
From Gods by Mary Ting

darkromancelover's review against another edition

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I Received An ARC Of This Book In Exchange For My Honest Review!

This is the first book I've read by Mary Ting and can I say that I felt the lightning while reading this book. By the end of the first chapter I was hooked on this book and I knew that this would be one the first of Mary Ting's books I was gonna read.

When Skylar Rome was 8 years old her dad left her and her mom. We jump ahead 10 years and Skylar is graduating from high school and getting ready to head off to her Auntie Kelly and Cousin Kayla's home for three weeks before she has to start college.

That is when all the fun and adventure begins. Not long after meeting Mason and his brothers she keeps getting herself into weird and dangerous perdictaments. Along with being introduced to some hideous sounding monsters. Mason always manages to show up and save her with his demi god powers. Can you guess what God he's a descendant of?

Skylar feels a pull to Mason from the beginning and fantasizes about having a relationship with him. Only problem with that is that the Grand brothers don't do relationships and she knows this cause Mace told her so. Mace, Nick, Everett, and Remus are confused by Skylar and think that she could also be a descendent of the Gods. Remus thinks she's something else. Something dangerous to them all.

I love Skylar and Mason. They do have chemistry and he's so protective of her while telling her he isn't interested in her that way. Often going so far as to threaten her with the "naughty corner"! I was very happy when Mary told us what it was. Skylar at times can be very shy but she also is spunky at times which is good cause she will need it. Mason is Pure Alpha Male. He's drawn to Skylar and has vowed that nothing will happen to her that she can trust him. He can get so angry and then be so sensitive and considerate to Skylar when she needs it. Nick is my other favorite character and I think it's because he always was entertaining me when he showed up. He could make me laugh. Him and Mason are the strongest of the brothers with powers and when they fight together side by side all I can say is...HOT!!!

Mary Ting thank you for such a great read. I can't wait for the next book to come out so I can see what happens next. Definitely recommend this book.

ajenkins979's review against another edition

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I did enjoy this book, it took awhile to get hooked. But that was probably me.
Kayla and Skylar are best friends and cousins who rely on each other very much. Their personalities were described great and relate able.
Skylar as a main character, at first did not seem strong enough, hard to explain. More like, it didn't seem possible she would be the main chick. But as the story progressive you can visualize it. She was kinda skeptical herself, and quite paranoid with absolute reason!
Mason, I wanted to smack him quite often. He was too cocky and rude.
Nick, was great he could always lighten the mood. And that was always needed!
At the ending, it left me with a weird vibe. Like was that the end? Will there be more. I just don't know. Yes, it says book 2 coming soon. I know there is still more of the story, but I just feel like what more could Skylar deal with?

I was given a copy in exchange for an honest review.

printedadventures's review against another edition

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2.5 Stars

I didn't dislike this book, but I didn't connect with it either.

I don't have a very good reason honestly. It felt like Skylar was a bit too. . . well girly. At least for me to enjoy this read. She barely understands what she is and the fact that she doesn't immediately demand to know more bothered me.

Maybe it's also the fact that I found Mason a bit unreal. And I can see that as being the point of reading romances, the men are all willing to admit the deep dark bits of why they just can't love until the end when they suddenly explain in detail their baggage and just get over it. But I felt my eyes roll too many times while reading to really enjoy the story.

This wasn't a bad book, just not for me.

brianzangel13's review against another edition

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Really good, like demi Gods? This is it. Love? This book has it. I really enjoyed cant wait to read book 2

jeanz's review against another edition

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I'm slightly worried as I pick up my kindle to read this, I mean I loved the Crossroads Saga, will I like this too? Will it be as good? My thoughts at 14% "Liking this already" Then at 51% my thoughts were "Definitely warming to the characters of Kayla, Skylar & Mason (loved those two from the beginning of the book) and Nick too. What on earth or descended from heaven is Skylar?

