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Der Aufstand by Neal Shusterman

grem217's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. I am going to keep reading the series.

sagenie14's review against another edition

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The character's seem to leap off the page in the long awaited sequel to Unwind. Not only are the stories of Connor, Lev and Risa continued but other characters are added into the mix helping continue the story from unique perspectives. There's obviously a reason why Shusterman is called a master storyteller, the way he weaves plot lines together through the eyes of both heroes and villains alike is extraordinary. Each perspective isn't just a pawn to further the plot line but a way to expand our view of that character. Believe it or not I actually even liked Starky for a while. I don't believe there was a single person who didn't root for him to get a way from those damn juvie cops, not knowing that he'd turn into the monster that he is.
Although the pacing at the beginning of the novel was a bit slow, once we met our bad guys, Starky and Nelson - the Juvie cop Connor shot with his own gun - things seem to move right along.
Connor runs the Graveyard - sanctuary for runaway unwinds - as best as he can, yet he the pressures of leadership and suspicions of an impending attack from the juvies drive him crazy. They also drive him further away from Risa.
Lev, tries his best to live a normal life with his brother Marcus, trying not to be the monster who everyone is afraid of or the tithe who everyone pities. He then finds himself thrust into the heart of the ADR, helping free tithe children of the brainwashing that made them think being a tithe was okay in the first place. No tithe, however, is harder to crack then Miracolina who believes with a rigid certainty that god put her un this earth to be unwound.
And perhaps the most interesting character of all is Cam, a rewound or a boy made completely from unwind parts. Cam is suppose to be scientific breakthrough, a perfect specimen, yet Cam can't help but feel subhuman. With the introduction Cam, this world - a world wear atrocities like unwinding is allowed - begins to question what it means to be human. Cam's existence even forces our protagonist to question everything they thought they believed.
Unwholly doesn't read like a sequel, it is brutal and poetic and is not just a continuation of a story but its own intricate tale. The world in which the unwinds - or rather the whollies - live in is cruel and unforgiving yet Shusterman leaves us with the hope that it's changing, that humanity can still be saved.

jenniferkat's review against another edition

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Seriously, this series is smart and good and your one stop Albert Camus primer.

yonne_'s review against another edition

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Fantastic, perfect!
Romanian Review to come...
O aventură surprinzatoare, plină de suspans Şi acţune!

Finalul dramatic din Unwind m-a facut să continui seria și nu regret deloc.

Nu e o surpriză pentru mine, faptul că am ajuns din nou să fiu cucerită de o serie, cu ajutorul continuărilor ei, în timp ce primul volum m-a dezamăgit uşor. Mărturisesc că exact la fel am pãţit şi cu [b:Delirium|11614718|Delirium (Delirium, #1)|Lauren Oliver||10342808]

O continuare extraordinarã! O serie bine scrisă, care excelează în construcția de lumi. Primul volum este şi el bine scris, dar eu am avut aşteptari incredibil de mari de la el. Aveam aproape complet alt scenariu în cap când m-am apucat de serie şi mi-ar fi plăcut mult mai mult dacă unele întâmplări, ar fi fost dezvoltate altfel în [b:Unwind|764347|Unwind (Unwind, #1)|Neal Shusterman||750423] aşa că am sfarsit cu buza un pic umflată. UnWholly este un progress considerabil faţa de precedentul, de la construcția de lumi - care este super realistă (este atât de dificil să fii realist şi original când scrii distopic în ziua de azi, de asta consider că autorul are un har. Pentru că reuşeste să facă ceva original, realist) dar înfricoşatoare în același timp - până la evoluţie de personaje (protagoniști maturi, lideri, umani şi antagonişti noi, inumani care te dezgustă). Avem un scenariu mult mai complex, o lume ce îţi face piele de găină şi multe evenimente, plus ritm mult mai alert. Este o continuare predictibilã, dar este tot ce am vrut de la primul volum. Şi nu are cum să mă deranjeze lucrul asta. Am început deja să scriu o recenzie întreagă încă de când am terminat cartea, dar e departe de a fi gata. Dacã şi volumul trei are aceeaşi rețetă, seria asta va deveni distopia mea preferatã.

Merged review:

Fantastic, perfect!
Romanian Review to come...
O aventură surprinzatoare, plină de suspans Şi acţune!

Finalul dramatic din Unwind m-a facut să continui seria și nu regret deloc.

