
Stargazer by Claudia Gray

adrianab2021's review

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The sequel to evernight.

bookishanjali's review

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I am so glad I finally picked up this series, I loved Evernight (book one) and I loved Stargazer even more. It was an entertaining read full of intense situations and I really liked discovering more about Balthazar who even though I know will not be the one to end up with Bianca I still like his character way more then Lucas. As far as Lucas and Bianca go, their relationship is definitely tested in Stargazer.

I really loved it when the wraiths entered the scene at first I didn't know what to make of it but as some secrets were revealed everything started making sense and I am really interested to know what Bianca's choices will be for her future.

So now there there are Wraiths, Vampires, and Vampire Hunters all thrown into the mix and I'm loving every second of it. This series so far is full of action and page turner moments now add that with the cliffhanger at the end and this makes for a really good read. I'm so glad I waited to read the series because I don't have to sit around and wait for the next book to be released.

Overall even if your sick of Vampire reads or have phased out of it (like I have) I still recommend picking this up, it's worth the read.

lottemae's review

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Looking for the next book now! <3

wildflowerz76's review

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I think I'm too practical. I read these books where girls have a perfectly great boy who'd be perfect for them AND the star crossed lover and EVERY time I think they should go for the perfectly great boy. I'm not totally unromantic. I think they girls should give the great boy a good chance before they completely discount them, but none of them seem to be doing that. Bianca is no exception. Just like Zoey in the House of Night books with Erik, Bianca has a perfectly good boy in Balthazar who her parents like and is perfect for her and who she's attracted to. But she can't see past Lucas, the boy who hates what she is (a vampire) and actually HUNTS them. I just don't get it. This was a good story that I enjoyed and I look forward to reading more. Though I still think Bianca should have given Balthazar a decent chance.

taliac36's review

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Bianca breaks into Mrs Bethany's carriage house in an attempt to discover what Lucas wanted to know; why humans are allowed at Evernight. She discovers nothing and heads back to Evernight, disappointed. She sees someone in the hall, but decides that it was just her own reflection. Orientation day sees Bianca sharing a room with Raquel, as Patrice has left Evernight for a few decades. Raquel's parents forced her to return to Evernight, despite her having told them that she was stalked by Erich. Bianca catches up with Vic, who gives her a letter from Lucas. Bianca's mail is being searched for this exact reason, so they cannot keep in contact. The letter tells Bianca to meet Lucas in October at the Amherst train station.

As Bianca leaves her room to drink blood (she is the only vampire sharing with a human), she sees a blue light and thinks that there is a person on the stairs. This time, she is more curious, but is interrupted before she can investigate further.

Bianca tells everyone there is a meteor shower so that she can camp out on the grounds to watch it. Really she is going to see Lucas. She hitches a ride in the laundry truck into Amherst and is walking along to find Lucas when a young vampire girl joins her in her walk. She is afraid of someone following her, and Bianca thinks she looks so lonely and innocent that she cannot refuse. The girl says she once went to Evernight, but did not get along with Mrs Bethany and ran away. They arrive at the train station and Lucas follows shortly after. He sees the girl with Bianca and thinks she is going to harm her. It turns out that Lucas had been the one following the vampire girl and she is very frightened. She attacks Lucas and wants to kill him, but Bianca stops her in time. Lucas calls for the rest of the Black Cross to come, so Bianca tells the girl to run away. She escapes before the Black Cross arrives, and Bianca and Lucas share the weekend at the Base Camp, as Black Cross does not know she is a vampire. When she sneaks back, Balthazar catches her. In an attempt to reason with Balthazar and make sure he does not tell Mrs. Bethany about her visit, she mentions the vampire girl who turns out to be Balthazar's sister. Soon Bianca and Balthazar make an arrangement; they pretend to be dating so Balthazar could get her off campus, since he is a trusted student, so she could meet Lucas while in return Bianca and Lucas help Balthazar find his sister, Charity, which they do. She is now part of a clan and blames Balthazar for killing her. After Courtney finds out about Bianca and Balthazar leaving school she stakes her and then decapitates her before leaving.

An attack on the school by Charity and her clan while an attack by Black Cross is taking place leads Bianca, Lucas and Raquel to leave the school and head to Black Cross HQ. On their way out of the school they meets Charity who they think will kill them but as they prepare to run she is pushed against a tree and staked by a sharp branch. Although Lucas wants to finish her off he cannot find anything to destroy her with so agrees to leave her. When at Black Cross HQ Raquel volunteers to join and Bianca later agrees to join

thebookcoyote's review

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I really, really enjoyed this book. I started it as something to read before bed, couldn't put it down, and finished it in one night. It's a well written book with an interesting story, and the female lead is far less annoying than she is in some other popular vampire books (not naming names of course...Bella...Elena...). I also like the unique vampire mythology, that borrows a lot from the traditional Dracula/Anne Rice sort of vampire while at the same time adding its own very original twists.

That said, Bianca was starting to annoy me a little. The more and more she went on and on about how awesome Lucas was, the more annoyed I became that she didn't notice how wonderful Balthazar was. I liked the Romeo and Juliet analogy - because the whole book is, in a sense, Romeo and Juliet with vampires (and a love triangle) - but mostly because Bianca and Lucas are like Romeo and Juliet - they don't know each other well enough through a few passionate meetings to really be anything other than infatuated with each other. Of course they're teenagers, so what can one expect, right?

And yes, yes, I know Balthazar said he was just using her because she reminded him of someone else that he won't tell her about. But I don't believe that, even if he does say it. His feelings with her, his relationship with her, was more real than anything I saw between Bianca and Lucas, and it annoyed me that she was ready to throw away what seemed to be her chance at real happiness in order to throw herself at a guy she barely knows and who had been a great big jerk far more than once. I don't know, maybe it's just my sympathy for the underdog, but I really think Bianca is making a REALLY BAD decision here. Of course, she's acting exactly like an impulsive teenager, so I guess it's perfectly realistic in that sense.

jessicakatesbookshelf's review

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Another complete favourite in the series, I find no faults still to this day.

datskira's review

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A great sequel! Added more conflict to the storyline which makes it more interesting. I was actually starting to root for Balthazar, but, of course, it isn't hard for Lucas to reel me back in. I cannot wait to get my hands on the third book! Cliffhanger ending!

dragnfary's review

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this book was way better than the first one, it still has that very addictive quality for me so I can continue to read it practically without stopping. I really liked where everything was headed, everything was explained, the relationships going on, it was really good.

charlotte_smith's review

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I don't know what to think.. That was strange and really not what I was expecting.