
Truly Unfortunate by C.A. King

lisa01's review

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Truly Unfortunate (Welcome to Knollville Book 1)
By C.A. King
Rated 5 stars

What a story! Right at the beginning it drew me in an i could hardly put this down until it was finished. I really felt very comfortable with this book from the prologue. The wording and characters made me feel welcome. I love the name of this character..Truly. So different but yet perfect.

This poor girl! All she wants to do it survive and try to remember her past. She seems to struggle with just being. Truly is blessed or not. It’s hard to tell. Having access to something unworldly should make her happy but....not when unfortunate things keeps happening around her.

Wow! This had an ending i didn’t see coming so i was a bit surprised. This does open the story for a great new series. This is the first book in that series and I look forward to reading more. On a side note the title and cover are perfectly in line with this book and I loved them.

fish3718's review

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Well C. A. King you got me again with this story. Once I started I could not put it down. Warning this is a highly addictive author. She grabs you with the first couple of sentences and leaves you wanting more with the last sentence. Ms. King spins a great yarn with her stories. From the descriptions of the scenery to the characters and the roles they play, she really has the reader’s attention, but if you are not careful you may miss one small detail and then there is that curve ball and you will want to go back and see where you may have missed it. This story is a dark fantasy book. The main character is a young woman, Truly who does not have any memories of her childhood. She desperately needs to find out because there are a lot horrid acts happening around her. There is a new doctor and some of the memories are returning but Truly is having issues with some of them (for a really good reason). Jeff the sheriff in town is helping Truly but will that be enough? Will he have problems with the memories? You will have to read the story to find out the answers. I cannot wait to see what the next story has for us.

bwagner's review

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This book is a dark fantasy story about a young woman you has no memories of her childhood. Then you have other forces in play here, as a killing pattern from the past seems to have popped up. What will happen when the past and the present become one and survival threatened? The characters are creative and this author brings this story to life. They took me on some twists and turns that left me sitting on the edge of my seat right along with the suspense. I highly recommend reading this book!

angelahayes's review

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5 Stars

Truly Unfortunate is the first book in the Welcome to Knollville Series by C.A King. It is a spooky, slightly dark, paranormal thriller. Another superb read from the talented Ms. King. She never fails to deliver a fantastic story and always hooks me right from the get-go.
This story is a little different from most of her other reads, but still entirely original, well written, and given the same attention to detail and polish, that she gives all her stories.
Truly can’t remember a huge portion of her life, and it’s assumed by the doctors who’ve treated her, that she must have repressed something terrible, which has caused the memory blockage. Try as she might, she can’t recall anything. But, it’s more than that, nothing seems to work out for her either. When she begins to have disturbing visions, and people start dying- she really starts to wonder.
Jeff is the local police officer and loves his job. He’d always known he’d become a policeman, galvanized by a tragic event back when he was nine. When strange things start happening and bodies start turning up, he will need to think outside the box to connect the dots to figure out what’s going on.
There was definitely more to this story, and character/s than first met the eye. My review is a little vague on purpose, because I don’t want to give anything away. I recommend going in to the book blind and just let the story surprise you. This was nothing like what I was expecting, but in a good way. This is a wonderfully twisted tale that pushes the boundaries of reality, and really kept me questioning what was going on.
Another great read from Ms. King’s limitless imagination!
Bring on the next book!

Thank you, Ms. King!

hncald78's review

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I truly was unsure what I was going to find in the pages of this dark fantasy. A young girl has a troubled past but has no memories of her childhood. CA King does a great job weaving fantasy and mystery into this tale in a masterful way. There were twists and turns throughout the book, most of which I didn’t see coming. An enjoyable book and an interesting peek into the world that will unfold. I look forward to reading more from this author and in this series.

tracy_wilkin93's review

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Truly Unfortunate is book one in the Welcome to Knollville series by C.A. King. I have not read a story by this author, and it took me by surprise. I did not anticipate the high quality of the story, the depth to each character, the complex and intriguing way the characters joined
together to make a suspenseful dramatic tale. It was a brilliant paranormal saga and one I enjoyed more than I imagined I would.

Truly was a character I instantly felt bonded with. There was no getting to know you stage, I instantly felt attuned to her. She enthralled me. I just had to know her story. The author has this maddeningly clever way of giving a clue of what may happen next, without really telling you anything. It was genius. Truly Unforgettable was a one sitting read and one I truly will not forget. 5 stars.

cynsworkshop's review

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Truly Unfortunate is a quick read for a novel, a tale about the weird and unusual in one small town following Truly, a girl who works three jobs and still is unable to make ends meet with a landlord who harasses her at any given moment. It is a relatable read, following Truly on her day to day excursions as she goes from job one to the next as she struggles to make ends meet, suffering the injustices that surround her. However, the kicker in all this, what makes this story, so riveting is the fact that it goes back in time, flashing back to the memories Truly had forgotten, memories of abuse and bullying. That is the power of the novel that injustices happen, that bad people are going to do bad things but that there is some karmic justice in the world to make everything right.

Once again, it is a short read at just under 200 pages, making it a quick one, but that is not all that makes it a quick read. The fact that the novel moves so effortlessly to build the tension and the intrigue keeps the reader on their toes. Other than that, Truly is a pretty forgettable character, her history and origins are what make her stand out, but her personality, nothing about it stands out. Jeff, on the other hand, his obsession with the weird and the connections he makes to fortune telling, now his actions and reactions, that is what makes him appealing to read. His motives and the way his arc in the narrative moves and intertwines with Truly’s from the past to the present, that makes him interesting.

Overall, it is a good read, and as a starter to something bigger, it works.