
Born in Blood by Alexandra Ivy

avoraciousreader68's review

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*Book source ~ A review copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Sergeant Duncan O’Connor is a Kansa City cop investigating the death of an exotic dancer who is missing her heart. The unusual circumstances of her death mean that a Necromancer is called from Valhalla to help with the investigation. Though Callie Brown prefers to be called a Diviner. If she can get to a body before the spark is gone then she can see the person’s final moments. It’s in those moments that Callie may be able to pinpoint a murderer. However, this case is much different. The dancer’s spark disappears before Callie can get a look at her murderer, but an unusual man remains. A dangerous man. And he shouldn’t be there. Duncan and Callie, along with her Sentinel (bodyguard) Fane, go to Valhalla to talk with the Mave. There’s something very wrong brewing on the horizon and they’re pretty sure the dancer’s death is only the beginning.

After reading the short story Out of Control (The Sentinels, #0.5) in the anthology Predatory I’ve wanted to read more about the Sentinels and Valhalla. This story does not disappoint! While I found Duncan to be a bit overbearing, horn doggish and a tad conceited for my tastes, he’s actually a pretty good guy deep down. Callie is a wonderful heroine, strong and yet vulnerable, but best of all, no pushover when it comes to Duncan. Excellent! There are other great characters who make an appearance, but Fane…oh, my, Fane. He is one hot dude and I can’t wait for his story! *fans self*

The world in this book is so interesting! Even the villain and his back story were interesting. There is a lot of information and world-building going on yet it doesn’t bog the story down one bit. I’m hooked. I love this slightly different take on the paranormal and I’m really looking forward to continuing with this series.

mythicgeek's review

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I can't say I actually liked it but it wasn't bad either. The story was pretty good, the plot solid enough for what it was. It's a very typical book for the genre and what you expect to get from books that have covers like these. There was a LOT of reinforcement of gender roles, a lot of calling men 'males' and women 'females' which is something I personally hate. The female main character saves the cast at large, but of course winds up the damsel in distress who needs others to then rescue her.

But that's what I expected going in. I read an ARC of this (It's not coming out until around New Year's) but I doubt I'll be doing more than skimming the rest of the series for work purposes.

Also who exactly is supposed to be on the cover? The 'heroine' is a redhead sure, but her hair is short and spiky, something repeated multiple times. There are two other redheads with long hair but they're supporting characters. I just wish the cover artist either received or paid attention to character descriptions before creating this.