
A Million Suns by Beth Revis

eesh25's review

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4.25 Stars

A year and a half later, I finally read the sequel. Yay! Though keep in mind, just because it took me a while, doesn't mean I didn't like the first book.

The ending of Across the Universe left is with lots of revelations, like who really woke Amy, and a dead Eldest. Now, Elder is the leader of a ship with too many secrets still, and one that might be very far from reaching its destination. Even with years of training, he doesn't know what to do. Besides, the training was given by Eldest and we all know how good a guy he turned out to be.

In the beginning of the first book, the Elder we were introduced to was naive in so many ways. He was just a kid. But he grew up a lot. In this novel, he grows up even more. He learns truths about many more things and he learns how to be a leader, and what it means to be one. Honestly, the progress we've seen with him is beautiful and I was so proud of him. Amy... she's still a complicated story. She's grown as well, but not nearly as much as Elder. I no longer hate her though. Instead, I've kinda accepted the kinda person she is.

You see, if there's one thing I have to give Beth Revis credit for, with Amy, is the consistency. Amy is a flawed person. She has trouble seeing beyond her own concerns and when things don't go her way, she gets angry, she yells, and then storms off. But she's learning, very slowly, that there are other people around whose lives, choices and opinions also matter. That's definitely a step in the right direction.

As for the story, I can't tell you much. It's about Elder and Amy trying to figure out what's really going on with Godspeed. And with Eldest gone, that might actually be possible. But in-between that, there's also the factor that a sixteen-year-old has to lead over two thousand people and those people have very recently been taken off a drug that made them docile. Meaning they're getting their first taste of freedom. Not to mention, they're all older than the man (or boy, really) whose supposed to lead them. It's a clusterfuck alright. But one that I liked reading about. The author did a very good job with it.

The romance, I'm still not totally onboard with. I feel like the only things that attracted Elder to Amy was how different, how animated and loud, she was. Which makes sense since almost everyone else he knew was on drugs, and older than him. That doesn't mean I don't have hope for them. The ending of this novel made me very excited, and hopeful, for the future of the series. Finger crossed!

groovyjenni's review

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This was a sequel that really lived up to the first book. An exceptionally quick read with witty characterization and whimsical world building. I think that Revis really did her work in making this book as good as it was. I was a bit skeptical going into the second book, as I had heard it was lackluster compared to the first, but I was not disappointed. It usually takes a lot to take me by surprise in a book and this one had surprises around every corner. I had a love/hate relationship with the hints and clues spread by Orion, it had a National Treasure kind of feel to it. The clues were a nice touch to keep the momentum of the book going. And now onto book three!!

irfan3's review

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Even though I haven't read the fist book, I can keep my pace throughout the book very well. I liked the turn and twist of the storyline. It's kinda slow in the beginning, but in the end it's really fast paced and breath taking, I'm serious. Especially when
Spoilerthey first saw the planet. And decided that some of them will be landing soon.

mehsi's review against another edition

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Luckily this book is clearly not suffering from Second-Book-In-A-Series-itis. However, I must say I liked the first book more.

This for various reasons. Let's start with the people. I know drugging people to make them obey is not ok, but I think it would have been better if they had been drugged. Seriously, they get the chance to have their own opinions, to have their own things, and what do they do? Revolt, rape, murder, steal, don't work and a lot more. I was just sick and tired of them by 1/3 of the book and I dragged myself through all the rage and such.

Luthor was a disgusting character, I hated him and I hated how he raped and murdered people because he could and he apparently liked it. He is also a big reason why I didn't like the book that much. I didn't understand how someone could get away with all of it.

Amy and Elder, I was sad to see that there was barely any romance between them in this book. I had hoped for a bit more, considering the events of the previous book. Too bad the only things that happened were fights, a few kisses, a few looks and that is it.

Amy is still my favourite character, though I will still stick with the whole: She should think a bit more. She often just does things even when she is warned or asked to wait with things. It amazes me that she survives throughout the books. But still, she is my favourite character. I can mostly understand her. She is from earth, a true earth girl through and through, and I can just understand how one must feel to wake up, miles away from home, on a ship. Finding out there is no way out, there is always the walls, always artificial lights.

Elder was so-so. I didn't particularly like him in this book. I think he is doing too much at the same time. Like for instance, I liked that he tried to get the population of that drug, but I think he should have done it slowly. Now it is instantly poof and that is never a good idea with drugs.
I didn't like his attitude towards Amy. He even called her a freak, something he promised he would never do.

But the last part of the book picks up and brings us a lot of action and excitement. I really loved it, and I can't wait for the next book.

All in all, a book I would still kind of recommend.

Review first posted at

kkoerth613's review

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Tho book was incredible. I love how this book is not just about how Amy's hair is so perfect or how Amy wishes she could be with him. No it's not. Well only really near the end, but the timing was perfect. I love how it's more about finding the truth to Orion's secret. I can't wait to read Shades of Earth. Let's defeat those alien Dino's!!

booktallie's review

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finished... and after this review book three here I come. the puzzle in this one was several different puzzles. first amy ' s clues were quite confusing at times but made for a fun and cleaver hunt search. find out who was killing the ship mates was a bit more difficult though I knew who and partly why by mid book. know about the contingent plan of the ship was a easy guess because who would make a ship without a secondary plan of escape. so yeah I was fully entertained as I try to solve these riddles. I did how ever hope for more of a romance between amy and elder but it did not make this book any worst. I enjoyed reading every word and Beth Revis should be proud of her accomplishments with this piece of art I know I would.

sam_hartwig's review

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I can't fault this book!! Absolutely amazing!! I read this is one sitting it was THAT good. Gosh I love holidays and a good book that you can sit and lose yourself in all day!! It's not very often that I get to do that.

This was exactly what I was hoping it would be. It was just like the first book - lots of twists and turns, a bit of romance and enough creepy factor to keep me turning those pages. I can NOT wait to see what happens in the last book.

It's the perfect series for people who want to try sci-fi / dystopian but don't want to get bogged down with too much space stuff (if you get what I mean)

bella247's review

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cutenanya's review

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In the beginning I wasn't so thriller about this trilogy, but now I love it because it inspires me to think a lot!

mistydawnwaters's review

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Wow. The entire last half of this book was one oh-shiz after another. Ca-razy. Really great, though. Really, really great.