
Aimee and the Heartthrob by Ophelia London

lenoreo's review against another edition

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This is the one book I had read previously in this series, but it had been so long that I reread it.

3 stars — And the slump continues. Overall I just couldn’t get into this one. I didn’t always like Aimee or Miles (though I think I liked Miles more), and I wasn’t always cool with the things they were doing. I’m such a non-rule-breaker, so sneaking around just isn’t exciting for me, even vicariously. And I was largely displeased with Nick’s various roles. As someone older, and a professed best friend, I guess I expected to a) see him more b) have him behave less irrationally and c) actually see and understand who his best friend was. If that makes any sense. Which it probably doesn’t, but oh well.

So while it had some great kissing scenes, and I enjoyed some of the hanging out that Miles and Aimee got to do (especially the writing session), in the end I guess I just wasn’t in the mood for realistic 16/17 year olds, I was looking for the more mature variety (which is on me).

3 stars — Yeah, did not improve with time. I mean, at least it didn’t get worse. The thing is, the cute parts were SERIOUSLY adorable! I could see all this potential for an even better story, but there just wasn’t enough of those moments to outshine the grrr and meh.

I think the sneaking around wasn’t quite as displeasing for me, but I still wasn’t happy with Nick…like AT ALL. I think my biggest problem is that some of the various conflict felt sort of contrived and not well executed — particularly everything surrounding Aimee’s blog. Joke was not the right word. And the reactions were just not as authentic as I would have liked.

So yeah. Not a great start. Bummer.

emonroe26's review against another edition

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Got to admit, I've enjoyed these books, they're super cliche and read like fanfiction, but you know what? That's the contrast from constitutional theory that really works with my life right now

madeleinehulbert's review against another edition

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A childhood crush, a pop star, and one great summer. Aimee's parents' plans for the summer are suddenly pushed forward, and Aimee is stuck with her brother and the hottest band in the States until her grandma comes back to stay with her. Nothing is worse than a woman scorned and Aimee is determined to not allow Miles, or any boy, to hurt her so badly again, but the mix of boy bands and summer air may be just what she needs to open her heart again.

This book was exactly what it sold itself to be. It was light, and fun, and kept me smiling until the end. Miles definitely has to be entered into my book boyfriends list. That being said, this book was good for what it was, a fluff novel for me to fit in between re-reading Les Miserables and Our Mutual Friend (which is SO good so far!). The characters were slightly cookie-cutter but the romance was one to remember, this is one for all the girls who can't see their crush due to schools closing (I'm in the same boat). Anyways the plot was rather interesting, which is great as the YA genre, while it's wonderful, also tends to have the exact same stories just with different character names... if you're looking for a romance, without commitment, This is a great book for you.

theestherhadassah's review against another edition

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I am such a fangirl! This book is right up my ally. I love Miles (Miles High Club!) and I love how everything fanned out. Last bits of chapter 16 and through 17 (maybe 18) had me reeling. I love a good stab at the heart!
If I could equate this book to anything, it would be my love for boy-bands. If you like The Wanted, 5sos, One Direction, Backstreet Boys (I'm old school), then this is the book for you.

serenaasora's review against another edition

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3.5! I wanted to like this a lot more than I actually did. The story was fun, but I didn't really like Aimee.

kate2440's review against another edition

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I received a review copy from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Such a cute and sweet cover which definitely ties in with the actual story. It may look a bit cheesy but who doesn't like a bit of cheese now and again?

I have read a few books that involve music stars but not many that I've read where YA so I was glad when I noticed this series on Ophelia's website. Aimee and the Heartthrob was such a cute, sweet and quick read it was hard not to be swept away with the story. I would have actually preferred this series if it was more New Adult/Adult just to give it a bit more grit and more smoking hot chemistry which I felt this book lacked. I did feel as though there was times when it was a little too juvenile for my liking but it wasn't all the time so it was easy to forgive this. There was a part of the book where there was a few stalker tendencies that just didn't sit well with me. I loved the whole backstage side of the story that showed what could happen behind the scene's. The romance side of the story was cute at times but I didn't always believe in their feelings until closer to the end when it seemed to work better. I think the reason why I found it hard to believe in their feelings in the beginning was because it felt a bit shallow especially on Miles side as they had both known each other for a few years and he never showed any interest when she then shows up all grown and changed he all of a sudden wants her.

I liked most of the characters but I didn't get a real feel for the other band members but that may be down to the fact that each band member will get their own book with completely different authors. Aimee seemed nice enough in the beginning I especially liked that she didn't fall all over Miles straight away but I didn't like some of the things that she did (or had done years before the book was set). Miles came across shallow at times but thankfully we got to read the book from alternating points of view so I was able to get a better understanding of how he puts a front on in front of the cameras.

