
Second True Love by Vikki Jay

sslovesbooks_1's review

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I hope this is the great first book in a new series as I loved this one.
Keith is handsome, hard working, bereft and unable
to know what to do with his teenage daughter. When Clementine moves into their home as a new tenant Keith finds his world turned upside down in more ways than one.
Clementine is a naive, adorable character who is desperate to find her independence in her work and personal life and she quickly bonds with Merida, Keith’s daughter and as their relationship develops so too does the importance of Clementine in Keith’s life.
I loved the opposites attract in this one - Keith is closed, rigid and routined where Clementine is quirky, honest and at times a bit flaky. I loved that dynamic in this one.
Another excellent read and I’m hoping for more books soon from this author.

always_reading_rachel's review

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I really enjoyed the love story in this book. I went in blind and when I found out it was age gap and single dad I was so stoked. I wasn’t expecting the action or the twist!! I didn’t give it a five because there’s some major questions that I don’t feel got answered, and one specific topic that I feel like didn’t get enough attention. I’m trying to not spoil anything so that’s all I can say about that. Over all though I enjoyed this book.

read_on_reader's review

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Clementine Hawthorne comes from a very wealthy very well known family with expectations on every aspect of her life already predetermined, so when she wants to venture off the beaten path and do things on her own her horrific mother does not agree. For years Clementine has tried to fight for every ounce of independence and while she is very naive about some things she is a strong willed person wanting to what she can for herself. My heart hurt for her because no one in her family would really stick up for her, none of them truly believed in her dreams, and they all were waiting for her to fail so they could coddle her and tell her I told you so. I was proud when she went out on her own moved into a new area, started a new job, and tried so hard at everything she did. When she moves in with the Adams’ she doesn’t expect grumpy Keith and his wonderful daughter Merida. She instantly befriends the daughter but Keith is still chasing ghosts of his past so he comes off hateful towards her. Keith also broke my heart because he carried so much pain with him. He was still mourning the loss of his wife ten years later and he couldn’t see that not only was it eating away at his soul, but it was taking away from his relationship with his daughter. When things happen and the tension rises between Clementine and Keith will Keith let his guard down to pursue it or will his pain be too much to bare? Can Clementine prove to herself and her family that she is fully capable of living her own life on her own terms or will they all still wait for her to fail? This story was a beautiful one about learning to carve your own paths in life and learning to live with the past never forgetting but living again. The characters were wonderful except I still despised her mother she deserves so much horrible things because she acts as if everyone, including Clementine, is beneath her. I also had issues with Oscar which I loved before, but in this book he was unsupportive when Clementine truly needed it, never took her side when it counted, and was one of the ones waiting for her to come home with her tail between her legs which was all disappointing because he seems like a great guy. In the end Clementine proved herself more than able to succeed in life and love. She was the light to Keith’s darkness and the happiness in his grief.

iamtannie's review

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I really do enjoy me some cute and lovely book.
This book has my favourite tropes: SINGLE DAD, FORCED PROXIMITY, AGE GAP!!
This is extremely cute, and short.
To be honest, i didn't find anything bad about it. The only thing that I hate it, which is why I didn't give a 5star,was that at points i felt that it needed a little bit more of a structure. But besides that, i feel like this is a great book for a weekend, a palate cleanser. There's drama, but not the kind where your heart start beating a thousand miles per hour.

I would honestly recommend this book , as it had it all. Great characters, their development, their relationships and hey! who doesn't want a 40yo man taking good care of you in every single way possible.
And if you give me more of them, I won’t be mad at all 7 really love how good they are

carissasbooksncoffee's review

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Clem and Keith are absolutely adorable. And Merida makes me melt. I just want to squeeze her! The age gap here didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would, but it certainly bugged enough people in the book, Keith included. Clementine had a lot of learning to do and Keith needed to loosen up quite a bit, but in the end they were perfect for each other. There were a few things that bothered me a little bit. A few things were a little too easy and I feel like I missed something with the background characters but I’m hoping we will learn more about that in the next book. All in all, I love this series and am excited for more Teagers to come!

opalthegembookreviews's review

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Second True Love - Vikki Jay (3 Stars!)

second chance at love, age gap, single-parent, grumpy-sunshine
"I am in, I am all in"
Keith and his teenage daughter Merida are barely making It by 10 years after Keith's wife's sudden passing Keith is still desperately holding on to his deceased wife like she never left until he gets an offer from a colleague needing a short term rental for his little sister Clementine.

