
Dark Bastard by India Kells

arthistorygirl's review

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Dark Bastard: A Dark Sparrow Novel by India Kells is the fifth book in the series. This story follows Sam and Ellie. Both of them are going through a really rough time in life but can they help each other see the light? This book is about the depths of the human soul and how some handle it. There are some sensitive sections of sexual abuse and suicide. I believe the author handles them well and uses them to develop the characters. I liked the characters and it was interesting to finally get to more of Sam in this book. I look forward to reading the next book in this series and reading more from this author in the future.

packarda's review

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The fifth installment of the Dark Sparrow series did not disappoint. I am in love with these bastard brothers. This is Sam and Ellie’s story. Sam was a soldier, trained for danger. Ellie is a 911 operator. They had both made individual decisions to end their lives when Sam makes a call to Ellie by mistake. Hearing the sadness in her voice, he has to find out who she is and how to help her. Finding a way to be close to her also puts her in the most danger she has ever been in.
Sam and Ellie both end up in the clutches of Sam’s disgusting father. Finding that they both come from childhoods that are far from even nice, can that bond them together to fight their way out of the situation they find themselves in?
India Kells has a wonderful way with words that draws you in and keeps you intrigued to the last page. The epilogue for one book, is the prologue for the next, leaving you hungering for you next bastard brother fix. The women are strong, independent, and are not damsels in distress. Not only can they help save themselves; they kick ass doing it. Am absolutely in love with this author. Thank you, India Kells!

roxsannel's review

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Sam Sarkhan is a man shrouded in darkness, his past and his present are dragging him down and all he wants is to end the constant tiredness and the void of despair he is being sucked into, but it is New Years Eve and he wants to leave his brother one last message before he takes the plunge, but instead he misdials and calls a unknown woman instead. Ellie is a woman who is at her breaking point, all her life she has tried to save others, but now she is about to lose herself, she is numb to life and all she can think about is ending it all as well, until a mysterious male caller pulls her back from the edge.

As Sam is talking to the woman on the other end of the phone, he can tell that she is a kindred spirit and is suffering as well, so when he asks for help finding her, he gets the information he needs and goes to look for her hoping that he is not too late, however, when a stroke of luck enables him to get closer to her while still being anonymous, he jumps at the chance. Meanwhile, Ellie is still in her state of not caring and the only thing she has to pull her through day to day life is taken away from her, until she feels that again, there is nothing left, but she receives another well timed phone call which again, leads her away from the edge, it is not until the next day when she hears a bang and swearing coming from the apartment next door that she goes round to check on them and this is where it is revealed that her mystery neighbour is the man from the phone.

As this information soaks in, she realises that she has inadvertently placed herself in danger going round at a very inopportune moment, however, Sam is all guilt that he has led trouble straight to Ellie’s doorstep and that he is determined to keep her safe at all costs, so when they escape their apartments and head to one of safety, Ellie is determined to find out why and after a tense conversation on a rooftop, an attraction appears which will not be denied, leading to a fiery burst of passion. However, when they return downstairs and safety is being discussed again, what she hears and the reaction Sam has all but pushes her out of the door, however, when she goes out, all she sees is a bright flash and hears ringing in her ears before everything goes black.

As Sam chases after Ellie once he realises what has happened, he is determined to rescue her and keep her safe, however, the kidnapper has other ideas and instead brokers a deal, Sam will stay with him and learn what he wants to teach him and bonding with him, while Ellie will stay as his entertainment. Will Sam and Ellie be able to escape the gilded cage they are trapped in, or will this deal with the devil end up bringing them down among their demons for the last time? This is a romantic suspense with a twist where past, present and future blur together as a race against time to save their sanity ensues, it is an emotional rollercoaster where you feel all the ups and downs along with them as the conclusion plays out.

msmarissa's review

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Dark Bastard (Dark Sparrow Novel Book 5) by India Kells

4 out of 5

Once again India Kells takes you on a heart-pounding ride with these bastard brothers. The action and steam could light-up a small town. I was hooked from the first page and held on with both hands until the last. I can’t wait until the final chapter in this series!

Sam Sarkhan had his tribe until he was ripped away from everything he knew and loved by Jamieson Finch, the man that fathered him. Sam escaped him, once. Sam had found another family in the men that all carried the same paternal lineage, but none of the scars. Sam’s couldn’t battle the demons anymore. On New Year’s Eve, Sam decided he had fought long enough. Sam calls his oldest brother to say goodbye, but gets a woman’s voice instead.

