
Delirium Stories: Hana, Annabel, and Raven by Lauren Oliver

chloelizabeth's review against another edition

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So cool to see other sides of the story. Must read for Delirium fanatics like me!

bruacioly's review against another edition

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Really enjoyed this stories!
Lauren Oliver's writing is beautiful as always.
My favorite story was, surprisingly, Raven.

jresendez610's review against another edition

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I was most interested in learning about Lena's mom and what her backstory was. I enjoyed learning about her failed cure and of how she came to be with Lena's dad. The story also explains how
she escapes from the Crypts

This was probably the best out of the three. The reader gets to learn more about Hana and how she feels about being paired and her time being rebellious before the cute. It also delves into how she feels when she learns about Lena and Alex.

I was curious to know a little more of Raven's backstory. This did give the reader a brief insight into who she is, but it was also one of the last scene's from Pandemonium, but from her POV. I could have done without that and just gotten more of her story. Overall it was an ok short story.

sirisblack's review against another edition

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I really liked all of the novellas, but my favorite out of the three are Annabel and Raven. I didn't really enjoyed Hana's story. I didn't like how Hana turn on Lena at the end of her story.I liked how you got to know what Annabel and Raven were like before Delirium. I also really like Lauren Oliver's writing style. Overall, I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loved Delirium.

amandalily28's review

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I really loved this collection of short stories from the Delirium world. They really added depth to Hana, Annabel, and Raven, and I'm excited to see how these glimpses into their lives have to do with Requiem.

My favorites, in order, were Raven, then Hana, and then Annabel. It's sort of funny, because going into it, I had thought I would prefer them in the opposite order!

Raven's story was so moving -- it completely exceeded my expectations. I loved hearing about Raven's past and I'm so happy that
her and Tack are having a child! I hope this subplot will have a big role in Requiem.

Hana's was also lovely. It was interesting to know what exactly was going on with her during Delirium. It talks about her experiences mainly on the night of the raid.

Annabel's, for me, wasn't as interesting. I liked knowing about Lena's mother's past, but I wish it wasn't in the now/then structure as Pandemonium had been in. I loved how it worked in Pandemonium, but I think that structure sort of took away from the story in this novella. Since it is so short (only about 40-45 pages), the "then" and "now" chapters didn't really have the chance to come together, as they did in Pandemonium. I still enjoyed it, but I thought it could have been better.

I would definitely recommend you read this collection! It would make sense to read it after reading Pandemonium because it does have certain character's perspectives on scenes in the second book. This made me really excited to finally read Requiem!

ashykhaira's review against another edition

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this book contains the viewpoints of annabel who is lena's mother.How she first met lena's father and how she lost him to cancer.her life,how she was in the crypts.her memories.and finally her escape from the crypts with the help of thomas,a sympathizer who helped snuggle in extra linens and pillow cases for her to create a rope to escape

a viewpoint of alex,of how he first met he fell in love with her.the memory of his past.his capture into the crypts when he tried to run away with lena and his eventual release by the rioters,who were part of the resistance party.

of hana and how she herself fell in love but started to hate the guy when she realized how he was just using her.Of how she betrayed lena out of pure jealousy when she found out about lena and alex.her story

and finally about she met tack,how she found blue and what she did to keep blue alive.her relationship with tack.and finally discovering she was pregnant with tack's child on the day they save julian

kaffinatedwitch's review

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Raven is definitely the best of the three, and makes Requiem that much more heartbreaking.

wendybird's review

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This was a quick read that gave some of the back story of Hana (Lena's best friend), Annabel (Lena's mom) and Raven (the leader of the homestead Lena becomes part of).

It gave insight into these women but it also made me feel like now the trilogy was unfinished even though I read all the books. I don't mind when a book leaves you imagining where the characters have gone after the last page but this was more like a cliffhanger and that is not good. But it was still worth the read.

jeriiberri's review

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I really liked these stories.
I think I enjoyed Annabel's the most but Raven's HURT the most jesus christ

Can there be one more just for like, an epilogue to Requiem?


lizakessler's review against another edition

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Pretty smart way for the author and publisher to make more money, but it also filled in some interesting back story. As much as I appreciate the female-dominated focus of this story, I would have liked backstory on some of the male characters, too. Tack's story was interesting, but what was Julian's childhood like?