
Skinwalker by Faith Hunter

cheesygiraffe's review against another edition

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Great damn start to a series. I can't wait to read more.

papidoc's review

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Mind candy, but entertaining if you like fantasy fiction. Reminds me a bit of the style of the Harry Dresden series and some others, though not in the details. This time, it's a Cherokee skinwalker who hunts rogue vampires. Satisfying ending, but still leaves a lot of loose ends to be dealt with in future stories.

johnbreeden's review

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I'm not sure what I was expecting with this novel. The idea of a skinwalker is not a typical choice in the genre. It wasn't far into the book that the transition of form was introduced, along with Beast. I wasn't crazy about the shift in voice to a less developed tone for the creature. It caught me off-guard and I really didn't care for it. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of the two merged and the hints of lost backstories that might come up. I got used to Beast's manner of speaking, but it never completely won me over.

I do like the primary characters, but a lot of the side characters could have been more developed. Names mingled and sometimes I had to concentrate to keep up with who the character was in relationship to the story.

I liked the book overall, but it didn't reach the top. I really wanted to see a reconnect with the Cherokee family that Jane meets, more details about Rick, and so forth. I don't think these ideas were dropped, but if they're steps into other novels, I'm not sure I'm intrigued enough to hunt them down between books.

I will consider reading/listening to the next book, but I'm not making any promises.

cjay1957's review

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Even though I became somewhat restless with this story around mid-way, I stuck with it and finished it today. Not all that bad. Jane Yellowrock, vampire hunter. No gratuitous sex scenes so that was a relief although plenty of sexual tension. I'll try the next one in this series but I don't really see myself reading all the books in this one. We'll see.

books4biana's review

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My brother recommended this book after I was dragging myself through another it was a duty. Talk about a change! This book moved fast, the character wasn't actually lovable, but very likable. The danger, the mystery, the was pretty great!

I totes recommend if you are at all interested in supernatural. cursing and sex, which is a bonus to me.

katelin00's review

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This is actually 3.5 stars but I always round up.

I liked this book but it was a little slow for me. It took me longer than usual to read it. When I put it down I didn't always want to pick it back up. Once I got to the end however, it did pick up and I was really enjoying it.

I really like Jane. I think her origins are very interesting. She's part Cherokee and a skinwalker. She's special in that she has another soul living within her. This soul is Beast. In the beginning of the book we don't know how Beast came to share Jane's body because Jane's early memories of her life are blank. Through the course of different things, Jane gains access to some of her memories and eventually remembers how Beast came to be part of her. It's a very sad thing and I can understand Beast's anger.

There are several characters but they aren't hard to keep track of. Jane has a best friend, Molly, who is an Earth witch. She married a male witch and they've had two children. Apparently Molly's, Angelina daughter is a crazy powerful witch and it's extremely dangerous for anyone to know about her power. Beast feels that Angelina is her kit because she helped calm Angie down when her power exploded. Jane is hired by Katie, the first sane vampire she's ever met. I like how Jane handles herself and I like how good she is with her weapons. She's definitely a bad ass. Leo is basically king of the vampires in New Orleans and he is also the head of his Clan. Vampire politics are very complicated and Jane keeps finding herself on the sidelines watching it all pan out.

What I really liked was how well Hunter wrote Beast's point of view. You can see her as an animal but also as an intelligent being. I like Beast a lot actually. There is also the curiosity about the vampires. Apparently they are cursed and it has something to do with God. I'm very curious about Hunter's take on vampires. Weres aren't well known but Leo confirms that they exist as well as the existence of elves. I do wonder if we will them in the future.

This is not a love story but I do think there will be a love interest.

I would recommend this book to someone who like urban fantasy. It was enjoyable and I will be reading the next books in the series eventually.

Originally from A Bookworm's Confessions Follow me.

bikes_books_yarn's review against another edition

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I struggled to get into this at first. I found the voice of "the cat" annoying. Like a bad poetry slam. But as I stuck with it I really began to enjoy it and by the end I was wishing I had the next book to jump into right away.

sandymarcynuk's review

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Silly shapeshifters and vampires content, but the writing is engaging, the pace moves quickly, and the hero is someone I would really like to meet someday. Fun read.

angels_gp17's review

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The Jane Yellowrock series is one that has been recommended to me by many a book lover. I’ve had it on my TBR for years now and finally I’m starting this series and seeing what everyone is talking about.

Skinwalker is book one in the Jane Yellowrock series by Faith Hunter. It was a delightful start to the series. We get action, adventure, mystery, and a diverse bunch of supernatural creatures.

I enjoyed Jane and the Beast. They both are kick-ass and distinctive. I found the alternating POV’s between Jane and the Beast to be remarkable and gripping. I like that Jane’s heritage is Cherokee, she reminded me a little of Mercy Thompson from the Mercy Thompson series. I also enjoyed that her past is murky and that we only get little tidbits on her background. It wasn’t a lot, but enough to wet the appetite. I also liked that she enjoys tea’s. I find that refusing; especially in this day and age where authors have their characters drinking coffee all the time.

Skinwalker focused on the characters and a mystery. I enjoyed the mystery. The pace was steady and the mystery was not apparent until it was revealed. Always good to be keepet in the dark until the characters figure it out. Their was a lot of information on all the other paranormals in the world. With Jane very little, but we get a diverse bunch of supernaturals and information explaining them.

We also have a little attraction going on, no romance, but you can see that Jane or should I say Beast wants Jane to find a mate. Jane understands and notices an attractive guy, who wouldn’t notice a hot guy, but she doesn’t just give in to attraction. The chase is half the fun.

Skinwalker was a good read and I look forward to the next.

Rated: 3.5 Stars


vikingwolf's review

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Jane is a skinwalker who shares her body with a panther beast and can take on that and other animal shapes. She has been hired by a vampire brothel owner to hunt a rogue vampire who is murdering civilians and cops in a bloody rampage. Her investigation is complicated by Leo, one of the most powerful vampires in the city, an attractive local guy who wants to help and seems interested in her and a rogue who is very difficult to find and follow.
I was a bit disappointed with this one. The book was so busy concentrating on inane background things that it seemed the hunt for the rogue was just an afterthought shoved in near the end to pull the story together. There was way too much time wasted on describing everything that was happening in the brothel, clubs and bars and introducing waste of time characters who are just there to die or get hurt or fill up a page. Then we had the line up of who could be Jane's possible lovers,all lacking any chemistry with her-the useless Rick, the dangerous vampire Leo and his human servant Bruiser. Bruiser had potential but we didn't see enough of him and Leo just got called in when there was blood spilled so he wasn't used enough. The parts written from Beast's point of view, the endless chat about Jane's history and dreams and all the Rick crap just sent the book drifting away from the main story.
This book lacked cohesive plot and none of the cast were properly developed for me. It only picked up towards the end and by then I knew I wasn't going to read the rest of the series.