
Iron Crowned by Richelle Mead

maddycat8's review against another edition

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After eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series, it upsets me to say that I was slightly disappointed in this book. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the book, its just had some flaws that made me give it the 4 stars instead of the normal 5.

We start of shortly after the last book ended, Eugenie is now with Dorian and things seems to be going rather well between the two of them (yay!). Genie is spending more time in the Otherworld than her human world, she has become stronger an things seems to be going well. That is until she is greeted by a ghost who wants Eugenie to help her find out who murdered her. Of course she refuses saying that its not her line of work, etc. Shortly after that Genie finds a Seeress who tells her of a quick escape in this war that is going on, all she needs to do is find the Iron Crown, that will solve all of her problems. She also dismisses that quickly but we all know she always goes back and ultimately says yes.

After more encounters with the ghost and the seeress she asks Dorian about it and at first is wary, but then is all for it, even saying that Kiyo should help her (boo). After that is settled they head out to find it, and of course she finds it and all is well.

Major spoilers!!
Spoiler Well wrong, Euqenie finds out that Dorian deceived her and that the crown can rip away the land of another king or queen and let her take the land. She gets up set, has sex with Kiyo and of course they get back together, again (double boo) She starts spending time in the real world again. Then she finds out Jasmine is kidnapped by Katrice and has to save her. To her dismay it comes down to her having to use the crown, and she now is queen not only of Thorn but also of Rowan. Not what she wanted but hey, what can you do? Things settle down until she is not feeling well and then bam, she is pregnant. With twins. All of this happens quickly Kiyo and her are done again and she asks for Dorian's forgiveness. He finds out about the babies and they are talking and the book pretty much ends there. I'm still holding out that she ends up with Dorian, both men have flaws but Kiyo just sucks.

All in all, liked the book, can't wait for the next one. I hope its better than this and the ending works out well. The sex scenes weren't too bad. Team Dorian all the way!

asma_aj's review against another edition

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When shaman-for-hire and half fairy queen, Eugenie, starts a war in the Otherworld, it's tougher to end it than she'd realized. Not willing to back down, but eager to put the enemy in her place, Eugenie hears about the iron crown-- a mythical object that gives great status to the person who wields it. The test? Journeying to the ends of the Otherworld to face it's monsters. As Eugenie prepares for the daunting task, she finds that even her trust is being tested...

After the high I experienced in the last book, I was expecting it to carry me through the third. Unfortunately, it didn't live up to the awesomeness of the previous instalment. To read the rest of the review, please visit A Reading Kabocha @

lcgerstmann's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

This is the third installment of the Dark Swan series and my least favorite. The first third of the book was a little slow, the middle, which involved the quest for the iron crown (this shouldn't give away any more than the title does!) was disappointingly anticlimatic considering this author's history of writing action packed books. All was redeemed, however in the last third with a very big surprise ending. I think the main reason I liked this book less than the previous two was the lack of Dorian, he is by far the most interesting character and the parts of the book he was in were so uncharacteristic for him (because he's being mad and Eugenie) that I didn't enjoy them, and because of this there was too much Kiyo!

octagonal's review against another edition

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That was just... disappointing.

Also, Eugenie, srsly.
SpoilerThis is why we don't have crazy, condom-less sex with fox people. See what happens? Also if she hadn't been one of those customers and just listened to the pharmacist, we would have been also saved. I'm just saying.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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I'm not sure if this is really a fair rating, but I was actually quite disappointed in a lot of things in this volume!

First of all, Dorian lived up to my suspiscions, he WAS using Eugenie, and I don't see that ending any time soon. His love for her was more a love for her power, the possibility of her having the heir, and the fact that her magic was growing more and more each day.

And I was really disappointed with Eugenie as well, I can't believe she actually slept with Kiyo before she had talked to Dorian! Really, the little 'in my head it was over straight away, so I wasn't cheating' must be one of the more ridiculous things she's ever thought or said ever. And then, she never even let Dorian explain anything, she only held on to her anger.

