
Claiming Felicity by Susan Stoker

nikkisbooknook's review against another edition

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Felicity may project the badass no-mess-with chick persona but she is in hiding for her life. Whilst helping the Anderson triplets and their other halves out, she managed to hide her true self from them. But the past always catches up with you and Felicity is in real danger.

Ryder, aka Ace, has only just found his half brothers and wants to get to know them better. But his profession means that those he is close to become targets. Whilst the triplets may be able to protect themselves and their partners, they can't cover everyone all the time. When Felicity finally admits that she needs help, Ryder basically stakes his claim on her. He is stuck to her like a shadow and has every intention of making her his!

I loved the intro to the book. You are kind of wondering just which of the girls becomes Felicity for a while. Once her identity is revealed we know why she is on the run. It was a bit tough to swallow the instant trust she put in Ryder but I suppose that is some what allayed by the fact that she knows the Andersons so well and trusts them implicitly (just not enough to tell them who she really is!)

Ryder essentially has all the possessive, intense leanings as her stalker but he and his team mates use these traits for good and I loved the set up for the Mountain Mercenaries - some of those guys are going to be fun! And Rex? Well I just think of him as being like Charlie with his Angels LOL.

The bad guy is just so loathsome, odious and all around evil. I didn't like the way he got out of punishment, even though it was retribution for his crimes. I wanted him to suffer prison!

Good finale to the series and a great way to launch the new series!

akire07's review against another edition

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OMG. In the 3 book I know the Felicity was hiding something but I never thought it was going to be that crazy. I really enjoyed this book.

ofbooksncupcakes's review against another edition

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Ace Security series has not been a total winner for me, I certainly didn't like Book 1 and I tolerated Book 2. Book 3 won me over and I'm so happy that Book 4 is the best (in my personal opinion).

Forewarning that the romance is pretty quick, it's instalove on Ryder's part. The moment he saw Felicity, he knew he wanted to marry her and he made it known to everyone. If instalove is not something you tolerates, then this book might not be for you. Although the sexual attraction is instant, Susan Stoker did prolongs the timeline (as in it jumps one week later to a week later) giving us the feeling that the book spans over a few months. I love seeing the interaction between Ryder and his 3 half brothers, it was suspicious and some resentment (on Blake's part) but slowly they all became closer. Ryder is more badass than his 3 older brothers, the things that he'd done as a mercenary made him perfect for Felicity.

Bailey is still my favourite heroine, Felicity comes next. She appears strong but only Ryder could see through her facade. There were times where Felicity frustrates me but when she finally puts her heart and life in the hands of Ryder, it was such a relieved.

Susan Stoker introduced us to Ryder's mercenary "brothers-in-arms" and I'm thrilled that there will be a spin-off! I hope Cole gets his HEA, maybe a novella in the works?

breannasbooks's review against another edition

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To be frank, I’m really surprised that this book is rated so highly as I had a multiple issues with it.

First, I understand that this is the fourth book in the series and we’re not going to get the complete backstory of everything that happened in the previous three books. But this book, from my understanding, should be able to stand on its own, so I think it would have been helpful to have a little more context in regards to Ryder’s brothers and what happened in the previous books. Things are alluded to, but it’s breezed over pretty quickly.

Second, I find it hard to fathom that a man would stalk and kill multiple people to find a girl who called the cops on him one time, especially since he didn’t even get arrested that night. I might have had an easier time believing the story line if the call to the police had sent Joseph to jail or something, but it didn’t really seem to have much of an effect on him. I mean, I get that he’s not a sane person, but it seemed like a weak motive. In addition, Joseph’s sexism is too extreme in that I would have liked to see his feelings shown to us rather than told over and over again. He is more of a caricature of a woman-hater rather than a fully-developed character.

Third, the whole Ryder/Felicity romance storyline moves incredibly too fast for reality. Ryder meets her and instantly claims her as his own. He tells his friend that he met the girl he was going to marry literally the night he meets Felicity. Then he says he’s in love with her after a week. I understand that their romance needs to progress to help the story along, but it’s done at such an unbelievable rate to the point where it was distracting me while I tried to read. I kept thinking, “He doesn’t even know her!” I found it hard to believe that he was that infatuated and possessive after two days.

All in all, “Claiming Felicity” wasn’t bad, per se; it just didn’t live up to its potential.

elylibrarysec's review against another edition

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

Ryder “Ace” Sinclair is trying to come to terms with part of his past. Felicity Jones just met someone who’s given her hope. She also has secrets and she wants to keep them that way.

There are previous characters that make appearances throughout. So if you’re behind in reading this series or if this is your first foray into the world of Ace Security you may want to look into what you’ve missed. This could be considered a standalone but hopefully you’ll want to try and stay true to the series. It always surprises me in how creative the author is when creating her stories. You never read one of her stories and think that you’ve read it, or something similar, before. They all seem so original. We get plenty of action and how much you sink into the story you may even hold your breath. You have to wonder if she has a mean streak hidden somewhere. She just has a way in creating an evil character that seems so believable.

One thing I really love is that I have no trouble tuning out the rest of the world so I can get lost in Ms. Stoker’s world. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good ending but the worst part about an ending is that it means the story is over. Something I loved about the ending was getting caught up on some of the couples that have already had stories. Then the sad part comes around because I’ll have to wait for the next book to see if they make another appearance. Then you end up happy because it feels like there’s been a hint and then maybe I won’t have to wait too long to see what Ace Security will have in store for me next.

I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

cheryls's review against another edition

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This absolutely fantastic book is fourth in the Ace Security series and it features Ryder Sinclair and Felicity Jones. This book is my favorite in this fabulous series. I knew Felicity was a great character from seeing her in previous stories but the things she’s endured that made her who she is today is just awful. Who better to step in and fight for her than the fourth Anderson brother, who she wished for in a previous book, without knowing he actually existed. Ryder is amazing! He took one look at her and knew she was it for him.

I LOVE this book! The characters are fan-freaking-tastic! I was a little sad when it was over though. I can’t wait for the next book from this most excellent author.

gemmaflanagan's review against another edition

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After the ending of the last book I wasnt sure I wanted to read this next one. I felt it was predictable, and getting a bit repetitive.
However I decided to give it a go as I hate to leave a series unfinished.
I was pleasant surprised with this one. It wasn't as Violent as the last one and certainly not predictable.
I will certainly read the next in the series now.

jbenando's review

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Since I read the Mountain Mercenaries first, this book was probably my favorite of the series since I got to see them again. This one definitely had my heart clenching a few times towards the end. As a mom, it couldn’t be stopped.

I love these brothers. And I love how they love and protect their women.