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Found in Transition: A Mother's Evolution During Her Child's Gender Change by Paria Hassouri
lars1497's review
I seem to be in the minority in my opinion of this book, but I couldn't get past the pages and pages of crying, self-pity, and grief this mom felt over her child's transition. Sure, there is going to be grief. You're letting go of one expectation of who your child is and learning about another. But this mom went on an on chronicling 2 years of crying and sadness without ever seeming to consider how her daughter felt about her own journey. Maybe the mom turned it around at the end (because this book did come recommended by families in the trans community), but I don't have the patience to find out.
alicebme's review
I am beyond grateful this book exists, because I needed to read a mother’s account of their teen trans daughter’s journey. I appreciate every shared thought and feeling and all of the honesty. People aren’t good at sharing and being honest about these things. So, thank you.
jmbernacki's review
Paria's book is an incredibly candid description of a parent's process of coming to understand and accept her daughter's gender identity. As a behavioral health provider who works with gender diverse youth and their families, this is a book that will help so many to realize that they are not alone in their experience. Paria's account is also a powerful message of the importance of supporting your child for whoever they are.