Nu e o surpriză pentru mine, faptul că am ajuns din nou să fiu cucerită de o serie, cu ajutorul continuărilor ei, în timp ce primul volum m-a dezamăgit uşor. Mărturisesc că exact la fel am pãţit şi cu [b:Delirium|11614718|Delirium (Delirium, #1)|Lauren Oliver||10342808]

O continuare extraordinarã! O serie bine scrisă, care excelează în construcția de lumi. Primul volum este şi el bine scris, dar eu am avut aşteptari incredibil de mari de la el. Aveam aproape complet alt scenariu în cap când m-am apucat de serie şi mi-ar fi plăcut mult mai mult dacă unele întâmplări, ar fi fost dezvoltate altfel în [b:Unwind|764347|Unwind (Unwind, #1)|Neal Shusterman||750423] aşa că am sfarsit cu buza un pic umflată. UnWholly este un progress considerabil faţa de precedentul, de la construcția de lumi - care este super realistă (este atât de dificil să fii realist şi original când scrii distopic în ziua de azi, de asta consider că autorul are un har. Pentru că reuşeste să facă ceva original, realist) dar înfricoşatoare în același timp - până la evoluţie de personaje (protagoniști maturi, lideri, umani şi antagonişti noi, inumani care te dezgustă). Avem un scenariu mult mai complex, o lume ce îţi face piele de găină şi multe evenimente, plus ritm mult mai alert. Este o continuare predictibilã, dar este tot ce am vrut de la primul volum. Şi nu are cum să mă deranjeze lucrul asta. Am început deja să scriu o recenzie întreagă încă de când am terminat cartea, dar e departe de a fi gata. Dacã şi volumul trei are aceeaşi rețetă, seria asta va deveni distopia mea preferatã.

ellemckenzie15's review against another edition

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Good sequel. I feel like there are so many moving parts but it was written well and easy to follow. I will say it felt like some of it dragged longer than it needed too but im excited for the next one. Alot of action was left unresolved.

calli_a2z's review against another edition

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I liked, but didn't love this book. I enjoyed learning the fates of some of the characters from Unwind, and some of the new plots were thought-provoking, but it wasn't as captivating as the first book. I'm looking forward to starting the third book soon though.

rboite's review against another edition

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3.25 in reality.
My rating implies that the general plot is sound, but that me and this book had some issues

Things that have bothered me since the first book in the dystology:

-Those moments where you get that annoying feeling that the author patted himself on the back for a particular line when it's really not very good.
-The overuse of cliched phrases
-The end-of-chapter foreshadow sentences (ex. *SPOILER* when Risa leaves the graveyard and the last sentence is something about how she will regret not saying goodbye -_____-)
-The tendency to tell rather than show the characteristics of the main characters
-The fact that there isn't really time to show instead of tell because of the constant switching of perspectives

Obviously, I have some issues with Shusterman's writing style.

I read A LOT of YA and can usually get past the little things that bother me. In a way, I finishing the book, but the fact that I feel the need to highlight the points above should be a good warning for people who have issues with YA in general

Also--SPOILER--Starkey and his selfishness made me stab this book with a pen TWICE
I understand that he's had a tough lot and everything, but I would feel more inclined to pity/understand him if his character development had done more in the way of that (*cough* too much switching perspectives and telling *cough*)

I'll probably read the rest though, because I'm half-way through, not a quitter, and, as I said, the general plot, and what it revolves around, is interesting.

Happy reading!

sachaferg's review against another edition

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i hate starkey, man. love everyone else, especially the original three, even more now. gasped at the end. gasped a lot. will definitely be trying to read the next one as soon as possible.

jozi_girl's review against another edition

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As I read Unstrung between this and the first book it made me hesitant to start Unwholly. It also took me a few chapters to get into this story again but it was worth it. Cam and Starkey are two new prominent characters introduced – initially I sympathised with both but as the story progressed this changed, especially with Starkey. But what really got me was Levi’s story and how he developed from a little brat to someone I wanted to root for.

I am still trying to figure out why I like Unwind and Unwholly so much. I think it’s a combination of the fact that it is an imaginative dystopian trilogy, me recently signing up as an organ donor and lastly because this second book really tries to make you think of how our society is currently dealing with wayward and dangerous youths. Throughout the book there are adverts promoting unwinding which gives more insight into this dystopian world as well as actual current articles (with their URL links) on reports of neglected youths and reference to the UK’s problem with teenage gangs called Yobs.

I will definitely read the last book.

ehansen25's review against another edition

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Could tell it was leading up to another book.