
Bei den Wölfen by Sarah Hall

krobart's review against another edition

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mikewa14's review against another edition

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carolann331's review against another edition

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Meatloaf & Potatoes not Steak and Lobster

And bland meatloaf and potatoes at that. This is not to say that the writing is not beautiful or that the story is not interesting, because it is. But it is in an everyday, matter of fact, plodding, monotone, deliberate way. I can see the brilliance of the symbolism between Racheal and the wolves; the need for freedom rather than captivity. It is clear that Rachael is a lone wolf, dedicated and loyal to her cause, yet the story did not allow me to connect with the characters at all. It was devoid of emotion. Any interaction with others is told briefly or completely skipped. Thomas Pendleton's actions near the end were a complete surprise to me and were the most exciting part of the story. I wanted so badly to love this book but the characters were kept at such a distance that it sadly prevented me from having anything beyond a flatline experience.

kdurham2's review against another edition

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check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings

Rachel Caine has been living in the states working with wolves and has always put her career first - her mother unexpectedly dies and she finds herself pregnant and not in a relationship so she runs back home to England to start a new pack of wolves and maybe herself at the same time.

Rachel Caine was an interesting character, but there were some moments where I wanted to pick her up, dust her off and give her a little confidence! I didn't think she was gaining self confidence at the rate I think she would as she was the team leader of this interesting project. I felt as though her team and the Earl had more confidence in her and she wasn't seeing it and it was so frustrating. Besides this character flaw, I enjoyed reading her and her journey.

I loved her team. They were eccentric and each added to the story.

bmg20's review against another edition

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Having read and loved [b:The Beautiful Indifference: Stories|15818482|The Beautiful Indifference Stories|Sarah Hall||17130525], a collection of short stories by this author, I was willing to take a chance on this one despite my hesitation. The subject matter definitely had potential but I read so very little of what is considered 'literary fiction' these days and clearly for good reason.

The concept is interesting: Rachel Caine, a zoologist that grew up in the UK now lives in rural Idaho monitoring wolves. She has been asked to come back to the UK in hopes of hiring her for a project a local Earl has set his sights on: the reintegration wolves to the English countryside. Interested in how long exactly it had been since wolves were common in England, I did a little research myself. Apparently around 1281, the complete destruction of wolves in England was ordered by the current ruler, Edward I and while there were a few mentions of wolves in subsequent years, most appeared to have been exterminated. So despite the modern disadvantages, this Earl wants to bring that park of medieval England back to life and he believes Rachel would be the best bet for this project to be a success. Interesting, but not fascinating enough to capture my complete interest.

Rachel herself was a strange character, seemingly as wild as the wolves she watches, but I struggled with the balance between the topic of the wolves with the overpowering focus on her uninspiring personal life. Then there was the stereotypical Earl, Pennington, and his determination towards this project that was ultimately left unexplained. Emphasis was constantly placed on the fact that he had money and power and he always got what he want without any real meaning behind his actions. The side characters weren't much better and I would have preferred more of a focus on the wolves themselves, alas despite the assumption that they were they definitely took the back burner of the story even with the clear attempt to parallel their story with Rachel's. It just didn't work for me.

The prose is lovely, as I knew she was capable of from her short story collection, but being confronted with another literary story where the quotation marks are experiencing a severe shortage is tiresome. Having to constantly reread passages because I can't determine whether it was something that was actually said out loud or was merely internal dialogue isn't something a reader should have to struggle with. It's a literary style that I will never be on board with.

deecreatenola's review against another edition

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2.5 stars. I'm a big fan of wolves plus the author was highlighted as a rising literary star, so this seemed like a good choice. At first, I was not sure. For such an acclaimed writer, I found the first section of the book difficult to read with too many phrases and few actual sentences. I also found writing in present tense although trendy, an unusual choice. Present tense books are so in the moment that the flow of the story can be jarring. It also means that the narrator essentially has no hindsight, making the story very immediate but also very flat. Oh, and for the love of God, why couldn't the author use quotation marks?! It was very difficult to distinguish thoughts from spoken words.

More than that, the protagonist was pretty unlikeable for at least the first quarter to half of the book. Reading about her life in the States, she seemed devoid of personality, like she was all work, the occasional one-night stand, and more work.

It wasn't until she moved to England and "decided" to keep her baby (although it was not so much a decision as a lack of a decision to have an abortion) that she became more fully fleshed out and got a bit of life in her (literally and figuratively). As she contemplated then became a mother, actually formed a romantic relationship beyond one night, and got to know and cared for her brother, she grew as a person and became significantly less self-absorbed. Probably not unlike real life for many young people.

