
O Desafio by Rachel Van Dyken

devansbooklife's review against another edition

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5 fantastic fun filled stars!!!!
The following review may have spoilers:

I will admit I was hesitant to read this book after reading The Bet. Jake was such an incredible ass in the first book I had no real drive to read more about him. But my love for Rachel Van Dyken prevailed. And I was pleasantly surprised.
What can I say I'm a sucker for a good romance. And Char and Jake had the perfect, sizzling chemistry to keep me hanging on page by page. I loved the fire between them. The arguments and passion. I knew Grandma was setting them up for marriage but I didn't mind that predictable turn of events.
This series is made by Grandma and her slightly inappropriate and unconventional methods. She is a riot and I would love to have a girls night with her.
Thank you Rachel Van Dyken for being the incredibly talented writer you are. I love falling head first into the worlds you create.

vidyasur's review against another edition

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caseroo7's review against another edition

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I have to admit that after reading The Bet, I was a little bit worried about The Wager. I knew that we were going to get Jake's story next and that he had a lot of ground to make up. I really couldn't stand Jake for pretty much all of The Bet, and I was worried that he wouldn't be able to redeem himself in The Wager. At first he seemed to be exactly the same Jake, but as the story went on he really seemed to change. I ended up really enjoying Jake and Char's story and in the end Jake totally won me over. You can read these books as standalones, but there are some things that will be spoiled if you read them out of order. I really recommend that you start at the beginning of these so that you get to know all of the characters and really get to see the progression that they each go through.

In junior high, Char Lynn had a huge crush on Jake Titus. He was her best friend Kacey's other best friend, and they all hung out together. Things were good between them until he dropped her during a trust fall because he was he was distracted by another girl. Years later, Char and Jake had a one-night stand with him leaving her nothing but a thank you note the next morning. When she runs into him on an airplane with his grandma things go from bad to worse quickly. She wants nothing more than to get away from him, but fate has other plans. With him the Best Man and her the Maid of Honor for Kacey and Travis's wedding, they are stuck working together and are forced to help get everything ready. Grandma is up to her normal meddling and before long Jake and Char are beginning to feel more for each other than they planned. Will Grandma's actions push them to finally pursue a relationship with each other, or will they drive each other crazy before ever having a chance to have a future together?

I will just say that at first I couldn't stand Jake. He was a selfish man-whore that had no problems telling you just how great he was. It was nice to see him get knocked down a peg or two and really start to mature. I liked seeing a different side to him, and I honestly felt a little bad for him at times because of how everyone treated him. Not that he didn't earn it, but it was still hard to see him changing and really trying to grow and they would still throw it all back in his face. I liked the man he was becoming and I really loved how he had no problems committing to Char once he knew how he felt about her. Char was great. She was a little insecure and vulnerable because her parents treated her horribly and she was made fun of in school. I liked that she was so perfect for Jake though, and she was always there to tell him how it was. I loved that she never let him get away with any crap, and she encouraged him to not walk away but rather to fight for what he wanted. Char and Jake were great together and I thought that they really were exactly what the other needed. They brought out the best in each other, and I thought that were one was a little bit weaker the other was strong. It was nice to see how they balanced each other out. I also thought that they had a lot of chemistry together and you could really feel it.

Overall, I actually ended up liking this story better than The Bet. I think it is because we were really able to see such growth from Jake and he didn't spend the entire story as such a conceited jerk who thought he was God's gift to women. I also really loved getting more of Grandma and her crazy ways. She is over-the-top fabulous and I love her crazy schemes. You just never know what she will pull next, and it keeps you laughing the entire way through. Love her character so much. I did think that this story focused a little too much on Kacey and Travis towards the end though. I really felt like they had already had their book, and even though it was nice to see them they really pulled focus from Jake and Char more than I would have liked. The story even switched from just Char and Jake's POVs to getting some of Travis and Kacey's as well, and it honestly felt like too much to me. I thought it just complicated and confused things. I am really excited about the next book in this series though. I liked Char's sister Beth and Jace a lot, and of course I can't wait to get more Grandma. This series is a good one if you are looking for some laughs and like to see some real growth take place without the story being too dark or weighed down. I love how light-hearted these books are and I can't wait to read more from Rachel Van Dyken.

**Complimentary Copy provided by Publisher via NetGalley**

beyondevak's review against another edition

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Quick Summary: A fairy grandmother romance

My Review: The Wager by Rachel Van Dyken is book two in The Bet series. It is an incredibly funny rom-com that is guaranteed to keep readers laughing the entire way through.

About the Book: While the book features a playboy billionaire and a television reporter, it is without a doubt all about Grandma Nadine. She is worth her weight in gold. She is a frisky, tell-it-like-it-is, hip senior who has magic matchmaking skills. In this installment, she brings together her grandson with the love of his life. Her playful antics and hilarious strategies keep things interesting.

