
Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle

kranna's review against another edition

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I very much enjoyed this book it was about an arranged marriage and nights and fighting and love a little bit for everybody

elfqueenvik's review against another edition

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I received this book for an honest reveiw:

Unfortunatley I did not like this book.

Lets start with the characters:

Charlotte: I didnt care for her at all she was spoiled and made very poor choices. Like shooting her betrothed with and arrow.....

Young: He was the only character I liked, he was calm, stoic and thoughtful.

Everyone else was pretty forgettable, they where one dimensional and where not developed very well. One of the side characters has a major impact to the story and gets killed later on but I cared so little for him because he was so poorly developed.

The Queen specificly was like Charlotte, for the simple fact all of her choices where awful. She is written as evil and makes a full 180 after the king dies and *sob* she blames herself....well yeah....thats because you make terrible choices that do not make sense. Like ally yourself with another country and its prince (Prince Emmet) to secure your own border but then forsake the alliances that have already been made with Youngs kingdom and his betrothal to Charlotte. Not only that she tosses Young in a cell and is going to have him executed for treason.....for no reason....

Storywise everything is so fast-paceed and we go from one plot point to another with no transition. So lets use the romantic plot as an example: Charlotte and Young do bond over time....but Charlottes maid Milly also LOVES Young, because he frinkin paid attention to her and was nice to her. Early on there is a bit of jealiousy and misunderstanding between Charlotte and Young. Milly does activley persue Young......after Charlotte and Young are married....bruh. Also Youngs brother Minseo and Charlotte seems to have an atraction to each other wich also causes problems between Young and Charlotte. Minseo of course falls in LOVE with Charlotte.....simply because she spent time with him while he was recoveribg after he was poisoned. Minseo finally confronts his brother Young about his feelings for Charlotte....months after Young and Charlotte are married and RIGHT after Young is told that Charlotte is pregnant with thier kid. This whole plot happens over the course of a few chapters. You are told rather than shown.

My other issue is the conclusion, So remember how the Queen stupidly allies herself with another country and Prince Emmet. Well Prince Emmet Is an A-typical jerk. Well since he was *sob* cast aside, unwanted, and all that, he dececides he will have his vengance. He kills a cook and poisons the King and Minseo (another country's prince) then runs back home to his country. Well at the end he returns as the king of another enemy nation and has his home kingdoms army also as an ally and just steamrolls Charlottes kingdom. My issue with this is again you are told this rather than shown...and aside from *sob* being cast aside there is no real reason for him to return his vengance. He has his own Kingdom! Not only that how did he convince his Father and his homelands army to ally with him? It makes Zero sense. Also Charlottes kingdom has every rite and evidance to persue his home kingdom to have Emmet tried for his crimes, because he poisoned and killed the King and poisoned another country's price!!! But they dont...because we where to busy focusing on the "romance"

Honestly these issues could have been resolved by simple editing and making this one book into three. That would have geiven more time to develop all of these plot points and made them more interesting and valid.

I think my main issue with the writing and pacing is that the deaths had no real inpact because I didnt feel for these characters accept Young, there are no true consiquenses accept those due to the stupidity of the characters. A prime example of this is Minseo is captured and there is a moment where you think he is about to cut his own hand to escape. But when he reunites with his brother he somehow escaped and didnt need to cut his own hand off...and you are told this rather than shown. If he did it would have made him being poisoned and Charlotte helping to nurse him have a greater impact and make the LOVE he had developed for her make more sense.

I dont think I would recomend this book.

illidia316's review against another edition

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Once I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down. The story and characters grabbed me from the first page and did not let me go. I enjoyed the story and found it very unique. A good “princess saves herself” story is always appreciated! The only thing I didn’t love about Kingdom Cold was the ending - I was glad there was an epilogue type thing though, because of wrapped everything up nicely. I’m looking forward to reading more by this author!

spiringempress's review against another edition

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Princess Charlotte is horrified to learn that she has to marry Prince Young from the neighboring kingdom, Vires. Despite her father picking out her betrothed, Princess Charlotte is determined to end the match. However, on the eve of their nuptials, war breaks out between Besmium and Drethen. Forced to escape, Princess Charlotte hits the road with Prince Young and her servant, Milly, but are they are quickly ensnared into a sinister plot when they encounter Prince Emmett, who takes them to his castle and plots to marry Charlotte. Princess Charlotte must adapt and eventually learn to trust her fiance if she wants to escape from these sinister plots.

This is a quick and easy read but the characters and plot are a little all over the place. It also seems like the book was meant for a younger audience and has too much of a fairy-tale quality for my tastes. I'm also a little confused about the target audience for this book since a lot of the narrative and story seems to be targeted towards a younger audience but some of the topics are a little too adult.

popthebutterfly's review against another edition

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Disclaimer: I received this e-book from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Kingdom Cold

Author: Brittni Chenelle

Book Series: Kingdom Cold Book 1

Rating: 1/5

Publication Date: February 14, 2019

Genre: YA Fantsay

Recommended Age: can’t recommend, DNF-ed

Publisher: Indie Published

Pages: 278

Amazon Link

Synopsis: Attempted murder, that's how sixteen-year-old Princess Charlotte's engagement starts. It seems like the only thing she has in common with Prince Young of Vires is their mutual discontent.

When her kingdom's attacked, Charlotte's parents renegotiate her hand in marriage to a handsome stranger with a sinister plan. With the people Charlotte loves dying around her, and her kingdom's future at stake, the only person she can turn to is the prince she betrayed. But, should she save her kingdom or her heart?

One must fall.

Review: I had to DNF this book at 15%. I couldn’t connect with the characters and it didn’t feel like the book had a clearly defined plot. It’s also incredibly slow.

