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putri_utama's review
Emily Jones yakin kalau dirinya bakal mendapatkan tugas sebagai pembasmi naga di Akademi Burtonwood. Alih-alih mendapatkannya tugas itu malah jatuh pada Curtis Green, salah satu cowok keren nan ganteng di sekolah. Emily langsung membenci cowok itu karena cowok itu mendapatkan tugas yang keren sementara Emily mendapatkan tugas sebagai pembasmi peri. Iya, peri. Makhluk elemental yang tak ada kerennya sama sekali, yang tak penting dalam dunia makhluk elemental yang karena tugas itu Emily menjadi bahan tertawaan seisi sekolah.
Emily yakin dirinya mendapatkan tugas sebagai pembasmi naga bukan karena keyakinan semata. Mendiang ibunya adalah seorang pembasmi naga yang sukses dan sejak kecil Emily telah belajar segala seluk beluk tentang naga. Emily tidak bisa menerima kenyataan itu. Apalagi kedua sahabatnya, Lony dan Tyler, mendapatkan tugas pembasmi makhluk elemental yang bergengsi juga, bukan yang tidak penting seperti peri.
Segala hal Emily lakukan untuk menolak tugas tersebut. Dirinya terus-menerus menemui Kepala Sekolah Akademi Burtonwood agar penugasnya ditinjau ulang. Namun jika Kepala Sekolah Kesler sudah berkata maka tidak ada hal apapun yang bisa merobah pendapatnya. Emily juga tidak berusaha memenuhi kewajiban mingguan untuk memenuhi buku tugasnya. Kurangnya informasi tentang peri yang didapatkan Emily ditambah lagi ketidakmauannya untuk mencari tahu segala hal tentang peri membuat Emily mendapatkan banyak kegagalan sewaktu melaksanakan tugas. Alhasil dia semakin menjadi bahan tertawaan seisi sekolah.
Ketika sedang melakukan tugasnya di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan Emily menemukan tiga peri usil yang suka mengganggu manusia. Dari ketiganya Emily mendapatkan informasi kalau sesuatu hal besar dan jahat akan terjadi di dunia. Tapi ketiga makhluk usil itu agak keberatan untuk bercerita lebih lanjut. Pada saat bersamaan Emily merasakan kalau ada bayangan besar berbentuk naga sering berada di dekat Akademi Burtonwood yang anehnya tidak tertangkap alat pelacak makhluk elemental yang dipasang di sekeliling sekolah.
Teman-teman Emily yang lain pun tak merasa jika makhluk elemental tersebut berada di dekat sekolah mereka. Dan menganggap itu hanyalah akal-akalan Emily agar mendapatkan tugas pembasmi naga. Bahkan Lony dan Tyler pun tak percaya kalauada makhluk elemental yang tak tertangkap pelacak sekolah mereka. Kini Emily harus bisa meyakinkan Curtis agar mau bekerja sama bersamanya untuk membasmi makhluk berbentuk naga tersebut. Apalagi informasi yang diberikan oleh ketiga peri usil itu berkaitan dengan catatan yang tak terselesaikan di jurnal milik ibu Emily, sang pembasmi naga.
Saya lumayan menyukai buku ini. Alurnya cepat tanpa tergesa-gesa. Dan ada pendewasaan karakter para tokohnya diakhir cerita. Sayang untuk makhluk elementalnya tidak terlalu dikupas dalam cerita ini.
Emily yakin dirinya mendapatkan tugas sebagai pembasmi naga bukan karena keyakinan semata. Mendiang ibunya adalah seorang pembasmi naga yang sukses dan sejak kecil Emily telah belajar segala seluk beluk tentang naga. Emily tidak bisa menerima kenyataan itu. Apalagi kedua sahabatnya, Lony dan Tyler, mendapatkan tugas pembasmi makhluk elemental yang bergengsi juga, bukan yang tidak penting seperti peri.
