
Rage by Bob Woodward

jenniferstringer's review against another edition

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Though it’s going to sound like one, it’s not meant to be a political dig to say, I think he’s mentally ill. Seriously. It’s like he can’t understand the questions Woodward is asking him if it requires stepping out of himself. It’s just so bizarre he’s President. Hopefully that changes soon.

shervinbr's review against another edition

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اگر مثل من ظهور شخصیت ترامپ و طرفدارهای نسبتا زیادش براتون جالبه و در مورد عملکرد و نحوه اداره مملکت توسط این شخصیت سوال دارین و مثل من به رسانه های بزرگ اعتماد ندارید، این کتاب میتونه منبع خوبی برای این سوال باشه.
نویسنده این کتاب یکی از دو روزنامه نگاریست که ماجرای واترگیت را برملا کرده و تا این لحظه با ۹ رئیس جمهور آمریکا مصاحبه کرده و درموردشون کتاب نوشته. منابع و افراد زیادی در نقاط مختلف سیستم سیاسی آمریکا داره و از نظر من این شخصیت میتونه بهترین فرد برای فهمیدن راست و دروغ صحبت ها و فکت های مصاحبه شونده باشه. برای نوشتن این کتاب ۱۷ بار با دانلد ترامپ مصاحبه میکنه و از چند شخصیت مهم دیگه از جمله مشاور ارشد و وزیر دفاع و وزیر خارجه و افرادی در پنتاگون در مورد صحبت های رئیس جمهور نظرسنجی میکنه.
هرکجا متوجه دروغ و حرف اشتباهی در صحبت های ترامپ میشه سریع فکت سنجی میکنه و با ذکر منبع، آمار درست رو بیان میکنه و این نقطه قوت بزرگ کتابه

از اونجایی که اوایل کتاب بیشتر روی مسائل امور خارجی و مشکلاتی که وزیر دفاع و وزیر خارجه در این حوزه داشتن تمرکز میکنه، کمی برای من خسته کننده بود اما وقتی نوبت به مصاحبه های نویسنده با ترامپ و شیوع ویروس کووید۱۹ رسید بسیار جذاب بود.

خلاصه داستان؟ نویسنده در فصل آخر کتاب معتقده که ترامپ فردیه که به راحتی دروغ میگه و انقدر روی دروغ پافشاری میکنه تا برای خودش به واقعیت تبدیل بشه. علاقه ای به فکت و مشورت با افراد متخصص نداره و هرچیز غیرمنتظره ای ممکنه ازش سربزنه. سواد سیاسی کافی برای اداره کشور آمریکا نداره و فردیه که خودنمایی براش بسیار مهم تر از خدمت به مردم و درستکاریه.

ogreart's review against another edition

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When I read a book by a journalist, it makes me look at the subject of the book a little differently. I see that Trump, in some cases, made good decisions, and sometimes he was trying to do the most goos for the most people. But not always. Not even usually. He's reduced to repeating his talking points over and over. He watches onto one idea and cannot let go of it. I don't think Trump is evil, but I don't like him any better than I did before. I agree with Woodward's ultimate opinion that closes the book.

katemoxie's review against another edition

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God save us.

annecrisp's review against another edition

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This is a hard book to rate. The subject is a corrupt, racist, misogynistic, and incompetent person, which makes it hard to separate him from the work. Woodward was fair in his criticisms, and he even praised Trump where he thought it was warranted. He also explicitly fact-checked Trump's many lies as he went along. He laid out a strong case for the final conclusion: "Trump is the wrong man for the job." I already believed that to be the case, as do millions of other Americans, but it is always nice to have that view shared by such a learned and well-respected man.

brian06's review against another edition

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Overall, I give Bob Woodward’s “Rage” a solid ★★★★. Unfortunately, revelations that trump is a dangerous coward, unfit for the office and “felony stupid” are no longer shock worthy. Nor am I shocked by the absolute complicity of his Republican sycophants in the administration and Congress.
I highly recommend you read “Rage” - trump ridiculously claims to have read it from cover-to-cover in one night – so you can find the time to read it too.

joweston's review against another edition

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It's forensic and it's thorough, just as you would expect from Bob Woodward. I found it over long, however as a read. It's a record of an extraordinary period of US political history, but personally I found it a bit repetitive. I enjoyed the transcripts of the interviews.

Why on earth did Trump agree to be interviewed when he knew (and admits as such) that he would not come out of it well? Why did he keep spouting the rubbish that shows him up as the power-crazed, deluded lying imbecile that he is?

That in itself demonstrates the total lack of judgment and self awareness he suffers from.

It's relayed in a factual and level way, there is no hysteria from Woodward on any points. The only hysteria is what one feels when listening to the musings and reasonings of the so called Leader of the Free World.

edenseve63's review against another edition

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Woodward is a veteran reporter with knowledge of DC from a lifetime spent observing the inner workings of the U.S. government. It seemed to me that in this instance his talent, intellect and reporter’s instincts to dig deep went to waste. The subject of Rage has been described by many as a malignant narcissist, not having a clinical expertise I can’t vouch for that diagnosis. I can say as a member of the public that in my opinion he has no hidden depth and is everything that one strives Not to be: shallow, greedy, self-obsessed, lacking in empathy, self-aggrandizing, ignorant with zero intellectual curiosity, authoritarian in philosophy, and stupid.

I echo General Mattis’ assessment of Trump as detailed by Woodward in “Rage” as citizens took to the streets of the capitol to protest the death of George Floyd by police officers. Mattis said “we are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership”. Enraged at Trump’s stunt of waiving a bible and sending helicopters to disperse protesters, Mattis decried the only president that actually sought to divide the nation.
President Lincoln called on Americans to listen to our better angels and reach out to one another in fellowship. In the shadow of his and Washington’s monuments we saw what happens when we turn from these wise words.

lporto's review against another edition

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Bob Woodward presents this president objectively. It's disconcerting how the people around him see him.

rubythedreamer's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective medium-paced


Easy to read for a political book, at times in the first half it was hard to follow, but clear in the second half and was rounded off well at the end. The first Woodward book I've read and would read others by him on previous Presidents. A well balanced view of Trump's presidency offered.