
Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast

booklinslow's review

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This is a 3.7 ⭐️ for me
Enemies to lovers, knife to throat

This book is really slow paced (in my opinion). I don’t like slow paced books, but I decided not to quit on this one and I was happy that I didn’t! I got so hooked after page 250!

One thing that people might really like about this book, is that in this book, the girl is the badass one and the guy is the one who “needs saving”. The guy (his name is eighth) is afraid of almost everything and is scared to make wrong decisions (he’s an alien and doesn’t really know where he belongs). The girl in this book (raven) is really badass and doesn’t really give a sh*t about anything. Which I thought was a nice, new and refreshing.

This book also has some good representation in my opinion!

bellebookcorner's review

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I never expect this book to break my heart so much and crying in the middle of the night!

This is the first time I'm reading an apocalyptic books although I've watch several movies about the apocalypse, like from the zombies or aliens.

The plot is very well written in detail with diverse characters in it. The world building also feels real to me like what will happen to Earth if the end of the world happen. No electricity means no lights and no signal which means you're on your own to survive.

I have to warn you that the pacing of this book is very slow in the beginning before our two main characters finally meet. Strangely I didn't mind that since I was so invested with the story, how the humans are trying to survive in this shocking situation.
After our two main characters meet and stuck together, things started to change and get more interesting.

Dual POV from a human and the alien brings out a different perspective in how they see the invasion.
From Raven's POV we can see how the humans trying to survive and when sacrifices has to be made.
However, I didn't really like the way Raven treated Eighth in some part of the story because it feels like she was using him most of the time, got angry with him but needed him too.

It feels horrible if you read it from Eighth's POV. Reading his is much more mesmerizing and heart breaking too which manage to make me cry a couple times and I just wanna hug him so bad.

I really like how Raven and Eighth's relationship progress. From hate to tolerable to friends and finally something more. How Raven started to learn all the signs Eighth made to understand him more.

Eight didn't speak much and somehow he can convey his feelings even more with such simple words, for example the title of this book! I'm not gonna spoil it for you, so you need to read it to know what it means!

A lot of people has been saying this book reminds them a lot to 'The 5th Wave' but since I haven't read that I couldn't say the same.
But overall, this is an exceptional book to start a series! It was action packed and also fills with heart breaking moments at the same time.

I wasn't ready for that ending and now I have to hunt down the second book to read what happens next!!
I'm hoping to know more about the alien's part in the next book so let's hope we'll have that!

Actual rating: 4.5⭐

jessica_colwell's review

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A wonderfully written YA Sci-Fi with a strong female protagonist. This book reignited my love of reading!

tiffani_reads's review against another edition

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* I received this book from Goodreads in exchange for an honest review.

This book is slow to start. There were times when I could only get through one chapter and then had to put it down. Stick with it though because it gets really good! I initially deducted a star for the slow beginning but this is honestly a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ book. Pitched to me as a sci-fi Beauty and the Beast retelling, I was instantly hooked. Now I cannot wait for the next book in the series.

readerinthefog's review

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This. Book.

So beautiful and haunting, the emotion this author translates through her writing is just amazing. Don’t let the description of this book make you think you’ve read this story before. It felt wholly original despite being based around a plot that’s been written a 100 times before. I really can’t accurately describe it, you should just read it.

juniperbranches's review

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‘Sometimes a path is something you float along, not something you make’

I really liked this one. Set in the foothills around my home town, I recognized the mountains and prairies instantly. Raven, a 16 year old girl is stranded when an alien invasion begins while she’s at summer camp. Utilizing her impressive survival and karate skills she and her fellow camp counsellors set out in search of other survivors. Raven eventually ends up confronting aliens, awkward love triangles, and what it really means to be human

areyousureaboutthat's review

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I got this as an arc for a review. and me being me I ended up losing it only to find it a month ago. but it was a good book. some of the parts dragged a little but it definitely got better. I had a feeling about something that was happening in the book and I was 100% right about it. it did not disappoint me tho. I would recommend this to anyone who like books that have to do with invasions

marie_lrj's review

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This was such an emotional read, way more than I was expecting! Really looking forward to the sequel, I hope it’s not a long wait.

