
Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank by Anne Frank

tyndareos's review against another edition

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Das Buch wird sehr hochgelobt, obwohl ich mich frage, wie viele dieser das Buch überhaupt gelesen haben und dann wiederum andere Tagebücher oder Bücher von jüdischen Zeitzeugen gelesen haben.

Das Schicksal von Anne Frank ist ohne Zweifel besonders und besonders schrecklich.
Aber Jüdin zu sein und sich verstecken zu müssen, ist noch lange kein Grund, dieses Tagebuch abdrucken zu lassen.
Ich habe es gelesen, weil ich mir ein paar mehr Hintergrundinfos über den Krieg erhofft hatte. Stattdessen bekommt man das völlig belanglose Tagebuch eines jungen Mädchens, das von sich selbst so völlig eingenommen und von seiner Intelligenz dermaßen überzeugt ist, dass man sie nicht mal sympathisch finden kann.
Schon nach wenigen Seiten geht einem das Gejammere über die ach so unfaire Behandlung von ihren Eltern und sowieso von der ganzen Welt mächtig auf die Nerven.

Aber wenn man mal einen Moment darüber nachdenkt, kann man auch keine poetischen Gedanken von einem 14-jährigen Mädchen erwarten.
Warum Anne Frank von einer „einzigartig begabten jungen Schriftstellerin“ die Rede ist, ist mir ein absolutes Rätsel.
Sie hat Tagebuch geführt und nicht einen Roman oder Sachbuch geschrieben.
Ich kann das Buch nicht gut und informativ finden, nur weil es mit der schrecklichen und wichtigen Vergangenheit zu tun hat.

Wenn Anne Frank zu einer anderen Zeit lebte, hätte sich niemand um ihr Tagebuch geschert.
Ihr Vater war der Hauptgrund, warum dieses Buch heute so bekannt ist.
Dieser hat wiederum auch einiges aus dem Tagebuch raus zensiert.

atleastiread's review against another edition

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emotional informative sad medium-paced


painofboredom's review against another edition

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It's a must read for anyone wanting to take a glimpse into the lives of normal Jewish people/families living under the Nazi Regime.
First the the way in which its written is quite fascinating. i was very young when i read the book and up to that point i hadn't really read many books so it was a quite a fascinating experience to read a book which was essentially collection of personal entries of her diary and to see the world through the lens of anne frank who was by all means just a normal person with dreams and ambitions of her own and who had a great sense of humour albeit a bit weird in some sense. The book is completely confessional in nature in the sense that she reveals all kinds of personal feelings and thoughts and its often wonderful to see things the way she did. So the thing is i didn't know anything about anne frank beforehand so i didn't know that she had died or anything about Nazis for that matter. It was only after reading the book that i researched about nazi you can imagine my feelings while reading it.
Also the last entry in the diary doesn't leave you any clues as to what happened and i first assumed
that that is how the book was supposed to end in some sort of ambiguous/artsy fashion and that she would be some famous author by now. But it was heart wrenching to read what happened to her in the epilogue and it haunted me for quite a few days wondering that everything that she did mentioned in the diary was in vain and that the fact that she wouldn't get to realize any of her dreams or anything that other people so casually enjoy and do not appreciate. It kind of makes you value the freedom , the things you enjoy and life in general. i would say that the real strength of the book lies not in the literary technicalities although the fact that it's a basically a diary and that it doesn't have an ending in the traditional sense does add to its uniqueness but in the fact that how lovely and optimistic anne frank as a person was. Even when they were marked with yellow star and were denied all kinds of normal things that a citizen has right to avail from their country like being denied to study in normal school or that not being allowed to be in school at all or even when bombs were being dropped on them she managed to find joy in little things. It hurts to think that what could she have become if it was not for her horrible, abrupt ending. i mean i read it when i was about the same age as she is in the book so it was much more relatable and it makes you wonder on the fleeting nature of life and death.
Truly a classic!!!

aj9moon's review against another edition

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emotional reflective sad medium-paced

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noah_the_bookshop_boy's review against another edition

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Soit gentil et tiens courage! (Sii gentile e abbi coraggio)

Questa del Diario di Anne Frank è per me l'ennesima rilettura, l'ho letto diverse volte durante gli anni e saltuariamente mi ritrovo di nuovo a leggerlo. Sarà perché lo trovo bellissimo, sarà perché è insistentemente attuale, sarà perché sempre più spesso c'è bisogno di riflettere.