Segala hal Emily lakukan untuk menolak tugas tersebut. Dirinya terus-menerus menemui Kepala Sekolah Akademi Burtonwood agar penugasnya ditinjau ulang. Namun jika Kepala Sekolah Kesler sudah berkata maka tidak ada hal apapun yang bisa merobah pendapatnya. Emily juga tidak berusaha memenuhi kewajiban mingguan untuk memenuhi buku tugasnya. Kurangnya informasi tentang peri yang didapatkan Emily ditambah lagi ketidakmauannya untuk mencari tahu segala hal tentang peri membuat Emily mendapatkan banyak kegagalan sewaktu melaksanakan tugas. Alhasil dia semakin menjadi bahan tertawaan seisi sekolah.
Ketika sedang melakukan tugasnya di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan Emily menemukan tiga peri usil yang suka mengganggu manusia. Dari ketiganya Emily mendapatkan informasi kalau sesuatu hal besar dan jahat akan terjadi di dunia. Tapi ketiga makhluk usil itu agak keberatan untuk bercerita lebih lanjut. Pada saat bersamaan Emily merasakan kalau ada bayangan besar berbentuk naga sering berada di dekat Akademi Burtonwood yang anehnya tidak tertangkap alat pelacak makhluk elemental yang dipasang di sekeliling sekolah.
Teman-teman Emily yang lain pun tak merasa jika makhluk elemental tersebut berada di dekat sekolah mereka. Dan menganggap itu hanyalah akal-akalan Emily agar mendapatkan tugas pembasmi naga. Bahkan Lony dan Tyler pun tak percaya kalauada makhluk elemental yang tak tertangkap pelacak sekolah mereka. Kini Emily harus bisa meyakinkan Curtis agar mau bekerja sama bersamanya untuk membasmi makhluk berbentuk naga tersebut. Apalagi informasi yang diberikan oleh ketiga peri usil itu berkaitan dengan catatan yang tak terselesaikan di jurnal milik ibu Emily, sang pembasmi naga.
Saya lumayan menyukai buku ini. Alurnya cepat tanpa tergesa-gesa. Dan ada pendewasaan karakter para tokohnya diakhir cerita. Sayang untuk makhluk elementalnya tidak terlalu dikupas dalam cerita ini.
merawlee's review
Funny, inventive and a good aced action, this novel, despite being YA, really draw me in. I loved the interaction between the characters, especially when fairies were involved.
prophetofguillotines's review
Imagine a hellish gate that has let loose evil elementals before it was closed and the backlash of those that crossed. You have those gifted with the sight and the rest of us dumb shmucks who are luckily being protected by those trained to kill them.
I would absolutely love to read more about this world. I think it has great potential to really grow with its readers as well. Start with the school days at Burtonwood, then have the characters grow into positions working for the Department of Paranormal Containment. Either way I do believe that this series is strong enough and certainly entertaining enough to warrant at least a sequel.
I would absolutely love to read more about this world. I think it has great potential to really grow with its readers as well. Start with the school days at Burtonwood, then have the characters grow into positions working for the Department of Paranormal Containment. Either way I do believe that this series is strong enough and certainly entertaining enough to warrant at least a sequel.
hepburnso's review
It was a really interesting premise, but the third person POV was a bit jarring, especially at the start. Even though the main relationship was a bit forced and rushed, all the characters were really fun.
caronee's review
cliche cliche cliche cliche cliche cute cute cliche cliche cliche
Started off with an interesting premise. Students are trained at a school to kill paranormal creatures. As they go through school, they are given one species to train exclusively in eliminating. Emma's mother is a world renown dragon killer who died last year fighting a dragon. Emma of course wants to be given the title of dragon killer because it's not only in her blood, it's what her mother was famous for. Unfortunately, instead of dragons, she's given fairies, which are the weakest and least threatening of all the creatures. And instead, the golden boy of the class, Curtis is given dragons.
Fuming in jealousy and anger, Emma half-heartedly tries to kill fairies while trying to get her coveted position back. But then it turns out that the fairies are hiding a secret, a ginormous ancient and evil fairy is trying to break into the human world.
