
Preppy: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part Two by T.M. Frazier

elleerose's review

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OMG so Good!! I can't believe
SpoilerI didn't know that there was going to be a part three!

kyliecooper8's review

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Ugh that sweet ending made me cry and then that cliffhanger!

atrottier77's review

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I love Preppy so damn much! I've loved him ever since he appeared in King and he's probably one of my all-time favorite characters ever. T.M. Frazier writes characters that I always care about and love as if they were my own family. This book did not disappoint!

lotusblue's review

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This book opens with a surprise for Dre. I was happy to see T.M. Frazier really explore the relationships of the different characters in this King series novel. Preppy has been the one who was the most broken. Dre was just as broken when they met. Dysfunction does not begin to describe their relationship with one another or the relationships that are being built around them. Look forward to more romance and a twist in this book.

gonza_basta's review

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Not so much this second part, I was disappointed and most of all it could have been easily the end, but no...we will see but right now I'm not happy with the author I have to say....

Questa seconda parte non é proprio niente di che, sono rimasta delusa e soprattutto avrebbe potuto essere la fine del libro e invece no, devo ammettere di non amare particolarmente l'autrice in questo momento, ma sono sicura che mi passerá.

kthrnmtk's review

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4.5 Stars

"I have nightmares all the time. You know what's the only thing that makes them go away?"
He placed his hand over mine.
"You. You silence the world when it's too fucking loud. You make me feel less broken." -Preppy

Loved this book! I am so beyond excited for the next one!!! The cliffy was a KILLER !

I'm probably going to go crazy waiting for the next book to be released!

tiara_rose's review

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I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THIS BOOK!!! I need it like now!

julietteloc's review

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I seriously need more than 5stars for a rating for this! I love TM Frazier! She is seriously so so amazing!

leatherboundriot's review

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Man, Prep and Dre just can't catch a break!
I'm glad they both finally reached a place where they could be together and I'm looking forward to reading about Preppy tearing the world apart to get her back. LET THE BLOOD SPILL

jam_double_ee's review

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4.5 stars! I have missed Preppy! Books 3 needs to come out ASAP!!