Anne Frank e il suo Diario

Anne Frank è nata a Francoforte nel 1929, ma dopo poco la sua nascita, si trasferisce in Olanda con la sua famiglia perché preoccupati dalle leggi razziali che stanno mettendo in ginocchio tutte le comunità ebree in Germania. Purtroppo la persecuzione raggiunge anche i Paesi Bassi e sono costretti a nascondersi.

Prima che iniziasse la persecuzione, la famiglia Frank non se la passava per niente male: gestivano una piccola fabbrica di proprietà, i soldi in banca non mancavano e il cibo in tavola era sempre abbondante. Dal momento in cui si nasconderanno insieme ad altri ospiti in un rifugio segreto, non potranno più uscire neanche all'aria aperta e camminare liberamente per le strade.

In otto rinchiusi in poche, piccole stanze. Limitati nei movimenti, limitati nelle attività e vincolati agli orari di silenzio e buio assoluto per non essere scoperti. Per più di due anni vivono in questa minuscola comunità e Anne racconta attraverso il suo Diario (la cui scrittura aveva iniziato tempo prima di rifugiarsi in quell'angusto nascondiglio), lo scorrere del tempo, le attività, i pensieri, le speranze, i disagi, le delusioni e la su crescita personale.

Testimonianza dell'ignobile e disumana realtà storica delle leggi razziali durante la seconda guerra mondiale in Europa; la Germania nazista è raccontata come una falciatrice di sogni e pensieri, assassina di ideali e buoni principi, estirpati dalle radici e messi a seccare, inaridire e morire nei campi di lavoro e di sterminio dai quali nella storia della famiglia Franke, riesce a sopravvivere solamente il padre al campo di Bergen Belsen.

La mia esperienza di lettura

Leggendolo, mi sembra sempre, ogni volta di violare quelli che sono i pensieri di una ragazza, mi sembra di scassinare il lucchetto della sua personale scatola dei ricordi e delle emozioni, mi sembra di non avere quasi il permesso di entrare nella sua vita e allora mi ci avvicino con delicatezza, quasi con timore di disturbare. Ogni volta che lo leggo, spero che il finale sia diverso, che il Diario possa terminare con una lettera a Kitty alternativa, ma ogni volta, purtroppo, l'epilogo rimane inevitabilmente lo stesso.

Mi sembra sempre di leggerlo per la prima volta, forse perché il mio approccio nei confronti della vita e di conseguenza le mie chiavi di lettura sono diverse; non lo leggo per il piacere di leggerlo, ma lo leggo per tutto quello che riesce a trasmettermi: speranza, forza e voglia di vivere.

Lo stile

È un semplice diario quello che scrive Anne, dove riempie le pagine con piccoli fatti della vita quotidiana e riflessioni sulla vita. Spontaneo, diretto, ricolmo di speranze e domande, ma anche pieno di tormento. Un diario che nonostante tutto è pieno di forza e cerca speranza in mezzo all'oscurità.


Consiglio di leggerlo o rileggerlo a tutti perché è un manifesto alla speranza, alla vita e alla libertà, una condanna forte a ogni forma di razzismo e dittatura militare. Potrebbe risultare superflua qualsiasi recensione di libri come questo, potrebbe risultare noioso per alcuni, ma è necessario mantenere viva la memoria su quella che è la pagina più buia della Storia affinché non si dimentichi mai, neanche per un secondo, cosa è accaduto a milioni di persone e cosa non dovrà mai più succedere di nuovo.

cait_readsxox's review against another edition

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Wow.. I have barely any words to describe how much this moved me emotionally. I’m glad that in the end Anne’s voice was heard through this book. I found myself relating to the feelings of being a teenager that Anne was going through. found myself laughing at some of her entries and other times feeling sadness. I recommend this book 100%.

detchevarne's review against another edition

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reflective tense slow-paced


heatherinthenether's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional reflective sad medium-paced


This is a poignant and terrible look into a life destroyed, a light vanquished, and a horrible time in history. Anne's life was full of so much promise and hope, and all the curious mischief of youth. 

rhondawhite97's review against another edition

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This book is one of the most influential books I've ever read, and because of this, Anne is my biggest role model. She was a very admirable person, not only because of her advanced way of writing at a young age, but because she had a much different and better outlook on life, even in a really distressing time. This book has made me a better person!

andreahernaiz's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful informative reflective sad tense slow-paced


At times slow and hard to get through, as to be expected since it’s not a story but rather daily thoughts. But so worth it. I feel like I’ve read it at an age where I no longer think and feel like a teenager, but can remember what it was like. As it drew to an end I felt so tense and hopeless seeing Anne grow more optimistic as the pages counted down. It broke my heart to learn she lived for about another year, not knowing what she thought during those final months, her not having her one comfort (Kitty).