother, and now holding on to her home, her sanctuary is questioned by the interest of eccentric Lord Thornton. She saw him by a grave labeled 'Hawk' in a distressed state. Due to her 'investigation' she found an unusual flower at the base of the gravestone, and took it home. By touching the petals, Juliet awakens a ghost- with no memories whatsoever. Now Juliet must balance her life- between questions who to trust, what to believe in, how to save her heart from tragic love and how to untangle a web of lies and secrets.

I really enjoyed all the characters, the pace of the story and its mysteriousness. I liked how I could never completely make up my mind on anything really, who is honest, who is not. I like Juliet's growth as a character, and the way that every relationship was linked.
This was a dark, compelling and mysterious novel, and I can hardly wait for the sequel! :)

crissimarie's review against another edition

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dark emotional mysterious sad slow-paced


bookfever's review against another edition

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 photo THE ARCHITECT OF SONG_zpsnqgykzbo.jpg

This book was gorgeous, simply gorgeous. I had high expectations and I'm so glad they were all met. I knew this was going to be a great read but it still took me by surprise in the best way possible.

The heroine of this book, nineteen-year-old Juliet Emerline was really interesting and I liked her so much. As the summary says, she is quite isolated by her deafness until she risks losing her home to Lord Thornton. A lot of mystery surround him as well as a ghost of an young English nobleman that appear when Juliet touches the petals of a unique flower she found on a headstone that has the name "Hawk" on. Together with the ghost she goes to investigate when she visits Lord Thornton's manor.

Juliet was really a great heroine. I also liked the ghost Hawk, and Lord Thornton also, even though I wasn't totally sure he was actually a good guy. This book really made me go back and forth between these two men. I don't want to reveal how they are connected or if both of them are indeed good guys or not but holy plot twist, this author knows how to shock me.

The romance was so amazing, so beautiful. And yes, there was a love triangle, sort of, in a complicated way but it's one written so well that I don't even care about that. Both men envoked a lot of feelings in Juliet that she always wanted to explore. Honestly, I loved them both to bits and pieces. They were just swoon-worthy. I have no other word for them.

The mystery about Hawk and Thornton was kind of driving me crazy. I wanted to know what was going on and who Juliet could actually trust. And I thought the end was a little sad but actually pretty perfect also.

Overall, The Architect of Song by A.G. Howard was the perfect gothic novel. Set in Victorian England, it had a dark atmosphere, a ghost surrounded by mystery, captivating romance and the writing was oh so beautiful. I can't wait for the next three books in the Haunted Hearts Legacy series!

dogmum2's review against another edition

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dark emotional funny mysterious medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


lili_darknight's review against another edition

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Historické romance majú niekoľko špecifík. Väčšina z nich sa odvíja od doby, v ktorej sa odohrávajú. Viktoriánske Anglicko prináša dostatok zaujímavostí. Doba je dostatočne pokročilá, aby sa objavovali niektoré revolučné myšlienky. No zároveň je spoločnosť stále skostnatená starými pravidlami a konvenciami, ktoré strpčovali život nielen mladým dámam.

Na začiatku čítania je potrebné si teda uvedomiť, že samotné prostredie udáva tón tomuto rozprávaniu. Očakávať priamo akciu alebo svižný začiatok možno nie je úplne na mieste, avšak kniha samotná má iné kvality, ktoré je nutné oceniť. Hlavná hrdinka Juliet je príslušníčkou strednej vrstvy. Nemá možno titul, ale jej rodina je dosť vážená na to, aby ju ostatní rešpektovali a vedeli o jej existencii.

S matkou sa živia vyrábaním klobúkov, avšak to nie je jediné, čím sa táto mladá dáma odlišuje od svojich vrstovníčok. Juliet je totiž hluchá. Chyba, ktorú spoločnosť neodpúšťa a konvencie ju predurčujú k tomu, že prežije smutný a osamelý život. Za predpokladu, že na to niekto príde. Pretože Juliet sa naučila predstierať. Využila zvyšné zmysly na to, aby zachovala ilúziu toho, že je taká istá, ako ostatní.

Avšak jej svet sa radikálne zmení, keď jej zomrie matka. Stráca pevnú pôdu pod nohami a ak nechce, aby sa stala obeťou doby, musí o svoje šťastie bojovať. Juliet je vďaka svojmu nešťastnému osudu veľmi silná hrdinka. Je tvrdohlavá, citlivá a nesmierne zaujímavá. Jej príbeh ma chytil za srdce, možno aj preto, že Juliet nebola prehnane naivná dáma, ktorá čakala len na to, kedy pricvála princ na bielom koni. Ak niečo, tak sa bála toho momentu, keď predsa len pricvála.

