
Born of Fire: The League: Nemesis Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon

jazzrizz's review against another edition

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Sigh...I absolutely LOVE Syn. He's hands-down, my very favorite character in this series. It's probably why this book is the one I re-read so much.

Shahara, like most of the females in this series ... annoys at first, until they clue into their feelings and their men's true characters.

There is so much non-stop action going on in this book. I love stories where characters can't seem to catch a break.

Syn's path in life will break your heart. How he has the compassion and empathy for others after what he's been through is mind blowing. Watching Shahara realize what an amazing man he is, and move heaven and earth for him is pretty awesome.

One of my very favorite love stories.

sarahthuotte's review against another edition

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When layers are stripped away to reveal the truth beneath layers of lies, it is wonderful to see the way it changes how you view a once reviled person, and how deep the guilt grows.

s4ufos's review against another edition

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Admittedly, I wasn’t sure how this would compare to the first book in there series. However, after finishing it (just minutes ago), I’ve got to say that I loved it. To date, it’s probably my favorite in the series (only because I haven’t read the others yet).

Syn and Shashara were complex characters that were written well. Part of the reason I gave the first book 4 out of 5 was because of Kiara and her slightly wish-washy attitude. In this book, Shashara was a strong woman and, while she made some mistakes, owned up to the things she said/did. Syn was a beloved character from the original novel, but this book gave him so much depth that I loved him even more. Out of anyone (so far), I really wanted him to have a happy ending. I think they suited each other well.

Now, if you read the author’s note in the beginning, she mentions that there is some overlap between the original book and this sequel. While there were some things changed, it was very minor and didn’t really effect the plot.

Also, the story was well written and fast paced. I had a difficult time putting it down. I rarely give things 5 stars, but this book deserves it. I absolutely loved it and will gladly read it again in the future. It makes me eager to start the third in the series.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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I loved this book as well! So much darkness, so much guilt over past actions and so much pain. But still, there also was some hope, and maybe even some love...

geo_ix's review

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I didn't personally like the epilogue because a huge issue was suddenly fixed in a few lines, but the rest of the book had me hooked. I liked this one so much more than book one, and I while I really enjoyed book one, I felt this one flowed better and had much more likeable characters. Sure they do stupid shit because they don't open their mouths and ask, but I still really loved them.

I would have preferred her intimacy issues to not fade away as quick as they did, but I also understand the book was already long and much more would have made it a little tedious. I also still can't decide if some of the cutesy romance scenes would have been okay to cut out (eg. Bath scene etc) they were cute and romantic but there was a few and most of the relationship growth - to me - happened outside of them.

Also, to get something from his past this dude had to legit face all his demons and he wasn't even doing it for himself. God he's precious.

singnie's review against another edition

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hard to finish but i did it 🫡 cant continue this series for the life of me. sherrilyn kenyon seems to think character development simply happens to her main characters once a man shows up and goes on an angry tirade about how stupid and spoiled she is

planningwithgrammy's review against another edition

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I really didn't think I would like this book. I was reluctant to start it. It laid on my dresser for a while. But once I picked it up I could not put it down. Wow, the amount of action! It's nonstop. And Syn is not a drunk for 95% of the book. But his pain is very real and slowly exposed like a bad band-aid. The love scenes are really good to. And that's what they are love scenes. So many books try to get that sort of thing right and fail. Not this book. It's a tad long. But I really don't know how she could have shortened it. This is a good book!

kittynpawell's review against another edition

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I love her she is an awesome author

sarasfroggy's review against another edition

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I really did enjoy this book. Sin is a character that you want to know about he is one of your favorites from the first book. The problem I had with this book was that the timeline of Sin missing in book one doesn't exactly line up with his own book. After reading this you feel as though the people who were so worried about Sin in book one should have known what was going on. In Sin's book Sin himself is unaware of what is going on with his friends and events of book one when there was communication. His story itself was very interesting and kept you reading to find out how it ended.

crystal_bookworm's review against another edition

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Loved it

Absolutely loved this book and the characters. So good, great action, romance and enough what is going to happen next to leave you on the edge of your seat. On to the next one.