
Noteworthy by Riley Redgate

captwinghead's review

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This was the most interesting YA novel I've read since Ace of Spaces. Diverse representation, discussions of gender, discussions of poverty, and the characters sound like teenagers. The only hang up I have is that, since I'm not a non-binary person, I can't speak to the ethics of this story's scenario. There were a couple of moments I felt uncomfortable about it, but I can't say whether it was just a personal concern or if it was ethically questionable.

SpoilerThe moment where Nihal sees Julian as a fellow member of the queer community and decides to come out, the discomfort I felt wasn't offset by the fact that Jordan ultimately turns out to be queer. The trust Nihal felt was based on dishonesty and as a queer person of color in an unwelcoming family, I honestly thought more would be made of that breach of trust. There's an apology and Jordan feels very guilty, both in the moment and in the aftermath of the reveal, but there's more made of Jordan deciding not to take action against Caskey (anger inducing) than there is time to unpack what she did to Nihal.

I picked the book up thinking it might turn out that Jordan realizes she might identify as non-binary. The discussions of how she never really felt like she fit as a girl and how she felt more comfortable when everyone thought she was a boy and stopped expecting her to perform gender a certain way (mostly) fit with some stories I've heard from non-binary people. However, the story ends and she ultimately she's a female character that just doesn't fit in the small box people wanted her to fit in. Which is okay, of course. I personally don't fit in with all the expectations of women either, but those uncomfy moments in the story remain.

However, I was enthralled by this book. The descriptions of the settings and Jordan's emotional states were vibrant. Jordan is a character I was rooting for and her financial struggles broke my heart. So much was added to her character to bring her to life and this was certainly not a story where I'd say we never really got to know her. She felt real and complex and I really appreciated that. The cast was more diverse than I was expected and I've never read a story with a Sikh character, let alone a queer one.

So, I must say there were some aspects of the premise that made me uncomfy from a "I can't speak to if this is okay" standpoint, but I was invested in the story.

matiel72's review

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A fun summery contemporary with a Chinese American cross-dressing girl to infiltrate one of her highschools top all male a capella groups. Diverse and fun 4.5/5 Stars

aburgess15's review

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The reviews for this book looked like I would have really enjoyed it. I kept pushing and pushing and pushing to read each page. I usually give a book 100 pages before I put it down. I powered through this book and its only because of the last section of the book that it got 3 stars (otherwise it was well on the track of 2 stars).

The story concept was wonderful, girl goes undercover boy to join an all boy acapella group and makes friends while really enjoying herself being a part of something. I wish there was more internal conflict within Jordan/Julian. Just didn't seem like the book expanded on places it should (such as why was there not more while at the retreat while she was on her period and the dilemma it presented, why was there not more with Isaac at that same point)?

90sinmyheart's review

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Original, lots of development for all characters, and full of fun a capella and other drama.

indecisivesailorscout's review

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ADORABLE. I was constantly grinning and laughing and cringing along with all of these kids. That climax was so perfect. Really, a gem.

bailo2's review

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I've been wavering with this one. It's somewhere between a 3 and a 4 for me. There was a lot of things I liked! This book is a modern version of Shakespeare's 12th Night meeting Pitch Perfect. As a former theater geek and choir nerd, the musical portions of this book spoke to me. I enjoyed the main character a lot and the first half of the book was quite engaging. It dealt with sexuality and gender issues in a way that was tactful, thought-provoking, and informative. However, the second half/third act of the book really went downhill for me. The pacing felt off and the way relationships grew from that point felt abrupt and forced. I felt no palpable chemistry between our main MC and her love interest and feel like in terms of the story, it would've been better and more impactful to forgo that plot element entirely.

kmariec13's review

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Oh my gosh, there is so much to say about this book. I read it in two days and it may be my favorite read of 2017. 

The writing was so smooth and absolutely beautiful. The characters were so well developed and multi-dimensional. Jordan was an amazing main character to follow. There were so many things that she pointed out while she was on her journey. Also, the way she wrote about Jordan's family's financial troubles was the best thing I have ever read. It was so real and I found myself in those sections. 

I liked how Connors character developed. How we got an explanation for him being so rude, but it didn't necessarily excuse anything he did. I also adore the commentary on gender throughout the whole novel, and how angry Jordan would get. She really was just amazing. 

This whole thing was amazing. 10/10 definitely reccomend.

jenlouisegallant's review

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4.5 stars

Such a cute read and I loved how the author wrote the MCs story. There was a diverse cast of characters, and they all meshed together well. I think it was a well written own voices book, and you could tell the author knew what she was talking about when it came to a capella. I also liked how Jordan addressed her own guilt towards her charade, and how she didn't want to hurt her new friends or hurt the transgender community by her pretending to be a boy.

hastings91's review

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Reasons I love this book
-Cute contemporary about Acapella, friendship and self discovery
-The book basically revolves around the MC cross dressing as a guy to get into an all boy group
-And there is no sexist or transphobic narrative whatsoever (in fact both are discussed in the novel)
-Bisexual Chinese female protagonist from an extremely poor family
-Who is also such an amazing and complex well rounded character like wow I would die for her
-Japanese love interest who is also great and a Soft tm boy
-Sikh gay, Black and Dyselxic side characters (who aren't stereotyped or reduced to those characteristics). Plus a really minor lesbian character.
-Beautiful friendship dynamics I'm shook
-Some really cute romance
-Music references (if you're a musician or into music at all you'll likely enjoy this book!)
-That cover tm
-I had no expectations for the writing so I was surprised by how good it was?
-Realistic questioning of wlw sexuality that made sense
-intersection of sexuality + religion that made sense
-the mc gets her period while dressed as a guy and it talks about how she deals with it instead of pretending that wouldn't happen
-So much hilarious dialogue!
-Basically modern! Mulan with some really cool twists

The one complaints I had were that 1) it was very slowly paced for the first third of the book and 2) there was a scene in the book where the mc's love interest sort of "outed" her in a way that was a little questionable and brushed off a little too quickly as an accident. The first complaint wasn't very major at all since it's a relatively long book and once I clicked with the story I really loved the book. The second does make me want to stress you might not want to pick this up if that's something upsetting for you to read. But since everything else about the diversity was so well done + I believe this is ownvoices for both the Chinese and bisexual rep I would still recommend this a lot.

mckinlay's review

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[4.5 stars] I loved this book so, so much! It's such an amazing exploration on gender. I love that Jordan was constantly questioning her choice, and how that intruded on the trans space, and that she recognized that. It was also a fantastic look at poverty, something i feel like has never truly been explored in this way. I've read many books about students at rich schools, who come from poor households, and none of them went as in depth about what it's really like, until this one. This book also actually mentions a period. A PERIOD! should this be surprising? no. but it is! It was seriously just so good. Diverse in race and sexuality. Amazing read. The only reason a took off half a star is because I thought the songs in the book were pretty shitty. But that's really my only issue! Highly recommend!