
Greenwode by J. Tullos Hennig

the_novel_approach's review

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If you love epic fantasy, I can’t recommend this book highly enough. J Tullos Hennig’s writing is nothing less than eloquent, her storytelling nothing less than stellar. This is the sort of book that makes me fall in love with words and language all over again. It’s a story that drew me in from page one and didn’t cut me loose, even when there were no more words left to read.

You can read the rest of this review at The Novel Approach

angrypie's review

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3.5 stars

bookshelfsos's review

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Wow, this book unsuspectingly swept me off my feet. Granted, I've always been a huge fan of Robin Hood adaptations so this might have been a guaranteed home run.

Where to even start? There was so much I loved about this book: the exquisite characterization, the slowly developed romance, the class dynamics, the action and intrigue that you'd expect of a Robin Hood adventure. It was all wonderful.

The parts that really stood out to me though were the scenes between Rob and Gamelyn. It's difficult to find characters that have such amazing and natural chemistry, but they absolutely do. Their scenes together are all electric with passion, humor, sweetness, longing, devotion, painful moments of doubt... just about every emotion that two young people are going to have when they're falling madly in love for the first time. I can't get enough of these two, but of course they are star-crossed lovers and so their circumstances are drawing them apart and leaving the reader desperately hoping that they will find each other again.

Personal preference, but I loved the dialect that Hennig wrote for Rob and his family. Oh, and speaking of Rob's family, this book has some wonderful women in it as well, something that I've found quite rare in mm romance and was so happy to find here.

xiaxia's review

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Do. Not. Bloody. Touch. Me. Until. I've. Finished. The. NEXT. BOOK!

My god, this was.... GAAAAAAAAAH! MY GOD!

Best book of the year so far.

Thank you to my patient buddy reading friends. Real life was a bitch and it took me a long time to finish.

evila_elf's review

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Very different from what I was expecting! But I was captivated the whole time and had a hard time putting the book down.

I'm not so sure how well I like the magic aspect. Maybe just because I don't understand all the rules yet. I really hope it doesn't turn into a convenience to get everyone out of impossible situations a lot in the next book. Has a potential to be abused.

Just make sure you have the second book on hand as soon as you finish this one!

megandawn's review

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One of those frustrating kind of books that I enjoyed very much while I was reading it but never felt the urge to pick it back up after putting it down.

venusdemilo's review

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gay robin hood: sounded pretty promising, was well written and had appropriate ambiance for a celtic setting. but alas it was too angsty for me. perfect for readers who can deal w reading about internalized homophobia and heartbreak between the main pairing, though. fear not, i'm pretty sure the series has a positive ending.

rachela1eaf's review

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Holy shit. I don't know how else to encapsulate my reaction to this book, just: holy. shit.

I'd basically succumbed to the belief that the majority of queer fantasy, while quite enjoyable, is not, objectively, good. Mercedes-Lackey's Last Herald-mage series, while immensely enjoyable and one of my favorites, is on a technical level not a masterpiece. But this. This. On every level, the writing was phenomenal. The characters were rich and deep, the plot and tension were woven beautifully, the world developed with amazing detail and depth... god.

I don't know what more to say than I loved this book, and I'm screaming because our local LGBT bookstore isn't open on Sundays so I can't get the next one. Please, I need more.

ishmael's review

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Gay pagan Robin Hood! Where he's a teenager, Marion is his sister, he falls for a Christian nobleman's son. Much Angst Ensues. The language was interesting though sometimes difficult to parse. I know diddly about the religious aspects so there were bits where I could've used more explanation, but overall they felt fleshed-out. One big complaint is it didn't do a good job making clear how much time had passed--I had no idea over 5 years had passed until late in the book when it was stated outright.

The relationships were varied and family was a big part of the story, which I liked. Rob and Gamelyn's romance was slow-built and sweet when there wasn't angst. Ending was predictable but when there's so much ominous foreshadowing I suppose that's part of the tragic point.

Will read the sequel.

calila's review

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This is a great retelling of Robin Hood. It's just has the basics in common and everything else is different. I loved Rob and felt for Gamelyn, even as he annoyed me. At least his struggles made sense even if I wanted him to be more assertive. Marion was great for the most part, but I don't like nosy know-it-alls. Somethings aren't your business, I don't care what prophesy you're a part of. I really liked the parents at the beginning but by the end all three were terrible. Though I was still emotional with what happens. I knew the ending would rip out my heart and then just end....and it did both. I can't wait to read what happens next.