On a side note, I have to confess that watching Nadine block her other grandson from partaking with his bride to be before their marriage was too comical. That dog collar was way out there. I'm still laughing.

My Final Say: Readers who want a cute "I knew you when but still fell in love with you anyway" story will adore this quick read. If nothing else, they will be charmed by the fairy grandmother in the book.

Other: The Bet is book one in this series. The couple from the first installment does play a notable role in this story, however, The Wager can definitely be read without having read their romance.

Rating: 3.75/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Series: Yes


literarylover37's review against another edition

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2.5 stars

yashiras_archive's review against another edition

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Oh this book was really good. I was interested in where the author would take Jake and Char's story.

Jake isn't a settle down type. He's afraid of commitment which is why Kacey and him never worked out.

But then again Kacey was never.. It.. *insert smirk here*

Char and Jake are both Kacey's friend. And they're both Best Man and Maid Of Honor of Kacey and Travis wedding. (Jake and Travis are brothers) so you can just imagine all the shit that goes down. After all, Grandma is playing matchmaker once again. First with Kacey and Travis. Now with Jake and Char.

This story was beyond hilarious. I absolutely loved all the humor and once again Grandma Nadine became one of my favorite characters. She's just CRAZY! Just thinking about her makes me laugh.

But.. Once again with this book I felt like some parts were just everywhere and the character a jumped from being hot and cold a lot. Also, I felt bad for Jake I felt like he never got a break.

Oh! The wedding scene was beyond cute! Loved it.

Overall it was a fun light read.

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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*I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
The Wager was a good follow up to its predecessor, and I did enjoy it. However, there were a few things that ended up seeming a little unrealistic. I usually try to turn my brain off while reading these kind of novels, but this one just had flaws that were too much to ignore.

I liked Char and I thought she was hilariously funny and strong. Which is why it amazed me that she ended up giving Jake a second chance. It just struck me as odd because she was so determined not to give him a second chance. Especially after Char mentions that after he fails to stick up for he rafter a high school bully calls her fat, and that started a 2 year battle with bulimia. That made me so mad, because it can be something as simple as that to start something so deadly but to forgive the person who did that especially when they never apologize just seemed wrong. He did do some things that really redeemed him in my eyes, but I just felt like she forgave him so quickly.

Jake was a hard character to like because he knew he was a jerk and he accepted it. He did feel bad about the way he treated people, but he also felt like he deserved it. It really bothered me because Jake seemed so damaged, and yet I couldn’t really find a reason why he should be. His life had always been filled with privilege, his parents loved him, and he had women falling all over him. So it just struck me as odd that he was so determined to push Char away.

I did really like this novel and I felt Rachel Van Dyken did a great job with the characters. Jake was charming and redeemable while Char was feisty but kind. Grandma was of course the best part of the entire book, because she was just one feisty old lady who never gave up.

I would probably give this book 3 out of 5 stars because while I did suspend my brain and really enjoyed the book. There were enough red flags that they stuck with me even after I finished.

* This book was first reviewed on Moonlight Gleam Reviews*

rachelreadsdaily's review against another edition

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I absolutely LOVED this book! The first part The Bet was a fantastic story and I reread it upon The Wager's release and enjoyed it just as much. It's hysterical and will have you in a fit of laughter throughout the whole story. That Grandma Nadine is something else!

jen286's review against another edition

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Also posted to Jen in Bookland .

I was a fan of The Bet, so I decided to read The Wager even though it was about Jake, and I really didn't like him in the first book. Now in this book it is like he is suddenly a completely different person. I don't know why but I wasn't really buying that he had a crush on her forever ago and actually cared about Char like that. That suddenly he would change his ways for her? I didn't believe it. I can see him getting tired of everyone thinking the worst of him and such, but it just didn't feel believable the way it was written.

The grandmother was alright in this book. I didn't like the whole trick close to the end as seemed a bit much. Like they would just go along with it even though they just got together? I guess it is supposed to be like that and humorous, but it just wasn't for me. The book overall was better than I expected, and I did like Jake in it, but he was just so different. I didn't see why he would change suddenly. I think that was my main issue. That and it just went on forever it seemed like. I did enjoy part of the Travis/Kacey wedding, but parts just made me scratch my head. It was an alright read, but not my favorite. I'm not sure if I would read another book (potentially Beth/Jace?) with grandma just interfering like crazy in their lived. Really she was crazy and trying to help, but she also got on my nerves sometimes. If she were in my family I definitely would not have been able to handle her as well as the characters in this book.

_camk_'s review against another edition

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The Wager could have been good but it just wasn't.

Character wise - Jake and Char were really frustrating. They are suited to each other because they are both idiots.

Also, as funny as Grandma was meant to be, who let the maid of honour change into a wedding dress at someone else's weddings.

The humour was just so forced - they were so many attempts at making ridiculous scene seems funny for them to just fall flat.