Ellie McLaren answered Sam’s call. She had been on the verge of making the same decision that led Sam to place the call. After hearing Sam’s voice, Ellie decided that she still had things for which she wanted to live. Sam hoped to find a way to make things better for Ellie but instead dragged her into his world and his fight with Finch. Now keeping Ellie safe is all that matters to Sam, even when that means walking back into his nightmare. Can Sam escape Finch a second time? Will Ellie’s need to save Sam be enough to actually do it? Will Finch finally find the justice he deserves?

The story will have you hanging on the end of your chair to find the answers to those questions and so much more. Another amazing chapter in this series!

katie_83's review

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Dark Bastard
By India Kells
5 stars

I honestly just love this author so much; I’ve lost count of how many of her books I have ready and I’m sure each one just gets better and better. I am really enjoying this series and I think this may have been my favourite so far! Sam and Ellie – oh my – what a couple! I loved their story, Sam’s story honestly broke my heart sometimes, I just really wanted something positive for him in his life and I knew as soon as he made contact with Ellie, she would be the one to do it! Ellie had her past problems as well and I really felt for her, both of these characters had almost but given up until that fateful wrong number and from then on, I was rooting for them the whole way through!
There are some parts if this story that will trigger some readers but as always, the author deals with them sensitively whilst remaining true to life.
I cannot recommend this book enough – it really is an amazing, emotional and heart-breaking read at times and well worthy of the 5 stars I give it!

lisa01's review

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Sam was the one mysterious brother. Dark is a good word to describe him. We never learned much about him in previous books. In here his world gets opened up to us. Its not pleasant or happy…its the complete opposite. Weirdly Ellie seems very similar to Sam. She is currently in a dark place. Her job must be so difficult at times then she can’t shake those bad days. Funny that Sam looks at her as his light when she has as much darkness inside her as he does. I enjoyed reading and getting into the Sons of Finch world again.

Seeing all his brothers again makes me want to re read a few of their stories. Then there is that Epilogue and intro to the next and last book. I CAN NOT WAIT! I always knew these two had some chemistry between them.

fish3718's review

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Dark Bastard is the fifth book in the Dark Sparrow series by India Kells. I have read this series from the first book to this book, each one better than the one before it. The storyline deals with a dark subject. The characters are fully developed and complicated. One thing I love about India Kells is her attention to detail. She paints a vivid picture with her details. This book talks about the darkest secret of human emotions. Sam is struggling and has resolved what he feels he must do. He feels his mission is over on New Year's Eve. He reached out to his brother, or so he thought it was going to be his brother. He, in fact, found someone else that he wants to help. He needs to deal with some darkness to be able to help Ellie. Will he be able to save Ellie and himself from the darkness? I highly recommend this book and the other book in this series.

bwagner's review

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This is a series that I have loved from the first book. This book is no different. This is a well written story that has characters that are hot, steamy and not only that but brought life to the story for me. The author’s use of details made the story realistic as well as connectable. This is part of the A Dark Sparrow series by this author which I would highly suggest reading all of them as they are just as awesome as this one. This is a story about life struggles and confronting them no matter how evil, dark they are. This really is an awesome story that I couldn’t put down until the last page. I highly recommend this book and this author.

debrobinson's review

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I am almost half way through the book and I am so angry at Finch. I wanted to throw my kindle across the room. I didn’t because I really need to know how this is going to turn out and well it’s my kindle. Ellie is a 911 operator and has nothing to do with this crazy world of treachery. She is on the brink of ending the non stop pain she is in emotionally when Sam calls her by mistake. One phone call may save them both or plunge them both into the beginning of a nightmare. Sam’s past comes to light in this novel and this man has suffered the obscene cruelties of life at the hands of his father. This was the first book in which a dark sparrow is not used. Gabrielle is not heard from at all. What is happening at that end? No one knows.

lwest1015's review

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Sam and Ellie tell stories that will break your heart. The story is told with 2 individuals too haunted by their demons to continue to fight until fate brings them together due to a misdial. As each background story is provided it pulls at your heart strings to know that such evil exists in the world. As Sam and Ellie begin to explore what could be with each other they end up in the hands of his father who is his darkest nightmare. This one mishap gives Sam and Ellie that pull to help the other want to live and overcome these dark battles as long as they come out the other side together. Its a dark and emotional story very well crafted but by no means for the faint of heart.