
Mile 81 by Thomas Sadoski, Stephen King, Edward Herrmann

andiewritesstuff's review against another edition

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A quick and entertaining read.

okenwillow's review against another edition

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Stephen King est un auteur dans le vent, il joue le jeu du numérique et sa dernière nouvelle est exclusivement disponible au format numérique. Outil promotionnel aussi puisqu’il propose le premier chapitre de son roman à venir dans les semaines/mois qui viennent : 11/22/63.

Petit nouvelle bien sympathique, qu’on lit vite, qu’on oublie vite. Un Stephen King sera toujours, au pire des cas, sympathique. Pete Simmons, un jeune garçon négligé par son frère aîné qui préfère traîner avec des copains de son âge, se réfugie sur une aire de repos à l’abandon, fréquentée par une jeunesse locale qui s’y rassemble pour des soirées de beuverie collective. Pete récolte les cadavres et pique un somme à l’intérieur du restaurant abandonné, un brin imbibé. Un peu plus tard, tandis que le jeune insouciant cuve son alcool, un break boueux et sans immatriculation quitte la route pour se garer sur l’aire de repos. La portière s’ouvre, personne ne sort. Encore un peu plus tard, un conducteur bien intentionné, soupçonnant une panne et un congénère en détresse, quitte à son tour la voie rapide et rejoint le break sur l’aire désertée. L’homme disparaît d’une manière que je n’évoquerai pas ici, et il sera suivi par d’autres personnes, toutes bien intentionnées elles aussi. Une histoire simple, courte, à la limite de la parodie même, surtout le final. Une petite nouvelle sympa donc, mais pas de quoi fouetter un chat.

zebrafiche's review against another edition

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The absurdity of the plot - about a car that eats people whole - didn't quite strike me as terribly horrifying.

As one of the avid readers of Stephen King's books, I can say that some of his other works are just downright chilly and disturbing, albeit enjoyable.

This one, not so much.

manadabomb's review against another edition

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Real quick read - short story SK style. I kind of wondered when the King part would come in and ... it did. Ew.

kyle_books's review against another edition

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tonymp's review against another edition

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This story is entertaining, but it isn’t what I’d call one of King’s best works. It’s also a fast read. For me it was interesting to look at what seems to be a writer’s exercise or experiment, taking mundane things and turning them into something terrifying. The elements here are very run-of-the-mill: a derelict rest area, a station wagon, and a magnifying glass.

marthalclausen's review against another edition

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I wish we could give partial stars because three is not enough, but I give too many fours because I just enjoy so many things I read. I am usually very practical and realistic and Stephen King is one of the only authors I have found who could write about this topic and not make me roll my eyes. I can and/or will suspend disbelief for him.

emmarj's review against another edition

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(As collected in The Bazaar of Bad Dreams)

Please make the car stories stop. Please. At this point it's like I automatically hate King's car stories on principle alone.

Rachel was a loveable little girl for a character. However, as I'm a parent myself now, it was REALLY hard for me to read about two children being suddenly orphaned. That was not fun. The idea of leaving my children scares me but I don't find the concept of a man-eating car plausible, no matter who writes it.

No. Stop. No more cars.

elisabeth1st's review against another edition

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Hardly big enough to call a book, but the epitome of SK. A single morsel of perfection.

megs_books_'s review against another edition

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Good novella.