
Undone: Billionaire Brothers by Mia Kayla

read_on_reader's review

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This was such a fun and great read. Jordan is a Hollywood actor and beyond famous, his family means a lot to him so when they ask something of him, he listens. So, when his brother Cade who is dating Christene’s sister Angie, tells him to stay away from Christene, he listens or tries to anyways. Christene is a hardworking, feisty woman who knows what she wants and what she wants to stay away from. Her attraction to Jordan is something she wants to play off and ignore after being hurt in the past by her ex and Jordan is still suffering from his past and his ex, so they both try so hard to fight whatever they feel towards each other. Once they decide that there is more to them being together than just attraction they go full force into a relationship, but Tene still has her doubts that he isn’t over his ex and she doesn’t want to come in second to anyone even a ghost. Throw in some stalker drama and Tene’s protective side comes out she doesn’t care she is the target she wants Jordan to be safe and he just wants her and her to be safe. These two were so cute together and I loved how he was protective of her and tried to help her relationship with her mother. This book had a lot of twists towards the end and I was shocked when we found out the truth behind all the stalking and threats made to Tene. I’m so glad that Tene let go of her insecurities and decided that life is too short not to trust and love full heartedly. I also loved that even thought their relationship escalated quickly they had their reasons for moving fast and not wasting time to be together forever. A great and hilarious read and lord the lines Jordan threw at Tene had me dying especially the one about her being born on a farm, lol.

bookish_kayy's review

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Jordan & Tene have some combustible chemistry that one tries to fight and the other wants to hold onto.
I didn’t realize this was the second in a series, it clearly stood on its own 2 feet.
The dialogue, the suspense, the side characters all contributed to my rating.
I enjoyed that this wasn’t the same overdone A List plot line, and the suspense really had me biting my nails.
Definitely a story worth reading.

wineanlatenightreads's review

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Was not expecting to love this book as much as I did. However it slowly drew me in and made me fall in love with this characters. Even the movie star who at times I wanted to crawl into the book and bear hug him into next week. This is seriously my new favorite book from Mia and not just because the conversation between the characters flowed and it was just the right touchy of steamy. But the storyline was really good and well written.

amz101's review

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Woah... So, Mia Kayla is a new author to me, so I went into this book blind and not sure what to expect, and honestly from the little I did know about the book by the blurb... Well, I was not expecting what I got.

I am a sucker for an emotional read and this one sure as hell has its moments. I found myself crying, like legit balling my eyes out in some parts of the book.

Jordan is a charmer, he knew all the right things to say, he knew how to win a woman over, because he should as hell won me over, he's swoon-worthy, and I was putty in his hands. He's alpha as hell and someone that would have most women weak at the knees. There is so much more to him as well. I love a Hero like this. He's a mixture of them all. Sweet, alpha, charming, and strong, and not afraid to put his heart on the line.

Tene had her hang-ups, and rightfully so. She has a past and she doesn't trust easily, so when a relationship is formed between Jordan and herself, she's guarded, and careful... Him being a rockstar didn't help either. I mean, he's a rockstar... So how could she not question it, but the thing is Jordan may just that and half the pick of women every night if he wanted, but he wants her, and he chooses her. It's just getting Tene to understand that. But as the book progressed and we got deeper into the plot and relationship between these two, her walls start to come down slowly and she begins to grow, and I loved that... It's definitely something I can relate to, having trust issues myself and having had a wall built up before too. So I was completely smitten with her. She was an amazing heroine and she was realistic... The author created a character many women can probably relate to but even with those trust issues, she's still strong and fierce and her growth throughout the book was amazing!

These two together? well damn... The chemistry was definitely there, as was the sexual tension, and the push and pull... They worked so well together, balancing each other out, yet they bounced off of each other certain situations and it made them even more perfect. These are a mixture of everything all poured into one relationship and I was completely consumed by these two.