chrissy_booklover13's review

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This freaking ending killed me holy crap!! Oh Dandelion what will become of you?? This book has me intrigued because of the alien aspect from the beginning even though it was a little slow paced but I am totally dying to know what’s going to happen next. Raven was a very well written character. She was just a normal teenage girl that couldn’t stay out of trouble. Who thought she was In love with this boy who has an identical twin. ( He dies in the beginning leaving her to spend most of the time with the other twin and her friends she was at camp with as they search for safety from the aliens) Oh and August, can’t forget the extremely confused “alien” boy who used his thoughts of Raven to go against his kind.I only wish I knew more anyone it their kind, the author didn’t give up enough to satisfy she just enough to drive me insane with wanting to know what happens next! This is a must read book!

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC via Netgalley from the publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

After spending just under a week reading Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast, I’m not really sure how I feel about it. My initial reaction was that I loved it, but now that I sit to write the review, I find that maybe I didn’t love it as much as I originally thought. Zero Repeat Forever is told in dual POV and takes place over the course of a year after an alien race seemingly invades Earth and begins wiping out the human population. Honestly this seems right up my alley, but the execution was odd and at times hard to follow.

What I Liked
I really enjoyed the dual POV. Eighth and Raven have distinct enough voices that I did not get confused about whose POV I was reading. It gave the reader a comprehensive look at what was going on in the world and who the Nahx were.

Eighth was my favorite character. I know I shouldn’t have liked him as much as I did, but he was compassionate and resilient. It made me root for him. I liked that the author gave us his POV as it helped to flesh him out, understand his motives, and the daily struggle he lived with going against the directives. He was like a child really in his attachment to Raven, snowflakes and dandelions. It was sweet, even if his violent outbursts broke my heart a little.

The plot of the story has a lot of promise. An unknown invader, post-apocalyptic type survival, and rebellion….what’s not to like?! I enjoyed the parts of the plot that dealt with the Nahx and what was happening. Every new piece of information that I learned brought up more questions about the invasion and who the Nahx really were. It made for an exciting read.

What I Didn’t Like
I was not a fan of Raven, even if a majority of the story was told from her POV. She acted as if the world was out to get her. She was of mixed race (her biological father was white….I think and her mother African American) and she harbored a lot of resentment for bullying she received as a kid. I get that bullying is a thing. What I don’t understand is why it played a role in a post-apocalyptic novel. Shouldn’t those differences be put aside to save the human race? We are all human after all, even Raven makes this point. Yet when one of the characters calls her a “mixed breed” (who does that by the way?! We are people not animals.) and another character tells her that no one thinks of her like that, she takes it to mean because they think of her as white and gets mad about that too…..While this didn’t make a lick of sense to me, it did shape Raven’s character to be an angry person.

The romance aspect….I just didn’t buy it. It felt off to me. I may have rooted for it and my heart broke for Eighth because of how Raven treats him, but it was really weird. It felt like stockholm syndrome and not healthy at all. Eighth was obsessed with Raven and Raven was entirely dependent upon him for everything from food to being able to use the bathroom. It wasn’t healthy, and I just didn’t buy it.

Ugh!!! The pace of the book was SO slow!!!! It started off promising — lots of action, close encounters with the Nahx, and near death experiences. Then it just stopped. There was barely any forward movement in the plot. Eighth’s chapters were short (sometimes just over a page) and made absolutely no sense, leaving big plot holes. Then suddenly the pace picked up again and the book ended. Frustrating!

While this book is billed for YA, I don’t feel it is appropriate for YA…maybe the mature YA, like 16+. There is quite a bit of strong language used, underage drinking and drug use, and sex. It was just a bit much for a YA book in my opinion.

My Conclusion
Overall I really wanted to like this book. I liked Eighth, and aside from her anger issues I liked Raven as well. The romance could use some work though and the plot holes need to be filled in. However the revelations at the end of the book (some of which were predictable due to some good foreshadowing) have me intrigued and I want to read more of the series. If you enjoy scifi and dystopia, don’t mind a slow pace, maybe give this one a go.