I loved the way she stepped up to get Jasmine back from Katrice, though, that was awesome. And I also loved how she took over Rowan land, that was the best revenge she could ever get over Katrice and her family.

I totally hate what Kiyo became in this book! I didn't totally trust him, but I did like him before, even with his withholding the truth about Maiwenn and his upcoming fatherhood. However, the way he went back into Eugenie's life, even if he helped her get the iron crown, was not cool at all. And the way he treated her after he found out that Eugenie was pregnant was truly despicable.

The whole last part was just a huge mess, and not really in a good way. Kiyo trying to kill Eugenie, Dorian 'willing' to step up and play father to Eugenie's twins, and Jasmine running around being all kinds of helpful is just too weird.

Also, I really didn't like the steamy scenes in this book, they were not a nice steamy in my opinion, very quick and to the point, with not a lot of feeling in them at all, just a quick way to scratch an itch it seemed.

So all in all, I am not satisfied with this book.

However, I do have hopes that the twins might end up being Dorian's after all! It could have taken a little time for his little swimmers to arrive where they had to go to make her pregnant, and the pill could have been inefficient even before Eug took the antibiotics. Then, I could get back to trusting Dorian more, and being happy about things.

laurenjodi's review against another edition

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Iron Crowned
3 Stars

Rather than rehash all of the points mentioned in review after review, suffice it to say that Iron Crowned has its ups and its downs.

Let’s start with the positives. The overall story arc and world building make for entertaining reading and the specific storyline revolving around Eugenie and Dorian’s ongoing conflict with Katrice and the quest for the Iron Crown have tremendous potential. Moreover, the last few chapters of the book are action-packed with several compelling twists and turns that had me on the edge of my seat.

Unfortunately, none of this succeeds in compensating for the negatives in the book. First and foremost, Eugenie has overtaken MacKayla Lane of Fever fame as the most unlikable of all UF heroines. Yes, Mac is an annoyingly vain and insipid twit, but this can be forgiven as she is a fundamentally good and caring person. The same cannot be said for Eugenie whose fickle, selfish, condescending and hypocritical nature make it virtually impossible to care about her one way or the other! This is only compounded by her
Spoilercheating and betrayal of Dorian
for which there is absolutely no justification.

The love triangle is also becoming utterly ridiculous and the sex scenes are excessive. Kiyo has to be the most odious almost-hero to grace the pages of a book and it is completely incomprehensible to me that Eugenie would give him the time of day let alone
Spoilerhave revenge sex with him
. Hopefully, she has seen the light now that he has
Spoilerbecome completely rabid and willing to kill two innocent babies
, but I’m not holding my breath.

Roland and Eugenie’s mother are not much better. The former basically
Spoilerdisowns the step-daughter he claims to love because she does not live up to his exacting expectations
while the later
Spoilerchooses her husband over her daughter
- how lovely! Tim's Indian act is also starting get on my nerves as it is actually racist and insulting to Native Americans.

The only two redeeming characters are Jasmine and Dorian. It turns out that despite her obnoxious teen act, Jasmine is a loyal and dependable sister to Eugenie (not that this is at all deserved) and I ended up liking her quite a bit. Dorian continues with his Machiavellian ways, but that is not unexpected, and he is also completely charming and loves Eugenie unconditionally not that she deserves it. In fact, he is far too good for her.

So, it turns out that I rehashed some points after all but they are simply too aggravating to ignore. Thankfully, the next book is the last and I can only hope that Mead manages to salvage something from Eugenie’s character.

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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Getting frustrated now.

I was hoping to move up a star rating by this third instalment, but I'm just too confused about certain events to give it more marks. Mainly, the problem is I don't like love triangles, so the toing and froing is getting on my nerves. I've picked my "team" and although he has many (many) faults, he's still my favourite personality-wise. Therefore I didn't like a lot of what happened in this book and I wanted get my tip-ex and change the name to suit at certain points. I'm definitely invested in the series, and I will no doubt read all subsequent releases, but she needs to make up her damn mind already!

nakedsushi's review against another edition

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(3.5 stars)

As gripping as ever. A lot of hot steamy scenes. This third book was more soap-opera drama than actual story even though the main conflict in The Otherworld was very major. I'm glad it didn't end in a super cliff-hanger.

