
The Final Score by Jaci Burton

allingoodtime's review

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Before I dive into my review of this story, can we take a moment to talk about this cover? I mean, c’mon! It’s enough to get someone to read this book even if they know nothing about this series or this author. Kudos to whoever designed this one!

It took me longer than I would have liked to get to this story. After all, it was published more than 3 months ago. Not to mention that I’ve read all of the books in this series so I’ve “known” Nathan since the very first story, The Perfect Play. So it pains me to say that it didn’t live up to my expectations. That’s not to say it wasn’t good, it was very good. It just wasn’t spectacular.

As much as I adore Mia Cassidy from previous stories that featured her brothers, she lost some of her luster for me here. I understand her being a young woman starting her own company and wanting to prove herself. But her protestation to that end wouldn’t always match what she was protesting. I know that’s a confusion sentence, I hope you get what I’m saying though.

I still love Nathan. He’s such a great guy. I absolutely appreciate Jaci Burton including scenes in which Nathan and Mia seem to be heading to the bedroom and Nathan’s reactions when it doesn’t go as planned. No cajoling, only understanding. Isn’t that the way things should be always?

What was lacking in this story was chemistry. The actual sex scenes had some chemistry and were extremely well written. But overall I didn’t feel that pull between Mia and Nathan that I want to feel when reading a romance.

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abbielairson117's review against another edition

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Ugh. Mia drove me crazy!! She was acting so cowardly and only thinking about careers. She wouldn’t have any type of affection in public and always lied to her family and friends about her relationship. She broke his heart at the end because she’s stupid. Definitely wasn’t my favorite and I was really looking forward to this book.

vee79's review against another edition

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I am a fan of Jaci and have read her other books especially Rules of Contact with Mia's brother! Mia is starting her business and she is now hanging with her best friend Nathan. They had one hot night a long time ago and as they continue to hang out the chemistry starts to heat up again, and the banter between the two is sizzling. Mia is afraid of how the media will respond and she doesn't want to ruin Nathan's football career as well as their friendship This is a great friends to lovers, to friends to lovers again read and classic Jaci!

lauraanne9's review

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***ARC Provided by the Publisher via NetGalley****

The Play by Play series are some of my favorite books. Sports romance is fun, and Jaci Burton writes them so well.

Nathan and Mia felt a little different to me than other stores in the series, and I think it was the idea that time had passed, that a character from one of the earlier books was the father of the hero in this. It was a risk for the author, as aging a character that readers enjoy is definitely going to get strong reactions. But, I liked it. And it worked well.

The sex was hot, the friends to lovers idea was so much fun as you really do believe that they like one another, that they are friends, and that they care about one another.

The book is well written and well paced, with characters you like and some fun recurring characters from earlier in the season. If you haven't read all of the books, it is ok and you will not lose the point of the story, but they were fun additions to the story for those who have read the others.

I enjoyed this title and I recommend it.

anrobe's review against another edition

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I love love love this series! And this is yet another great read. I loved reading Nathan’s story since we’ve ‘known’ him since the very first book and have had glances at him over the books. It was great to see a deep dive into his life and his relationship with Mia. I really loved Mia and getting to learn more about her was really interesting. I love the glimpses into the other members of the families from the series. A great mix of traditional romance and sexiness. I really enjoyed this one and highly recommend it (and the series itself)! You can’t go wrong with these books!

NOTE: I received this Advanced Reader Copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

amburhostyn's review against another edition

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I've been a HUGE fan of Jaci Burton's Play By Play series since the very first book, The Perfect Game, and I've loved every single book in the series so far! I've absolutely LOVED seeing her build up the Riley family, the Cassidy family and every other amazing character in between! We started with Mick and Tara in the first book...and now in THE FINAL SCORE we're making our way back to them with their son, Nathan...and his love interest happens to be Mia, the only daughter in the Cassidy family! We've met her four older brothers and seen them all find love, so it was absolutely wonderful to come back to see her budding romance with Nathan! Even better, I'm love friends-to-lovers romances and Jaci did an amazing job with this one!

If you're new to the Play by Play series, you won't necessarily know the backstory for a lot of these characters, but don't worry, you won't be spoiled if you decide to pick it up now! You'll see who they're with, but with Jaci's books, the stories of how they got there are really what make them all so wonderful. Of course, if you start here, you're going to love it, and then you'll desperately want to get your hands on all of the books that came before this don't say I didn't warn you! That being said, don't let the fact that this is a bigger series stop you from picking it up. Jaci Burton's romances are phenomenal, and if you're a contemporary romance fan at all, I seriously can't recommend her books enough. I read A LOT of romance, and Jaci Burton is an absolute favourite of mine! Her books are on my auto-buy list (especially her Play by Play series!!!), and she also happens to be the romance author that got me obsessed with sports romances in the first place!