All in all, this book was amazing and I couldn't get enough. Certainly a page-turner. It held suspense, mystery, passion, heat, and of course an unforgettable romance story. It was addictive, all-consuming, and had my emotions going from one extreme to the next.

Absolutely incredible

5/5 Stars!

paytonbox21's review

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This book took me through a whirlwind of emotions especially the last 3rd of the book. Tene and Jordan have an interesting relationship and a lot to work through as the book goes on. I think one of my favorite parts about books with celebrities is the stalker trope that usually comes with it. I love the afterwards and Mia Kayla wrote that story line with amazingly and it had some suprises. As I was guessing, I was right but wrong but right and I think that was amazing because it's rare for a book to truly suprise me now! I cannot wait for Wyatt's story!!

kellyg_5013's review

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This book was sweet, sexy and suspenseful! So great! New to me author and I didn't read the blurb really, so I was not at all sure what to expect. What I got was a very interesting story that took me for a ride. The only reason that I didn't finish it sooner was a very serious football game that I HAD to watch (my team :( lost). This story is about an actor getting together with his brother's girlfriend's sister..... and then there is the stalker factor. Honestly Christene did a whole lot of growing in this book! She was not the most likable of leading ladies at first.... but about 1/3 of the way in you get a better idea of why she puts up the walls that she does..... and it is Jordan's job to try to break them down. I was super in love with this story and I am very much looking forward to Wyatt's story (that's Jordan's other brother).... that one seems like it will be quite interesting!

lowkeyreader's review

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This is book 2 of the series and I have not read the first book at all. But it's a standalone so you can read this one on its own.

This was really unexpected! I never thought I would really enjoyed this actor romance.

Christene's sister is dating Jordan's foster brother. They both should stay away from each other and both had received warnings to. But they can't. Both characters have something to overcome. Jordan still need to get over his heartbreak from his past and Christene is still getting over her last relationship where she was cheated upon. This book is about letting go and letting love in! That's not all..Add in a little bit of a mystery in the mix with a stalker of Jordan's.

Had a great read with this one! Totally enjoyed it!

ARC was kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

bookaddict2011's review

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I was given the opportunity to read this book as an ARC for an honest review. Y’all, this book was EVERYTHING! The minute I finished, I was ready to go into my Kindle and bookmark each and every book by this author to read!

Undone is the 2nd book in the Unraveled Series and follows the story of Christene and Jordan and it seriously leaves you undone!

When circumstances bring Jordan to Christene’s hometown, the sexual tension between them is undeniable. But a promise to his brother has Jordan keeping himself from giving into the temptation between them. But they are destined. Christene’s feelings on love because of an ex has her walls built high, but Jordan is no match for them and slowly but surely, they crumble around her, leaving her heart bare and ready to take a chance on him and love again. They are a match made in book heaven and I am so glad I was able to read this!

I don’t want to give anything away as this is a new release, just know that this story will keep you turning the page, wanting to know more. No, NEEDING to know more. Each detail is intricately woven throughout the story giving you the ability to see yourself in the book with the characters as the events unfold around them. Jordan and Christene are relationship goals, even with everything trying to stop them from being together.

All in all, this was a definite 5 out of 5 star read! I can’t wait to read the rest of Mia’s work and I hope you feel the same when you finish this one!

heather_whit's review

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Undone played with my heartstrings and made me smile all in one. Tene and Jordan are our main characters, and both have their own set of issues. Everytime the two of them are around each other the chemistry is unmistakable. As the two of them tread into unknown waters they begin to peel away the layers of the insecurities and heartbreak they both have endured. Throw in a little mystery and suspense and we get this sweet yet spicy little read.

crazychriss93's review

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Didn't finish this one.
Not in the right mindframe I guess.
Couldn't really deal with the heroine just putting up with her mean mother, the hero being admonished by his own brother, the hero and the heroine going against their beliefs,...

I don't know what I am complaining about either...