
The Girl & Her Ren by Pepper Winters

jhagenbuch621's review against another edition

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This sequel has easily been the best book I have ever read, hands down. Such love, such thrill, but such heartache. Ren and Della have an amazing story. Thank you Pepper for an amazing yet heart wrenching story not about love but about life!

sarietales's review against another edition

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I need some time to come to terms with this, to stop crying.

"It was written in the stars and scribed in the galaxies, and nothing on earth could change that. This was true inevitability, utter undeniability. I didn't even need to ask a question."

I'm not even remotely ready to write this review. The Girl & Her Ren gave me life while simultaneously crushing every little piece of my heart into dust that is now blowing on the wind.

That's it, I should end the review there...

The Girl & Her Ren successfully achieved what very few contemporary novels have for me - a riptide of emotion. I can't go into length about the story, simply because it will spoil it for readers. Instead, this review will highlight parts of my incredibly emotional journey.

What I felt:
○ Misery
○ Sadness
○ Confusion
○ Anger
○ Indescribable happiness
○ Joy
○ Terror
○ Worry
○ Angst
○ Compassion
○ Empathy
○ Sorrow
○ Anguish
○ Heartbreak
○ Rage

There were moments, several of them, where a sob would tear from deep in my chest with tears to follow.

I felt elated, joyous, love struck.

But, there was always a looming shadow of sorrow, misery and rage.

Pepper Winters... what an immense talent to pull the reader from their own life and compel them to feel with every morsel of their soul until they are forever changed. This duet is much more than a simple coming-of-age romance. The Ribbon Duet is an epic tale of love, life, death and the trials and tribulations of human nature.

"Come find me. Come find me on the meadow where the sun always shines, the river always flows, and the forest always welcomes. Come find me, Little Ribbon, and there we'll live for eternity."

whatjennareads's review

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This duet was just beautiful!! The cliffhanger from book one was so heartbreaking however the author gave us such a lovely conclusion, though devastating as well!

Ren and Della have a connection and love story unlike any other. Even their life story is totally unique from any other book I’ve read. They truly have such a special bond. I loved both books so much. This one was a little lengthier than I thought necessary but it was still worth the read. Ren is the ultimate book husband!! I can’t think of a man more caring and protective of his woman than him!

They will live in my heart and mind for a long time!

timitra's review

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Rated 4.5 Stars

The Girl And Her Ren was a lot more angsty than the first book. It played my emotions me like a stringed instrument. I won't say which tune it played most often because that would spoil it for others but what I will say is prepare yourself for emotional upheaval.

The conclusion to Della and Ren's story has a wrongness yet rightness to it. It's tabooish, forbidden and yet so very beautiful. I loved it even when I didn't love what was going on.

This story has left a long lasting mark on me. I won't soon forget it. I definitely recommend it.

ARC provided by author

F(BR) with some of my Shhlutty sisters SueBee, Lu, C, Ann, Sophie, Susan, Snow, Megan, Ammie, Dayna & Myla

bplyda's review

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that's it, that's the review.
you can now go on with your lives knowing I will never be the same

*definitely one of my favorite reads in a WHILE!

bookmamari's review

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This book was incredible, no words I could write will ever do it justice. It picks up where The Boy and His Ribbon leaves off, Della and Ren against the world. They finally find love through all the obstacles put in their way, they finally make it until life deals one more blow, one that will forever change them. I accidentally hit my kindle and it forwarded to a question that the author was answering and it shook me. I knew what would happen just not when and when that time came I was a wreck. I gave up on tissues and grabbed a towel. It was so beautiful, their story is so beautiful, their love was so beautiful.
It's probably one of the most emotional books I have ever read and I highly recommend it. You have to start with The Boy and His Ribbon, and as emotional as I was, I loved it so much.

bookfever's review against another edition

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My emotions are all over the place right now after reading and finishing The Girl and Her Ren. I definitely loved it more than the first book, The Boy and His Ribbon. If you have read that book and loved it, the second book will absolutely transcend it all. It was so much more of all the feels. But oh it was sad. So very sad. I still can't quite believe everything I read and the turn the story took. On the one hand I can't exactly say I'm happy with it but on the other I feel like it was worth it to read this beautiful story.

The story continued where the previous one ended where Ren had left Della because of their feelings for one another. Luckily it didn't take too long for Ren to get his shit together again and to realize he loves Della and return to her. After that they actually spend time together being happy. But eventually we start getting warning that this book might not have the greatest ending and if it does or not I won't say because I'm trying my best not to spoil this book but it's kind of hard.

I still can't say this duology is my personal favorite of all time by Pepper Winters but this was a very special story. And I do think it's one of her best ones. It wasn't just a coming of age romance for me, it was so much more. Somehow the two main characters, Della and Ren found their way into my hurt, causing me to be so affected by the whole story and especially the ending. Honestly I had expected this book to go in a whole different direction so I was definitely surprised by it all, which was actually a really good thing.

Even now as I'm writing this review I kind of want to cry because I just finished reading the book and it's all still pretty fresh in my mind. But I can't say enough how touching, heartbreaking and utterly beautiful this story was. I hope anyone who's planning on reading this book has tissues because you'll definitely need them.

aneemezreads's review

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3.75 Stars

I really didn't connect with the story and the characters in the first half of the book and it took me a while to get through it. The latter half was better, but I found myself skimming through it, just so I could finish the book and know how it ends.

I will say that I am happy with how things wrapped up at the end, except for one minor detail. If you've read the book you'll know what I'm referring to and I think you'll agree with me.

If I see the duet overall, I loved Ren and Della's story, and really appreciate the effort the author put into this.

arielsbooktrove's review

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I cannot review this book right now because I finished it at work and am currently sobbing like a lunatic. I am distraught. This book can go to hell. I loved it. I am heartbroken. I need to recover before I can put more into this review than my heart on a platter for this author to STAB.

bibliophile90's review

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**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


4.5 stars

"It was about love. True love. Love that spans decades, infects souls, and turns you immortal because, when you love that deeply, nothing can ever die. It transcends time, space, distance, universes."

The Girl and Her Ren started where The Boy and His Ribbon left off. It continues the epic love story of Della and Ren. I was looking forward to see what these two beautiful characters would go through in this book. I knew it would be a very difficult and heartbreaking road, and the author did not disappoint. I also knew it would be uplifting and inspirational, and the author did a phenomenal job in writing their story. This stories had its ups and downs, and it felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster. I did not know what to expect but I was prepared for anything.

"True love was a vicious monster, feeding on my reserves, breaking me beneath its resolve to either kill me if I didn't obey or destroy me if I did."

The Girl and Her Ren is a huge book, and I think Pepper utilized every page to its full potential. This story needed every word and page to tell their story. It was beautiful, emotional, heartbreaking, sad, and so much more. The connection between Ren and Della is one of a kind, and these two are made for each other. I loved that the author told their story from the beginning without skipping anything. I shed tears and smiled for these amazing characters. I loved seeing them grow up and seeing all the character developments. I am so grateful that Pepper took the time to tell their story the right way. This story won't be an easy read but I promise you that you won't be sorry you went on this journey.

"The realization that this wasn't just a girl I was in love with but the one person who'd been there every step of my existence made it hard to breathe."