The backdrop of the story - the reintroduction of wolves to England - was interesting, but I was surprised we didn't learn more about wolves than we did. I enjoyed the description of Cumbria and of Seldom Seen. I still ponder her relationship to Binny (where did that name come from?), but I thought it was a good ending - threads tied up with a definite hopeful future.

fallingletters's review against another edition

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Can't decide between three and a four stars...will sleep on it and come back. (three and a half doesn't seem rig either.)

elizzy_91's review

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Rachel ist eine eigenständige Frau, die durch ihre taffe Kindheit selbst sehr stark und auch kühl wirkt. Als sie für einen Job wieder nach England reist lehnt sie diesen zuerst ab, da sie nicht wieder zurück in ihre Heimat möchte. Doch ein Ereignis zwingt sie beinahe zur Flucht und sie nimmt den Job spontan doch noch an. Gemeinsam mit einem kleinen Team kümmert sie sich um die Wiederansiedlung eines jungen Wolfpaars.
Nebenbei kommt sie ihrem Bruder wieder etwas näher und lernt einen neuen Mann in ihrem doch eher chaotischen Liebesleben kennen.
Darüber Gedanken gemacht
An vielen Stellen bin ich doch etwas zurückgeschreckt. Denn oft wurden sehr vulgäre Ausdrücke verwendet, die meiner Meinung nach in solch einem Buch gar nicht nötig wären.
Auch die vielen Andeutungen, was in einer Schwangerschaft erlaubt ist und was nicht… (Alkohol in Massen und Rauchen sei ja nicht so schlimm) fand ich absolut unangebracht und meiner Meinung nach etwas verantwortungslos.
Ausserdem kamen die Wölfe, für dass Sie im Buchtitel stehen, meiner Meinung nach viel zu selten vor und wurden beinahe nur so am Rande ab und zu wieder erwähnt, damit man sich erinnert „Ah ja, es geht ja um die Wölfe“ und nicht um das ganze Liebesleben von Rachel.
Gefiel mir sehr
Ich mochte zu Anfangs die Art und Weise wie die Autorin die Wölfe beschrieb, doch leider kamen diese viel zu selten vor.
Gefiel mir nicht
Wo fange ich bloss an… Leider kam ich so gar nicht ins Buch hinein. Dies merkte man vor allem auch daran, dass ich viel zu lange daran gelesen habe. Als es dann endlich einmal gut und spannend wurde, wurde die eigentliche Handlung mit nervigen Zwischenszenen aus ihrem Liebesleben unterbrochen. Hätte die Autorin im Klappentext erwähnt, dass es vor allem um Rachel und ihre Männer ginge, hätte mich dies weniger gestört, dann hätte ich mich auf wilde Sexszenen und grobe Wörter eingestellt aber so wurde ich regelrecht überrumpelt und fand es sehr unpassend.
Ich hätte lieber viel mehr von den Wölfen und deren Verhalten im Rudel gelesen, als all das was ich jetzt gelesen habe! Auch war mir Rachel überhaupt nicht sympathisch und ihre kühle Art kam bei mir einfach nicht an, auch ihr Handeln und Denken während ihrer Schwangerschaft passte mir so gar nicht. Sie ist doch ein sehr eigensinniger Charakter, die ein offenes Liebesleben pflegt und sich eher schwer tut mit Familiären Beziehungen.
Schreibstil & Cover
Zu Anfangs fand ich den Schreibstil sehr anstrengend, dann wiederum fand ich ihn schön und konnte mich so richtig ins Buch hineinversetzten. Und dann wieder wurde es so anstrengend, dass mir das Lesen keinen Spass mehr machte. Versteht mich nicht falsch, ich mag bildreiche Beschreibungen eigentlich sehr, aber seitenlanges Wetter und Landschafts-Beschreiben wird mit der Zeit doch zu anstrengend, denn die eigentliche Geschichte kommt so gar nicht voran und man liest und liest und denkt sich… und jetzt, was tut sie da eigentlich?
Das Cover finde ich wirklich sehr schön und beruhigend. Vor allem der Wolf ist meiner Meinung nach richtig gut gelungen und weckte somit auch von Anfang an mein Interesse.
Leider konnte mich dieses Buch so gar nicht überzeugen, denn es hält nicht ein, was es im Klappentext verspricht. Wer eine „Liebesgeschichte“, der speziellen Art lesen möchte, kann gerne zu diesem Buch greifen aber von Wölfen werdet ihr nur wenig darin finden.
Buchlänge ♥♥ (2/5)
Schreibstil ♥♥ (2/5)
Botschaft ♥ (1/5)
Lesevergnügen ♥♥ (2/5)

susansdg's review against another edition

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The first time in ages that I've wondered what the characters are doing now, how they're responding to what's happening.
Loved this book!

seshell's review against another edition

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Unexpectedly enjoyed this book. Nature, relationships and wolves . A great story.