Plot spoiler:

SpoilerEugenie's a strong character and does make her own choices, but it seems like she keeps getting deceived and led around by men she cares about. I'm not one to cheer infidelity, but I'm glad to see that in Mead's books, it's the women who are doing the cheating and not the ones being cheated on. Go us.

chelseavbc's review against another edition

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This review was originally post at Vampire Book Club.

Note: No spoilers for Iron Crowned are in this review, but we do reference key events from Storm Born and Thorn Queen. If you haven’t, we suggest you read those reviews instead.

Oh, Richelle Mead, how you like to toy with my emotions. The third book in each of Mead’s series is always a full-on emotional rollercoaster. Usually with big time heartbreak, emotional upheaval and life-altering events. With Iron Crowned, she didn’t leave me in tears but with my jaw dropped followed by muttering “Oh. My. God” repeatedly. Even though I saw part of the big event coming, I sure didn’t see the fallout. You will be shocked. You will be angry. You will say “I never liked [???]“. And you will love Mead all the more for it.

Iron Crowned begins right where we left off with Thorn Queen, with Eugenie and Dorian united in war against the Rowan Queen. The two take turns being with the soldiers on the battlefield, which means they alternate being exhausted. As much as Eugenie would like to see this resolved peacefully, the Rowan Queen’s terms involve giving up entirely and being married off to some cousin. Not happening. That’s when she learns of the Iron Crown. An ancient relic that is near impossible to obtain because the trials one must use to get to it include passing through iron mines, which can be deadly to gentry. While she doesn’t fully get why some stupid crown would scare the pants off everyone, she has to try.

Jasmine backs Eugenie in the war, because she says no one can treat the Storm King’s daughter like that. Somehow the two become almost close. And, I have to admit, I really like her. For a 15-year-old she gives Eugenie the best advice. Of course, since it’s Eugenie, she ignores it.

Eugenie is like a good friend. You see her making choices you disagree with, but she seems to confident you’re willing to go along. And then you feel bad because you didn’t warn her, “Honey, that’s going to blow up in your face.” Or, more importantly, “That guy’s a douche bag. You can do way better.” (Actually, both Jasmine and her demonic minion tell her that one fairly often.) And maybe that’s part of what makes Iron Crowned so tense. You can sense the trouble brewing, but push past it because of our heroine’s confidence.

I don’t want to spoil the events of this one — it’s full of big turns — but I’ll tell you the things I know you want to know. Yes, you’ll see Kiyo again. Yes, there will be big drama relationship drama. Yes, Eugenie becomes more tied to the Otherworld, but don’t expect her to give up on her human roots. (I don’t think that last part will ever happen.) Yes, there is a cliffhanger.

Finally, the big shocker at the end floored me. I want to know if you saw it coming. How’d you react? Hit me up on Twitter @VampBookClub to chat in detail.

Sexual content: Sex, but not as much as previous novels. Adults only.

thegenerale's review against another edition

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Eugenie, you are stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Not to mention hypocritical.

At the end of the second book, I actually kind of liked her. Strong, starting to accept her responsibilities, but nooooo, back was the irrational and prone to emotionally charged decisions Eugenie. Screw everything she just said like a couple of pages ago, all that matters is how angry she is or upset or whatever.

There's only one more book. Will I read it? Nope! I've read the summaries and the spoilers, cause I had to find out one thing
Spoiler like who was the father of Eugenie's babies. It's Dorian! Yesss. But he doesn't find this out, like ever. Booo.
and then one thing led to another... and it doesn't seem like I'll like what happens in that one too.

Dammit, and I love Dorian too! He's arrogant, ruthless with a touch of manipulative that would make Machiavelli proud, totally power hungry and unashamed about it.

Overall, this book was OKAY. Eugenie's irrationality made me not like it though. At least there was Dorian. Oooh, Dorian.