Verdict: Not for me.

thisbookishcat's review

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adventurous medium-paced


*Full disclosure: I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.*

What I really liked about this novel is that it was fresh; being written from multiple points of view was something that really added to the story and to the characters. In that way, it almost had a Song of Ice and Fire vibe to it.

There are a few things though that would have really upped the rating of this book overall; character development, better transitions, and timing.
For character development, there were times that it was clear that a character was working to change or improve, and in other cases it was almost like a complete 180 with no real delve into that development. This seemed more like a timing issue, so I think if the book was twice the length this could have been easily improved. I also would have loved more back story into Young's alleged abusive upbringing, maybe with a small piece of dialogue that shows him opening up to her during a bonding moment. There was also a little too much focus on everyone being in love with Princess Charlotte, whom I never really grew to enjoy, let alone like, so it was hard to understand why anyone would like her besides the power her kingdom would bring to people.
In terms of transitions, there weren't really any transitions. Exciting things would be happening, then in the same chapter without even so much as a page break it would jump ahead to just after the fights and battles, presumably because the author didn't want to actually write in too many fights. This is also a major part of the timing problem.

Constructive criticism aside, this was an enjoyable book and worth a read if you can get your hands on a copy of it. 

getmealibrary's review against another edition

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*I received this book from the author to read and review. But the opinion as always is mine*

I didn't know if I was going to be able to read it so soon. But I managed to get the chance and I'm so glad I did!

This book is a quick read, it's fast, easy and the writing is extremely enjoyable. I couldn't put it down, I would have finished it a lot quicker if I wasn't at work. (I did try and read it whilst there)

Not only is the writing enjoyable and very well done, the book itself is full of twists and turns and something very unexpected happens near the end.

At the beginning of the book Brittni gives you a Princess. A Princess which is later called spoilt. A Princess who doesn't want to be one. I instantly loved Princess Charlotte. Yes she had her first impressions and yes they weren't exactly correct and yes I did see some spoiltness in her. But I did instantly see that she was not going to be not a typical Princess. She's about to have an arranged marriage and isn't happy about it.
- I loved reading from Charlotte's point of view the most.

The book has various points of view from the main characters in the story. But mainly focuses on Princess Charlotte and Prince Young, though there is a few others.

The kingdom is crafted very well and although there isn't a map. I was able to place where all the kingdoms and locations were in my head. I was able to visually see those things.

The characters are diverse but it's not one of those books that I tend to find promote this and that's all you can think about and it's done for a specific reason of the author's. This book happen to have those characters and happened to have those settings and it wasn't all I thought about. I thought more about the characters what they were going through. The events they faced, the feelings they had. The good, the bad and the ugly of the book.

Although the blurb clearly states that Princess Charlotte's engagement starts with attempted murder, I did not expect what happened to happen. I turn the chapter and was like "oh my god" I believe that was the chapter that made me completely fall in love with this book.

As the book goes on you met more characters, we learn more about the ones we have already learnt about and more. We even meet our very own 'Lockhart'

I dived more and more into this book and every single sentence I read I fell in love and didn't want to stop reading it.

Though this book made me fall in love with it. It wasn't without some sadness. There's love, death, betrayal and happiness. This book will tear you apart and the ending doesn't get any better.

When I read a book I figure out what review I want to give it as I read. Whilst reading this book I gave it a four tea cups. But whilst reading the last few chapters, I instantly gave it five tea cups and I don't regret that decision as I type this.

Although this book was sent to me by the author for a review. I don't think she realised she was actually sending me a book that I was going to love. I don't know how long it would have taken me to find this book if it wasn't sent to me. So if you're reading this review and reading others, please add this book to TBR because it honestly is very good.


princessleia4life's review against another edition

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I thought it was good up until the brotherly love triangle

myth's review against another edition

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The first several chapters of this book were fun because it felt like the author was having loads of fun writing it. Then we ran into the same problem as Court of Ruins, namely that the author either needs her money back or needs to pay her editor more, depending on the rates involved.

Obviously this book gets a little more leeway because it is self published, but words mean things. When they are consistently used incorrectly there is a problem.

Further, while the beginning was super fun, right around the time Drethen attacked the main castle I realized that the author and the book had no idea about things like castle walls, battle tactics, or indeed weaponry in general. All of this could be forgiven if so much time wasn't dedicated to talking about them. For future reference, folks: stay in your fortress. It's much more likely to end well for you than sending every single soldier you have out through the front gates to fight a gigantic army.

That's only one example. There are myriad.

Anyway I was also tired of Everything Being All About Charlotte All The Time. There was a war on. Maybe think about your romantic drama later when your citizens are safe, or possibly just think about your citizens at all ever, and while we're here pay attention to your mother, the only person other than Leon with a brain cell for more than one chapter.

I genuinely had fun reading this with my friends and quote "He didn't what, Charlotte? Die?" On almost a weekly basis so it's getting an arbitrary level up because why the fuck not?

biteintobooks's review against another edition

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Thanks to the author for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I did not expect to be so surprised by this book. I did not really know what to expect, actually, but I was very happy that I chose to read this review requested book so soon. While I was reading this book, I thought I would give it 4 stars, but the ending really pushed me towards 5 stars. Loved it so much.

A longer review can be found at Bite Into Books

I would not mind if this book was the start of a series, but there are so many series nowadays that I'm actually glad that this is a standalone. I really liked the characters and the world the story takes place in, that's why I wouldn't mind to read more if there was more to come. I will definitely follow Brittni as an author, because she as proven that she can make tough decisions in a story and write spectacular endings!