Clementine was offered her dream job as a designer for the top fashion company in St. Peppers the only problem is making her career dreams equal in the eyes of her family who believe anyone with the Hawthorne name would never be a "seamstress" and now with the weight of her father's will on her shoulders Clem has to take a risk at making it on her own or be married by 25 and back under her mother's grasp.

Living in the possession of luxury her entire life Clem is out to strike on her own and with the help of Merida and reluctant Keith, Clem will experience life and maybe a little more for the first time.

I was so eager to get my hands on Clem's book Second Chance at Love is a truly sweet story and I got into it as though I'd never been apart from it however, I'm giving 3 stars because I found some things throughout the story for me had loose ends and I couldn't pin-point time periods between where Zach's story took place and where Clem's began when I felt that Clem's came right at the end of Rose's. another thing was that the steam level was different than Rose's series which fits perfectly for Clem/Keith's story but didn't meet my expectations of what I was hoping for with an age-gap. I thought Merida and Clem's bond was the true soul of this story (plus the mention of a full Gilmore Scene!! Vikki you know how to get me!) and what kept me cheerfully awaiting their happy ending together I can't wait to see Zach's story and where this series goes next.

memull17's review

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Clementine is finally getting the chance to experience life outside the overbearing nature of her mother and start her dream job. Keith and his daughter Merida are just existing and not really living since the death of his wife a decade earlier until Clem walks into their lives and turns it upside down. Is Clem’s presence in their lives for the best or is it too much for them?

Clem is the definition of carefree sunshine and Keith is the gloomy cloud on a rainy day. Keith grounds Clem and Clem breathes new life into Keith making their relationship complimentary and solid. This is a slow burn and hesitant relationship but once they are both all in it moves with ease and familiarity. Plus, Merida is probably one of the best supporting characters I’ve read in a while; she had so much individual growth as well as being a nudging push to Clem and Keith.

This is my third book by @vikkijayauthor and I’m really enjoying the world and cast of characters she’s created and can’t wait to catch up more with the Teager family in the next book out in June!

Thank you @vikkijayauthor and @greyspromo for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

sslovesbooks's review

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I hope this is the great first book in a new series as I loved this one.
Keith is handsome, hard working, bereft and unable
to know what to do with his teenage daughter. When Clementine moves into their home as a new tenant Keith finds his world turned upside down in more ways than one.
Clementine is a naive, adorable character who is desperate to find her independence in her work and personal life and she quickly bonds with Merida, Keith’s daughter and as their relationship develops so too does the importance of Clementine in Keith’s life.
I loved the opposites attract in this one - Keith is closed, rigid and routined where Clementine is quirky, honest and at times a bit flaky. I loved that dynamic in this one.
Another excellent read and I’m hoping for more books soon from this author.

ksteigert's review

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Clementine comes from wealth, but with that wealth come a sheltering from the outside world. Her well-meaning siblings coddle her, and her mother doesn't want her to leave the family home until she has been married off to someone suitable. At 25, she has just scored her dream job with a fashion designer and desperately wants to prove herself, even if it means going out on her own without her family's support.

Keith is a security specialist who has been chasing the ghost of his wife for ten years, and his relationship with her 13 year old daughter, Merida, has suffered for it. When he reluctantly does a favor for a friend, and rents the loft space in his home to a woman he has never met, he comes to regret it almost instantly.

Clementine is the very definition of a sunshine character! Her naivety is endearing rather than annoying simply because she so desperately wants to learn and become her own person. Keith's grief and aloofness is slowly chipped away throughout this book, and the transformation process has its ups and downs, and is very raw and real.

This book had everything; it has mystery and intrigue, it has the slow burn of a great romance, and it has personal growth amongst each character. It was enjoyable and realistic, it made you laugh and cry, and I loved the entire journey!

Thank you to Valentine PR and Vikki Jay for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

whatemmareads26's review

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POV: First person / Dual
Genre: Contemporary Romance / Age Gap / Single Dad / Widower / Grumpy & Sunshine / Slow Burn / Landlord & Tenant

Despite coming from a world of privilege and wealth, all Clementine wants is to be away from her mother’s expectations and to make it on her own. At twenty five, finding her dream job was seemingly easy, but with no life experience or references, finding her a new home is a far more difficult task. So when her brother rents his friends converted loft for her, she jumps at the chance.

Keith is a forty year old security specialist, who has been chasing the ghost of his wife for ten years, he’s grumpy, lonely and unable to move forward, and as a result his relationship with her thirteen year old daughter, Merida, has suffered.

When Clem enters Keith’s home, and the lives of him and Merida, he regrets his decision to let her stay immediately, not only because she’s innocent sunshine, but because she makes him feel things he never expected to feel again…
