
Scandalous by Karen Robards

cmbwell's review

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It was at least halfway through the book before the male lead kissed the female without pinning her down first. Add that to the reason for her limp and there was too much not-romantic activity for me to enjoy this as a romance.

lisajo85's review

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Gabriella Banning has been faced with the most unappealing dilemma. She just received word that her half-brother Marcus, the Earl of Wickham has been killed. The Earldom will pass to their cousin Thomas who will surely push Gabby and her two sisters out onto the streets and of course, Gabby’s sister Claire will not have her debut season. Taking a huge risk, Gabby rushes her sisters off to London pretending her half-brother is still alive and well. She figures all she has to do is achieve an advantageous marriage for her sister and when the truth about the Earl is finally revealed, it will no longer matter if her sister is spoken for.

What she doesn’t expect is for her half-brother to welcome her when they arrive in London. Even though she only saw her half-brother once many years ago, Gabby is suspicious immediately and knows this man pretending to be her half-brother certainly cannot be him! But this impostor has his own agenda. He plans to play the role of the Earl while he determines which person really killed his friend Marcus and why. Gabby and “Marcus” confront each other about their individual schemes and agree to remain silent about their treachery. Now that they know the truth about one another, they can’t seem to keep their hands off each other. Worried about the uproar they would cause if the truth is revealed, the real scandal is how close these two ‘siblings’ have become...

Okay...I try to be fairly mature and dignified about my reviews, but I have to get it out... “SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” Ok, my squee of delight is over...but I had to do it. Simply because I LOVED this novel! What a true and utter delight Scandalous is! It is the perfect historical romance with a tender and touching story about two individuals that are so perfect for one another yet can’t seem to realize it.

Gabby was splendid! She was innocent and scared at the beginning of this novel, but her love for her sister forces her to face issues and make decisions that display true courage. The deceit this charade requires is a difficult pill to swallow for a naive young lady like Gabby, but when worst comes to worst, she sticks out her chin and overcomes the worst dilemmas. It was adorable and amusing to read. Still, her insecurities were always prominent in her mind and the inner struggles she faced believing she was unlovable were delicate moments that any woman can relate to. She was a martyr for her sisters, but not in a flamboyant or outrageous way. Her actions were often unnoticed and no matter what the consequences, she always kept the smile on her face. She was everything a heroine ought to be.

And of course there is “Marcus.” He came onto the pages as a cad, a ruthless libertine, but Gabby is an easy distraction. There were parts is this novel that made me constantly change my opinion about him. Some parts were charming, other parts revealed slight rakish behavior, but I feel that is what made the ending all that more amazing. He is certainly conflicted by the feelings he has for Gabby, but also wants to find Marcus’ killer. His journey is not an easy one. While the book was nearly perfect on all accounts, I would have loved to hear the story from his perspective just a little bit more. Maybe Robards didn’t do that because his identity was kept a secret for most of the book, but there were plenty of times I wished to know what he was thinking!

I have read a few novel by Robards, but never one that I have enjoyed as much as this. The description in the first few chapters was overwhelming and it really worried me, but the novel easily picked up after the first forty pages or so. There was hardly a time that I wanted to put the novel down, it was just that fascinating! What appealed to me the most were the characters. While Robards can hook you into whatever world she creates, it was her characters in this case that wouldn’t let go. You will care about them, appreciate their struggles and remember then long after the book has concluded. I don’t believe I’ve ever wanted a couple to have a happily ever after more than I did with these two characters. It was beautifully written, it was compelling, it was nearly perfect. A definite keeper for this reader!

Overall Rating: 5/5
Heat Level: 4/5

Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter

marjolaine_lafreniere's review against another edition

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It could have been a lot worse. The romantic plot was too much "I hate you but you're hot" for far too much of the book, and the subplot was resolved via Deus Ex Machina, which is annoying. But it was still entertaining enough, and I read it to the end, so it could've been worse.

thenia's review against another edition

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The story of the eldest of the three Banning sisters, Gabriella, who comes up with a desperate scheme to save her sisters from a life of being penniless and with no prospects or hope for better lives.

She will pretend that she doesn't know that their half-brother, who has given them permission to launch Claire, the second sister's season, has died and go to London in hopes of finding Claire a husband. To her surprise and disbelief, on their arrival to their family town house, they find it occupied by someone who claims to be their brother.

Determined to uncover the truth, she confronts him and reveals her own scheme in the process.

Nick, who is pretending to be their brother to draw out the villain who had him killed, finds her troublesome yet fascinating, and the two keep antagonizing each other while sparks fly around them.

Their getting together seems unlikely, but
Spoilerafter he is murdered in front of her, Nick comes back from his staged death to a grieving Gabriella not as her brother anymore but as himself and
their happily ever after is finally within reach.

An enjoyable first book in the series that continues with [b:Irresistible|629610|Irresistible (Banning Sisters trilogy, #2)|Karen Robards||615942] and Claire's story next.

sionna's review against another edition

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I went into this one wondering how the pretend siblings would 1. start their bargain, and 2. how they would become a couple without the scandal at the end. 

I wasn't totally sold on the couple, but they had some wonderful moments. The thing is, I wasn't convinced of their happily ever after. The whole set up was a bit weird to me and how the sisters and some of the servants acted didn't seem right. 

I'm not sure if I'll read the next books about the other two sisters. 

dreamofwinter's review against another edition

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Delightfully steamy! Who doesn't love a mysterious stranger?
I liked that Gabby was nobody's fool; and this book made me laugh out loud once or twice in addition to needing to fan myself (yeah, it gets a bit, er, warm).
Definitely on the reread shelf. Glad I bought instead of borrowing.

cleocleveland's review

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3.5*. I did like a lot of it but would have liked to get more of the hero's POV and backstory. I have to say "the hero" because he don't even learn his real name until nearly the end of the book. Both he & Gabby were likeable, although Gabby is the more sympathetic if only because you know her so much better. They were fun together and even though there are some dark situation the book is thankfully short on angst. I liked the sisters as well and will read their stories in the future.

maria8nr's review against another edition

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roselaina's review

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(Review originally posted here at Fictionally Inclined.)

I ran across Scandalous at our university used book sale a few months ago, read the summary, and was thoroughly intrigued. After all, you get the "pose as my girlfriend/boyfriend/fiancée" storyline all the time, but how often do the love interests pose as SIBLINGS? To my recollection, I've never read another book where that happened. But if you have a good one where they did, pretty please leave a comment, because I would love to read it. Anyway, suffice to say, I absolutely had to pick it up.

Sadly, Scandalous did not quite live up to the expectations set forth by the awesome premise. I felt like there were way too many details, especially toward the beginning; they really bogged down the writing, not allowing the pace of the story to flow. It took a while for anything to actually happen to grab my interest, besides the little snippet at the very beginning. Once they actually met, though, I enjoyed the story more. The way the "posing as siblings" aspect came about was interesting, although it was not nearly as prominent as it was supposed to be. The vast majority of the book takes place inside the house due to medical circumstances.

There was an interesting sidestory that added a bit of mystery and suspense to the book, but it was kept down to a good size. It was enough to stay intriguing, but not enough that it felt unnecessary or started to overtake the main plot. It also added some good drama when things came to a head.

I did like Gabby a lot! She was totally willing to take Marcus down a peg or two when needed. Which he definitely did sometimes. They had good chemistry, and I loved reading about them! They had a super cute story, and the end left me smiling.

Overall, I did like this book, although I wanted to like it a lot more than I actually did.

bibliobeka's review

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Really 3.5 stars.