
You Slay Me by Katie MacAlister

8bluebutterfly8's review

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The only reason I read this book is for a challenge. Otherwise I would have stopped reading it at about 20%. I think I would have liked this book more if I knew some French. The main character of this book is also from Seattle. I had no clue that so many books mentioned Seattle. It was really obvious who the murderer was for the longest time. No clue how Aisling didn't figure it out.

fishgirl182's review

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I knew I was going to have a problem with this book when, a few pages in, an airline clerk read the contents of Aisling’s passport back to her and we conveniently get her physical description. This book is definitely a case of telling, not showing, the reader what is happening. Instead of letting events unfold naturally, there are long passages where characters are explaining things to each other. Aisling also talks to herself in long, rambling monologues to explain either what’s happening in front of her or what she’s thinking. And I know this isn’t the author’s fault but my copy of the book was also riddled with typos, which made for a distracting read.

My biggest problem with the book is the main character. Aisling Grey is a Guardian. Don’t know what that is? Don’t worry - Aisling doesn’t either. In fact, she doesn’t know much of anything. She’s a total ditz who has no clue what’s going on most of the time. I don’t love dumb characters but I don’t mind them as long as they have some redeeming qualities. Unfortunately, there’s nothing endearing about Aisling and she’s more annoying that anything. As I mentioned before, she has a habit of babbling incoherently to herself and others. She is always asking questions but then either doesn’t believe or doesn’t understand the answers. She’s totally clueless most of the time and does and says many dumb things. It’s really a miracle that she manages to survive at all.

There is also a lot of very awkward dialogue in the book. I think the author was trying to go for funny and clever, but it comes across as forced and unnatural. Not everything has to be a joke, but if it is, it should at least be a good one. I also found the author’s depiction of France to be cliche and outdated. Do Americans still think that all French people are rude and snobby? Judging by this book that still seems to be the popular opinion. And the ones who weren’t cliche tourist haters were unrealistically friendly, offering to chauffeur Aisling around for cheap while telling her about Paris’ underground occult scene, and helping her with dangerous breaking and entering missions.

There were a couple of bright spots in the book. I liked Aisling’s demon dog, Jim. He probably had the funniest lines in the whole book. It was weird that everyone kept referring to Jim as “it” though. He’s clearly a male but everyone refers to him as “it” instead of “him.” Maybe all demons are supposed to be referred to as “it” but it just sounded wrong. My favorite part of the book, though, was Drake. Dark, mysterious and predatory, Drake is a real live dragon housed in a gorgeous male body. I was really intrigued by the idea of a dragon that also has a human body. I wish we could have learned a little bit more about the history of the dragon clans. Drake’s also very attracted to Aisling, for reasons I cannot fathom, and they have great chemistry. I really enjoyed the scenes that they had together, especially the sexy ones. Aisling’s dreams were h-o-t. I just wish the rest of the book had been as captivating.

As you can see, this book was not for me. I was actually quite relieved when I finished the book and was happy to be done with it. While I want to see where the relationship between Aisling and Drake goes, I will not be picking up the next book in the series.

bikes_books_yarn's review

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Was very happy that this series didn't suck. (I am so full of high praise.)I really have enjoyed her romance books so I was hesitant to start on this series. (Yeah - I held off for like 5 minutes...)

It was a good start to the series and I really enjoyed it. I found the characters likeable and the plot was silly and fun without pissing me off.


amibunk's review

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It was steamy, funny, entertaining, steamy, irreverent, fluffy and did I mention steamy? I liked it-don't judge.

carobcbg's review

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I'd heard such good things about this author and about this series, but I have to say, I was not charmed at all. Sure, there were moments of humour and for the most part the story was well-paced, but there were so many holes in the plot and more importantly, I just wasn't a big fan of the hero and heroine.

First, for an almost 40 y.o heroine, Ashling Grey was an idiot - albeit one who apparently researched demon lore just for fun. So maybe not a complete idiot, just a bimbo who by all rights should be dead from all the dangerous situations she stupidly kept putting herself into... As for Drake, to me he just came across as a smug, arrogant, sexy thief who was smoking hot (literally).

I wont rush out to read another of Kate McAlister's books, but I'll admit to being curious if it's just this one that I didn't like and maybe there are better ones of her work that I'll enjoy more.

couscous's review

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This was pretty cool and enjoyable and the plot moved fairly quickly and I wasn't bored. It also helps that the characters are very interesting. Aisling and Jim were hilarious and as soon as Jim was introduced, a demon in the guise of a talking Newfoundland who wants to go walkies, I pretty much sold and was on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happened next. I thought Aisling was pretty relatable and funny, and she was also smart. Sure she just got introduced into this new world, and she didn't know the rules but she wasn't going around blindly doing stupid things some authors make characters do just for plot progression, which I appreciate because I hate needless stupidity. I also liked the relationship with Drake. Yes, he's kind of your run of the mill sexy love interest in UF but I liked him and didn't think 'cardboard cutout' when reading about him. I think the scenes between him and Aisling were intense, and I hope the next book will focus on more of a progression in their relationship beyond the physical attraction.

Also shoutout to the legendary Rene, who not only proved himself an awesome taxi driver and translator, but also a very kind and loyal friend.

If I could remember the french I'd love to tell someone "J'ai une grenouille dans mon bidet"

My only complaint is the minor spelling mistakes in the ebook. I caught a couple and while they weren't overly distracting they did make me pause for a second to reread the sentence. Otherwise it was a great book with an exciting plot and great characters, and I'm gonna read the next book when I can.

callmebritl's review

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The main character is TSTL. The male lead is a misogynistic character without much else going on. But they are mated? (Truly no idea what the appeal is at all.) The sex scenes are all flash with no substance. This book doesn’t really like to explain things or go anything below the most shallow of moments. The very stupid main character is deeply unlikable and consistently falls into problems and lucks into solutions - she doesn’t seem to have to work very hard, everything comes quite easily. Also she’s a guardian - what is that exactly? Don’t worry, it doesn’t seem to matter. Skip this book and read almost any other UF.

jazzrizz's review

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I loved this book!

fufina's review

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Just started this book today at the Doctor's office. Barely into it and am already hooked. So far I'm in an elegant apartment in Paris with a mysterious man that is very handsome with flashing green eyes and witty to boot. I think I already have a crush on this character.

princess_whitelily's review

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Really humorous!