
Neuf Tombes et des Poussières by Darynda Jones

bmg20's review against another edition

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My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars


Picking up where Eighth Grave After Dark leaves off, Charley has finally given birth to Beep, has already had to part with her, and has learned her true name. As feared, learning her true name causes Charley to lose control of her powers and she loses her memory completely and ends up in an alley in Sleepy Hollow, New York with no idea who she is. Now responding to the name of Jane, Jane Doe, she works as a waitress at a local diner. Fortunately though she’s not alone, as she has a new best friend named Cookie and a raging attraction to the new cook named Reyes.

Well, I guess it was probable that I’d find a Charley Davidson story to be sort of ‘meh’ no matter how much I adore this series. After that brutal cliffhanger from Eighth Grave After Dark, I was dying to get my hands on this next installment. At first, I relished the change of pace and getting reacquainted in a new way to the characters we’ve already grown to know and love. We also got to see Charley, or Jane rather, fall in love again with Reyes with a new set of eyes seeing him for truly what he is. I loved that even though Jane has no idea about who or what she is, she still found herself embroiled in the mysteries of the town, often failing to think of her own safety out of the desire to protect the innocents.

I enjoyed those aspects of the story, but when it all boils down, there wasn’t nearly enough advancement of the fundamental storyline. I find the mythology and the foretold battle all extremely fascinating and previous installments have really been amping up the intensity. The Dirt on Ninth Grave was a vast change of pace and while I liked it at first, I wasn’t anticipating that it would last the entirety of the book. As I feared, the change of pace finally switched back to what I’ve come to expect in the final 30 pages or so. Honestly though, the turmoil that takes place and the shocking revelations made it all worthwhile in the end. Darynda Jones once again left me thrilled with anticipation for the next book where the stakes have never been higher.

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

laughlinesandliterature's review against another edition

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I think this was probably my least favorite book. I enjoyed parts of it, like them being in a new location with new people, but it really bothered me that Charley forgot about Beep. As a mother, I get why she'd want too, but I don't think I could ever actually choose that. And then making her dad pass through her in order to get her to remember was just depressing. 3 out 5 stars.

bouldermimi's review against another edition

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Read 6/20/2016

ameretet's review against another edition

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I was super bored. Skipped most of the book.

keishamae85's review against another edition

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Very different book from the rest but definitely a much need break from the what was becoming monotony of the series.

life1sg00d's review against another edition

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I love this series but totally disliked this book. Totally not in character with the other books of the series. Don't rate this series based on this book. I really wanted to give it a 2.2 stars

blodeuedd's review against another edition

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I do confess, it was soooo annoying reading this book. I really hope it did not reflect on how I liked it. See, the formatting sucked. I hate uneven edges, I hate when you turn the page and there is one word there, and then one on the next.

Ok, Charley has amnesia after a meltdown. Angels want her to leave this life. Her friends want her back. She works in a diner. All her friends are in town and trying to subtly nestle themselves into her new life without telling her YOU ARE CHARLEY!

The kid thing is still, omg, no, I could never do that.

Reyes, well i did like that she met him for the first time again and thought he was hot, mmmmmmm *melts into Reyes puddle*

I did like that she had her snark. That she solved 2 mysteries. It was old Charley you know. But what I did not like was that time stood still, nothing could happen to move the actual plot forward.

Reyes! Oh I forgot myself. I meant to say good book.

amibunk's review against another edition

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3.5 stars
The whole amnesia thing gave this plot a bit of life which I think it needed. After eight books the world of Charley needed a refresher. The mini sub-plots were interesting and I am looking forward to the next installments.

hayleygrus's review against another edition

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I LOVE all of these characters. However, I struggled reading this book up until the last couple of chapters that were absolutely amazing and emotional. I felt like this was more of a filler book rather than something that contributed to the overall story and after eight books, that's what I was looking for.

It was interesting to see how Charley would act if her life was completely wiped away. I just wish it wasn't for 98% of this book.

nerdywerewolf's review against another edition

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"But I was most definitely a time traveler. I even knew the lingo. Quantum mechanics. Hyperspace. Flux capacitor. Hell. Yes."

Okay, so I'm not a giant fan of storylines like this (I mean, who is?), but it served a purpose. This one was kind of like taking a little break from reality and even though it seems as if we've taken a step backward in the storyline, I promise that by the end we will have leapt forward. I'm sure that makes no sense. No matter-it stays.

There are revelations in this book that rock the foundation of the story. I didn't know there could be more bombs! Charley's family/friends continue to be the best part of the story and the way it's building, I have no idea how it will end. So, cool!