Ako som však spomenula už v úvode, autorka svoje knihy pre dospelých čitateľov ozvláštňuje aj paranormálnymi prvkami. V tejto knihe sa prejavia hneď niekoľkokrát, avšak najvýraznejšie v momente, keď sa objaví jedna z postáv – alebo skôr jej duch. Juliet totiž na cintoríne nájde zvláštny kvet, ktorého lupeňov keď sa dotkne, zjaví sa pred ňou duch mladého muža a navyše môže počuť jeho hlas. Po toľkých rokoch hluchoty.

Vzápätí sa otvára zaujímavé dobrodružstvo plné napätia a tajomstiev. Pretože jediné, na čo si duch spomína, je meno Thornton. A tento muž sa pomaly vtiera aj do života Juliet. Vďaka tejto zaujímavej zhode náhod sa do príbehu vkráda zaujímavá akcia spojená hlavne s odhaľovaním zabudnutej minulosti. Autorka však ani na chvíľu nezabúda, v akej dobe sa kniha odohráva a samotné plynutie deja tomuto faktu prispôsobuje.

Dianie samotné je možno vďaka tomu miestami pomalšie, avšak je o to zaujímavejšie. Postavy dostanú priestor predstaviť sa, hlavná hrdinka nad všetkým uvažuje a otvára tak dvere do emocionálneho údolia. Sú odhalené tajomstvá, objavuje sa nová temnota a ukazuje sa, že honba za mocou nikdy nedopadne dobre. Pre žiadnu zo zúčastnených strán.

The Architect of Song je veľmi citlivo a umne vyrozprávaný príbeh ako vystrihnutý z viktoriánskeho Anglicka. Autorke sa podarilo vystihnúť dobu, v ktorej jej postavy žijú. Nezabudla ani na spoločenské konvencie, ktoré dokonca aj na prelome devätnásteho a dvadsiateho storočia stále ovládali životy mnohých ľudí.

Juliet je sympatická hrdinka, ktorá je odvážna, citlivá a verná. Svoj hendikep nevníma ako prekážku a naučila sa spoliehať na svoje ostatné zmysly, aby zapadla do spoločnosti plnej predsudkov. Vďaka náhode sa stretne s duchom mladíka a spoločne odhaľujú zložitý osud, ktorý nejakým spôsobom spája Juliet, jej ducha i lorda Thorntota, ktorý prejavil záujem o Julietinu ruku.

Hoci dej možno nie je pretkaný vyslovene akciou, je hĺbavý a citlivo vystavaný. Autorka kladie veľký dôraz hlavne na emócie, pretože napriek všetkým paranormálnym prvkom je toto predovšetkým historická romanca. Tým pádom je v nej romantika dôležitá. Ale odhaľovanie záhady duchovej identity i jeho smrti je jednoznačne zápletkou, ktorá celú knihu okorenila a ozvláštnila. Vďaka nej sa do rozprávania predrali aj dobrodružstvo, tajomstvá a istá temnota. V kombinácii s typickými problémami doby a jej perfektným vykreslením sa táto kniha zmenila na jedinečný zážitok.

Osobne však cítim potrebu uviesť niečo na pravú mieru – na obálke je uvedené, že táto kniha patrí do žánru new adult. Nie je to korektná informácia. Jednou z podmienok žánru je totiž dej odohrávajúci sa v súčasnosti. A viktoriánske Anglicko súčasnosť naozaj nie je. Takže bez ohľadu na to, čo autorka o tejto knihe tvrdí, ide o klasickú historickú romancu s niekoľkými paranormálnymi prvkami.


candacerobinsonauthor's review against another edition

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I really liked this one. I normally don't like books with ghosts, but this one worked for me. I liked that the main character was deaf, and I also liked the mystery of the story. I liked being able to guess what was going to happen. Now the love triangle was odd not because one was a ghost, but I still give it a five because I just love the era and the atmosphere! Full review on my blog

alexalovesbooks's review against another edition

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I truly appreciated the nods to Beauty and the Beast, and I found the characters interesting to read about! But there were a few things that made me roll my eyes, and a few situations that definitely had me raising a brow. Still, it was a pretty good story.