
Monster in My Closet by R.L. Naquin

lalabristow's review

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What a nice surprise Monster In My Closet was! I loved the mix of adventure and quirky sense of humor. Zoey has quickly become one of my favorite heroines ever! I mean, how could she not since the first glimpse we get of her she is ready to protect herself with nothing less than a toilet brush. Not to mention her utter geekiness and over-the-top-but-lovable sense of style.

Monster In My Closet gives us a delightful host of side characters that stole my heart. We get not only the closet monster Maurice and the awesome brownie Molly, but also a hag, a skunk ape, a reaper, an incubus, a pygmy dragon and many more fascinating creatures.

Zoey is a wedding planner and an empath that stumbles into a Hidden world she had never imagined existed. Not only that, her mother was also aware of that world and her disappearance when Zoey was 8 years old, becomes an even bigger mystery.

There is a little bit of romance, but enough to let us know that the seednhas been planted and we should expect more.
I loved how Monster In My Closet didn’t take itself too seriously, but at the same time was adventurous and suspenseful enough to draw me in until the very last page.

R.L. Naquin has just won a fan in me and I guarantee that I will be following this delicious new series very closely.

Originally Posted at Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life

setaian's review

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At the age of 28 Zoey discovers that she is not like other women. She learns that she's an empath in the worst possible way. An incubus has developed a taste for her and is using her as an all you can eat buffet. Before long the people around her start dying, sucked dry.

Determined to protect her friends she enlists the help of a motley group of psychics, monsters and fairies but as a demon the incubus can't be destroyed and the best she can hope to do is banish him...but to do that she'll need to get close enough for him to suck her life force from her.

Monster in My Closet was great fun. It's not perfect, I don't think it ended as strongly as it started but it's still I book I loved. Well worth the effort and I'll be continuing with the series.

lilyelement's review

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Monster in My Closet is a breath of fresh air that isn't afraid to step outside the box. It has all the aspects of a book that I could ever hope for. Urban Fantasy, a dash of romance, paranormal creatures, and silly scenes. There was no doubt in my mind that this book is a must read just by reading the first line.

"Of all the possible weapons I might have grabbed, I choose a toilet brush."

The main character, Zoey, is an empath that always seems to draw in people that are in need. Upon confronting the intruder in her house she realizes it is the monster that terrified her once in her childhood. When hearing his relationship woes, she lets him crash at her house. It doesn't hurt that Maurice, the closet monster, can probably out cook gourmet chefs. It doesn't take long before the Hidden (paranormal creatures/beings) are actively seeking Zoey's assistance.

Zoey finds herself as the book goes on. She takes control of her power, and learns how to use it. She kind of has to since not all of the paranormal beings are nice and cuddly. There is a succubus that wants to get his emotional fix and Zoey is at the top of his list. She has to find a way to stop him before everyone around her dies.

Monster in My Closet was a great read that I recommend if you are looking for something light and unique.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for an honest review via NetGalley.

mobats's review

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The story follows Zoey, a wedding planner with somewhat questionable taste in clothing, as she is plunged into the world of the hidden. She discovers she is an empath when she crosses path with an incubus. With the aide of Andrew (local herbalist), Maurice (a closet monster) and a few other interesting characters she must defeat the incubus and some how still lead a normal life.

Overall I personally found the book cute and funny at times. There were a few stumbling blocks with transition from one section to another, but it can be easily over looked. The characters are cute and endearing but with as much as I read sound like a ton of the other characters I have read books about. The most original in the lot would have to be Maurice. I would read this book again on a rainy afternoon as just something cozy and fun to do.

schomj's review

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I really enjoyed the first half. Zoey seems like a funny, kind person who finds herself on the road to self-discovery, prompted by the return of a monster who hid in her closet when she was a child. The world building was delightful and sweet, except for the incubis. (He was described a few times as being sexy and pirate-like. Personally, I think pirates are far more creepy than sexy, but pop culture tells me I'm in the minority on that one).

Anyway, somewhere in the second half, things started to fall apart -- details started getting sloppy (Zoey's date with the mysterious EMT guy changes from Saturday to Friday from one page to the next) and her behavior makes her seem more and more oblivious. Then what happened to her friend Sara at the end -- so horrible, yet glossed over like it wasn't important.

At the end, I'm not sure what to think. The geeky, quirky parts I liked a lot, but the parts that I didn't like bothered me enough that I'm not sure I'll be reading more by this author.

Note: the romance in this is pretty light, so if that's what you're looking for, it might not satisfy. Also includes several scenes of rape-by-incubus, which get increasingly disturbing as the book goes on.

paladinboy's review

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Ok, you might think this is a fluffy paranormal, but its a great read. And it gets dark (not Fever series-squickie dark, but people you know and love get killed off dark). The writing is excellent and the main character and her main squeeze are quite an interesting pair. Plenty of backstory left for both of them for future novels.

My only problem, its a first book. Must...wait...:(

First read Jan 26 2013
Rereading to read the rest of the series

queensoulja's review

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this was cute and funny. I want a closet monster!

txbookmama's review

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Very funny urban fantasy series. I look forward to reading the rest.

tien's review

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I don’t remember ever being scared of monsters, whether in closet or not. However, my little one is currently having a similar problem though he is afraid of ‘cowboys’ (I don’t know how / why since he loves Toy Story!). This is why I was interested in this book, not because that I’m hoping it will give me some tips as to handle it, far from it, I was definitely hoping for some distraction, it hasn’t been easy.

And what a great distraction! Monster in My Closet was a light-hearted tale of otherworldly creatures. When Zoey was 5, she was scared of the monster in her closet. She’s in her late 20s now and has stopped believing in monsters until she found one (the one from her childhood) in her kitchen, drinking coffee, reading the paper and baking the most delish muffins. His name is Maurice; he’s been kicked out of home and needed a place to stay. Zoey has never been one to turn away those in need and thus begins the revelation of all otherworldly things for Zoey…

I love Zoey’s fun, bold & quirky sense of fashion! I wish I could carry it off myself but I think I’m going to have to stick with being ordinary. Zoey is kind generous and warm to all – but there is more to her than just the ‘ordinary’ human. At first, it seems that Zoey just can’t say ‘no’ but that’s because she has that extra sense which makes it hard for her to assert herself sometimes. As she discovers more of herself though, she is even more lovable than before.

The story is filled with a slew of otherworldly creatures (even including one Hot Reaper), many dead bodies, and one stinking demon. It’s a story to while away your day in the sun; it’s light, it’s fluffy, and it’s pretty much clean (ie. no steamy stuff). A good satisfying read for me.

Thank you Carina Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to view and review.

Note: There was one part where Zoey was setting up a date on a Saturday and then at the bottom of the page, she said that she has a date on Friday. As my copy was from Netgalley, this may be un-corrected proof at the time.

aydotjaydot's review

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3.5 stars. Good first novel, but there are some "First Novel" problems. Still the writing is quick and clippy, the characters are interesting, and I am definitely reading the next few in the series.

That said, I'll give a sexual violence spoiler for the last part of the book. The main villain is an incubus, so that's broadcast early on, but definitely want to give a heads up to those who would like to know.