If you're a fan of sexy stories with a whole lot of heart, then Jaci Burton is absolutely for you! Her characters are amazing! In the 13 books (and several novellas) that make up the Play by Play series, I have yet to run into any repetitive storylines or to feel like her characters are copies of each other! The characters, the stories...and even the sexy scenes, are all incredibly unique and she manages to keep her writing fresh no matter how far along in the series you get! I was actually a bit worried when I first heard about THE FINAL SCORE because I thought it was the last book in series and I didn't want her series to be finished yet (I don't think I ever will!)....don't worry though, it isn't! There's already another book planned for February 2018 called SHOT ON GOLD...and I can't wait to read it, too!

Somehow...despite being smitten with Jaci's books for years this is the first time that I've actually reviewed one on my blog, so I hope you don't blame me for gushing about how awesome she is before talking specifically about THE FINAL SCORE! ;)

As should come as no surprise by how much I've already raved about Jaci Burton in this review, I've loved every single book in her Play by Play series! I'd be hard pressed to ever pick a favourite, but for right now (until the next book comes that is ;D), THE FINAL SCORE is sitting right at the top of my list! Nathan and Mia were phenomenal main characters, and I loved getting to know them better! I also adored their dynamics together. As I mentioned, I love romances that are friends-to-lovers, so I was a huge fan of how their story developed. They were so open and honest with each other, and their chemistry was off the charts! All of the books in this series are sexy, but WOW! Mia and Nathan had hot enough chemistry that I thought my kindle might just overheat. ;)

Overall, I loved THE FINAL SCORE! It's the perfect addition to an already amazing sports romance series, and I can't wait for Jaci Burton's next book...SHOT ON GOLD!

samwlabb's review

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I was pretty excited when I heard this book was going to feature Nathan, and that he would be stepping into his father's shoes as QB. I feel like I have watched Nathan grow up, and I was excited for him to have his romance.

I really enjoyed this book. I like friends-to-more stories, and Nathan and Mia had great chemistry and a really wonderful friendship. The "drama" part of the story was not that major, and I was quite ok with that, because the bulk of this story focused on the friendship turning into more, and I would rather read more of that, to be honest. The ending was a little abrupt, but that's ok, because I know we will get an update in another book.

As always, Burton did a great job incorporating past characters, and there were quite a few here, as Mia is part of the Cassidy dynasty. We even got to attend a wedding! I also loved getting to know Jamal better, because I love a good bromance, and him and Nathan definitely have a great friendship.

Overall: Burton delivered a sexy, sweet friends-to-lovers romance, which was fun to watch blossom.

mslizalou's review

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The Play-by-Play series of books are the first books I ever read by Jaci Burton so the series has an extra special place in my heart. When you give me a book with both the Riley clan and the Cassidy clan, which are my 2 favorite families from the series, and I know I'm getting a book I won't be able to put down.

Seriously, Mia Cassidy and Nathan Riley together has been the story I've wanted since I realized they were at the same college. I absolutely loved that Mia and Nathan were best friends and always went to each other about everything. I even loved they had been together once in college when they had both had a little too much to drink and still remained best friends. I thought it was super sweet that Nathan really was the one that wanted to pursue them being more than just friends first, but was willing to only stay friends if that is all Mia wanted. I loved them as friends every bit as much as I loved them as a couple.

I love that while Mia and Nathan had decided to be friends only, once they were in the same city and allowed themselves more time together, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Seriously super hot times between Mia and Nathan! I have to say that while I loved their smoking hot love scenes, the times the took things slowly and were more gentle with each other, made me sigh just a little and completely fall for them as a couple.

Mia Cassidy is such a strong and intelligent female character. She has been working towards her dream of her own company and has had her dream come to fruition. She is an amazing businesswoman who sees the big picture when it comes to media perception and knows how to take care of her clients and friends. She is a bit shortsighted when it comes to matters of the heart though and messes up big time when handling a delicate situation with Nathan. I honestly believe she could only mess up this badly because of how much she loved Nathan, but it didn't change the fact that she was the one to make the mistake.

I loved that we got to spend time with so many of both the Rileys and the Cassidys in The Final Score. While I've loved the various other friends that have gotten their books in this series, my love for these 2 families is strong. It was great to see so many of my favorite characters again as we watched Mia and Nathan each figure out their next steps in their careers and their relationship.

The Final Score is another winner in the Play-by-Play series from Jaci Burton. I loved ever moment of this story and didn't want to put the book down even to sleep at night. In fact, I kinda wanted to start reading it all over again once I finished reading it the first time. The Final Score is absolutely one of my favorite books in the series and has me chomping at the bit to know where Ms. Burton will take the series next.

Rating: 5 stars (A+)
Review copy provided by publisher

tiggerreads's review

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This is a great not-too angsty, sexy read.