Overall a great start to the series and now I can't wait to see how each author puts their stamp on each of the band members.

charitytinnin's review against another edition

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Someone help, I'm about to have an overload of feels and sighs and swoons! I loved everything about this book: reformed, witty, British Miles; the guys of Seconds to Juliet; overprotective, big brother Nick; and sweet, review vlogging, fan-fic writing Aimee. Maybe, especially, Aimee. I wanted to get a latte with her and squee over cute boys and really swoony kisses. Really swoony ones, guys.

This book made both 18-year-old, obsessed with *NSYNC me and adult me very happy.

the_cover_contessa's review against another edition

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I want to thank Entangled for providing me with a copy of this book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way altered my opinion or review.

I have to say that I really enjoyed this book. There's just something about a sappy romance that gets me every time. I was expecting it, though not at the level it was presented, and it made me happy to have it once I was engaged with the book.

Interestingly enough, this book is told in third person dual point of view. I am not usually a fan of third person. I don't think it's necessary in a love story, to be honest, but it kind of worked for this book. I still would have liked to really been in Aimee and Miles head more while reading this and I think this distracted me a bit. It took away from my ability to really connect with the characters on a deeper level. Don't get me wrong, I really liked them both, I just didn't feel all the emotions I needed to feel to have my heart wrenched by this book as it should have been.

Aimee is an interesting character. She's smart and savvy, yet she radiates this innocence that I can see being totally attractive to guys. When she's forced into a situation, she doesn't let it become awkward, but seems to actually take it in stride. So after not having seen Miles for two years, and believing her crush was finished, she jumps right into being friends with him. Of course the fine line of her wanting him still exists, even if she tries her hardest to deny it.

I really like Miles. He's presented to the world as this heartthrob who likes to play the field. But in real life, he's just a teenage guy trying to find his way in the world while being shoved in the public eye. You can see he struggles to maintain his image. Because the heartthrob and player are just not what he is about. But he's never more aware of that struggle as much as he is when he's around Aimee. For her, he wants to be the romantic, the down to earth guy she would want to date. And he will do anything to prove it to her.

Of course a teen romance wouldn't be a teen romance without some misunderstanding and drama. What I really loved about how London chose to do this is that she didn't drag it out. Sure, we get a bit where the two have their own thoughts about what happened between them. But it is closer to the end of the book, and lasts a very short time. This really made the book more endearing to me.

I will say that I got a bit annoyed in the first 25% of the book as Aimee totally and completely swooned over Miles, while trying her hardest not to do so. She kept mentioning how she definitely wasn't crushing on him, and how he couldn't possibly like her. And even after he admits to her that he enjoys spending time with her and basically tells her he wants to be with her, she doesn't seem to see it. It was like she had these blinders on, which I couldn't understand because it's not like Miles was keeping it from her!

Overall, I really enjoyed the writing in this book. I will say the first half was a bit slow for me, but then it picked up and I couldn't put it down (didn't want to, really). All I wanted to do was see how things would work out between these two star struck lovers in the end. And London did not disappoint. I'm not good with books that leave open endings, especially with love stories. Thankfully, London tied it up nicely, with just the right amount of understanding between the two characters at the end.

If you're looking for something to read along the lines of Jennifer E. Smith or Kasie West, this ones for you!

denizyildiz's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars

Cute and all, but also a lot of been there done that. Very well written mind you!

teepee's review against another edition

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Aimee and the Heartthrob is about a girl and a... wait for it. Heartthrob. Hahahahahaha! (Sorry!) Anyway, it is about Aimee and her huge crush on her brother's best friend, Miles. She always tagged along with the two boys when they were little in the hopes getting noticed, but her efforts back then were not rewarded. Fast forward to the present, Miles is now part of the famous boy group, Seconds to Juliet (S2J), and the boy in every girl's fantasy. Because of a little conflict, Aimee ends up going on tour with S2J. Feelings resurfaced, bonds were tested, rules were broken, and the rest is history.

This book is the manifestation of every fangirl's dream - to be with their favorite and beloved band, boy group, or celebrity for weeks; to have an instant backstage pass to their hollywood life; and to travel from place to place with them. Or maybe it's not. This is the "cute, swoon-worthy, fluffy, cheesy" type of book, and it definitely lived up to the "swoon warning" it had at the beginning of the book. It was fun and sweet. It will melt your heart and leave puddles all over. Or maybe I just feel that way because I am a hardcore fangirl of several boy bands and celebrities. But nonetheless, the story was good. It achieved it's goal of making the readers swoon.

To sum up, Aimee and the Heartthrob was a really enjoyable book for me.