Curtis was cute, a little golden haired boy who's not just a little mysterious. The first half of the book was enticing and fueled the patience you need to get through the second half of the book. The second half, unfortunately, reads like an Indiana Jones book, where people search through clues and try to find the mystery of the fairies. I think I would have bought it a little better if everything didn't happen in about five minutes. Poof, the book Emma's dad hands her JUST HAPPENS to be the book to end all their troubles! The fairies that Emma talks to JUST HAPPEN to tell her fairies' greatest weakness!
Long story short, the book ended too easily and not enough troubles for Emma. But otherwise, fairly cute.
Started off with an interesting premise. Students are trained at a school to kill paranormal creatures. As they go through school, they are given one species to train exclusively in eliminating. Emma's mother is a world renown dragon killer who died last year fighting a dragon. Emma of course wants to be given the title of dragon killer because it's not only in her blood, it's what her mother was famous for. Unfortunately, instead of dragons, she's given fairies, which are the weakest and least threatening of all the creatures. And instead, the golden boy of the class, Curtis is given dragons.
Fuming in jealousy and anger, Emma half-heartedly tries to kill fairies while trying to get her coveted position back. But then it turns out that the fairies are hiding a secret, a ginormous ancient and evil fairy is trying to break into the human world.
Curtis was cute, a little golden haired boy who's not just a little mysterious. The first half of the book was enticing and fueled the patience you need to get through the second half of the book. The second half, unfortunately, reads like an Indiana Jones book, where people search through clues and try to find the mystery of the fairies. I think I would have bought it a little better if everything didn't happen in about five minutes. Poof, the book Emma's dad hands her JUST HAPPENS to be the book to end all their troubles! The fairies that Emma talks to JUST HAPPEN to tell her fairies' greatest weakness!
Long story short, the book ended too easily and not enough troubles for Emma. But otherwise, fairly cute.
mythaster's review
Not the best urban fantasy I've read, but certainly not the worst. Emma was a pretty typical heroine, though I have to give it to the author - even though her mother being dead is old news, the rest of Emma's home life was pretty interesting. It would have been more so if the characters had been given room to be fleshed out.
Curtis, the love interest, could especially have used that room, because I actually liked him. He didn't only think about wuving Emma, and he had an actual backstory. Granted, it wasn't brought up much, but at least it was a backstory. And his revelation at the end was pretty surprising. Loni and Tyler were amusing but not-extra-special sidekicks. The fairies - Trevor, Rupert, and Gilbert - were funny; reminded me of the fairies in Eyes Like Stars, actually.
A good solid three and a half stars - the writing wasn't great, especially with Ashby's love of 'she said in so-and-so voice' to dodge using an adverb. But still three and a half stars.
Curtis, the love interest, could especially have used that room, because I actually liked him. He didn't only think about wuving Emma, and he had an actual backstory. Granted, it wasn't brought up much, but at least it was a backstory. And his revelation at the end was pretty surprising. Loni and Tyler were amusing but not-extra-special sidekicks. The fairies - Trevor, Rupert, and Gilbert - were funny; reminded me of the fairies in Eyes Like Stars, actually.
A good solid three and a half stars - the writing wasn't great, especially with Ashby's love of 'she said in so-and-so voice' to dodge using an adverb. But still three and a half stars.
erica_s's review
Would be good for fans of Sucks to Be Me, Croak, The Mediator series...fun, has a dark side, but in a lighthearted way, teenage romance...
pandwen's review
while there were some major holes in some of the plot/characters (what sort of principal of a school specialising in slaying mythological creatures that everyone else can't see would doubt the story of a giant killer beast that they can't see.) the basic premise of this story was great. although I do wonder if the author has ever been on crutches because Curtis seems to do the impossible/ incredibly difficult a lot.
shanvan17's review
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I was expecting something much more fluffy. But this turns out to be a kick-butt girl power book that I very much enjoyed!