So the story is that Skylar's dad walked out of her life when she was very young, her mother prefers to not speak about him so he is somewhat of a taboo subject. Skylar hates to be reminded of him so no one call's her Sky anymore as that's what he always called her. So Skylar is going to her Aunt Kelly's to be with her cousin Kayla for the summer break. Upon arriving at aunt Kelly's she learns that her aunt is short of waitresses at the cafe/diner she owns, so Kayla has been coerced into working at the diner. Skylar immediately volunteers to help out too, as she would just be stuck alone otherwise, plus she is the kind of girl that would want to help out her family too. Both girls get really into working at the diner and get along with Jack the cook, and Mona the other waitress. Then of course they see some good looking guys. I'll let you discover how they meet etc by reading the book, as I prefer not to give too much detail. Anyhow it turns out the gorgeous "brothers" Mason, Nick, Remus & Everett are quite different to other guys as they are in fact descendants from the Gods. They seem puzzled by Skylar and they think she too could be a descendant from the Gods when Hades Vultures go after her too. However she turns out to be something quite dangerous to the Grand brothers. In fact she quite accidentally kills one of them when he attacks her. I won't say how Skylar is special or how she kills the errant brother but she does it so unintentionally. When she realises her "power" and that she can kill the guys she wants to keep her distance but they won't allow it, in fact Mason actually seems to care about her. Obviously Kayla is crushing on Nick and Skylar has a soft spot for Mason. Mason keeps his remaining brothers in the dark about exactly what happened when Skylar killed one of them. As the only true full human Kayla also has to be kept in the dark somewhat too.
The remaining Grand brothers,Everett, Mason & Nick with "cousin" Amanda, Kayla & Skylar take a trip to another dimension, to Olympus to seek answers as to what Skylar actual is. They receive the answer but Mason swears Sklyar to silence. A descendant from God by the name of Alena is trying to kidnap Skylar to use her power to kill other Demi Gods.
There's mythology, action, drama, teenage angst and love against the odds in this latest offering form Mary Ting. My expectations were high when I began reading having read and loved the Crossroads Saga. I really loved the characters and wanted the girls to be happy with Nick and Mason. Poor Skylar doesn't even know she is "special" to begin with. she also thinks she has a stalker, who turns out to be helpful when her and Mason were being chased.
I also like the two male characters introduced towards the latter part of the book, Noah and Tim. In fact I think Noah's name is so appropriate! and I kind of think he may be a bit of competition for Skylar's attentions, so Mason better watch out!
So did I enjoy the book? Yes, I really enjoyed it. Would I recommend the book? Yes, if you loved the Crossroads Saga you will love this even though it's different. (That will make sense when you read it!) Mary Ting does "love against the odds" fantastically well.
Would I read a book two in this series? Oh, definitely. I'm addicted to this series already! Would I read other books by Mary Ting? I already did with the Crossroads Saga but I'd give any Mary Ting book a go really.

corgimorris's review against another edition

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I had to grind through this book just to get through it. I skim read the last 16% of the book just so I could move on to another book. I felt like big events in the book were ignored a lot and not taken as seriously as it should've been. SPOILER ALERT

She almost got raped by the love interests half brother and then she killed him. when the lover found out he said he didn't like that brother anyway and then continued to flirt with her AND SHE FLIRTED BACK!?
I'm sorry but if that had just happened then I feel like she'd be a bit more stirred up than getting over it the next day.

In a nutshell I felt like it was written by a 12 year old, the romance was caked on and made me a little sick towards the end. I also didn't believe the romance and frankly really didn't enjoy this book.

kimaw31's review against another edition

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Loved this book can't wait until next one

stacyhbrown's review against another edition

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This book is a good concept, however it is written as though it were done in a hurry and the person left out many details. The writing lacks the depth and maturity of an experienced author.

bailsbooks's review against another edition

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Here's what I don't quite understand about this book, and the reviews on it.


I scrolled quickly through the reviews, to see if anyone else rated this low, but it turns out there's only one review at the very bottom, and I'm pretty sure that was a 2 star rating because this "wasn't their cup of tea."

I'm a little livid.

This book had so much potential. I love mythology stories, and this one had all the makings for an awesome one.

I had one problem: EVERYTHING.

1. Skylar. Really? Really. She's horrendous. She's boring and lame and petty and who thinks about such stupid things? Her house was broken into and all she could think about was Mason. She almost drowned and all she could think about was Mason. Mason Mason MASON. First of all, girl, Mason isn't great (in this rant I'll actually complain about him, so he's my #2 problem). He impersonated a cop (which is against the law if anyone was curious...), he lied to her about who he was, tried to pretend nothing was going on, lied to her again, left her unconscious on the beach, was a jerk to her, lied to her, oh wait, and I think there was one more thing? He lied. There we go.

2. Kayla. You're a shitty cousin.

3. TEENAGERS. DO. NOT. TALK. LIKE. THIS. You know what? Humans don't talk like this. No one in this book spoke like a regular person. the conversations were so stilted and awkward I was CRINGING. Why couldn't they seem to have normal conversations? Why was everything so lame and hokey?

WHY DOES THIS WHOLE BOOK SUCK SO BAD? If I could, I'd rate this -5 stars.

julesgou's review against another edition

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I first came across this novel in Goodreads' First Reads. Unfortunately, I didn't win a copy. However, I did come across it on iTunes for free and it sounded amazing so why not!

And I am so glad that I decided to read it.

First of all, I am becoming a huge classics buff and who doesn't like Greek mythology? NOT ME!

Yes, ok, some of this was predictable! But it was still so good! I loved that there was a balance of the romance and the battle parts. We got to learn about Skylar and Mason a lot as well! The only thing that I would wish more of is information. But, again, this is a series so some information needs to be left for the next novel in the series. But, I still wish we had gotten more information.

The ending was really good too! It was a real cliff hanger. I haven't decided if I am to continue with the series or not, but, hopefully I do!

Definitely one to read if you enjoy Greek mythology or are looking for a light, easy read. Ting did a great job with this novel and I can't wait to see what she does next!