
Blue Lines by Toni Aleo

nisharoo22's review

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3.5 Stars!

sveak's review

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Honestly, I was disappointed in this book. Both Piper and Erik are so immature, all their fights and communication is just ridiculous. I get mad too and have arguments, but I don't scream and yell and break things. That sounds a bit abusive to me. And the fact that Erik didn't know if he would be able to commit and not cheat was just plain old stupid. I actually hated when we had scenes with only these two characters in it, I enjoyed every single other character much more. Even Phillip The even-bigger-manwhore-than-Erik was more interesting and level-headed.

gilwen's review

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Mon avis en français

I liked the other books of this series, especially the third one about Audrey and Tate, and I really appreciated to keep hearing from the previous characters. But I must confess that I kind of have mixed feelings about this fourth book.

I can't help but have issues with the two main characters . Piper for example, is an attractive and independent lady, but she makes herself a doormat for Erik all along. I sympathize and understand the mixed emotions she has, but the point where she really stood for herself came way too late. She kept putting herself in situations where she was going to be hurt, just because she believed she could change him. The only thing that saves her is that I did feel sorry for her because Erik was ten times worse. Seriously, he was despicable pretty much all the time. He's an unapologetic womanizer, a dick about the baby from the start, he's selfish and only thinks about his job and reputation, he spends his time playing video games and expects Piper to be the perfect housewife, he keeps being cruel to her so that she doesn't fall in love with him and instead of manning up to his feelings for her, he just shut her out et blames her for everything. Way mature, Erik, really. Yeah, I understand he has a troubled past and a totally fucked-up self-image, but it is no excuse for everything he said and did. And while he did get better at some point, his previous behavior spoiled it for me.

But my problem is that I am a sucker for drama and angst. I really like it when there is some heartbreak to balance the happiness. While wanting to throw my e-reader into the wall and shake the characters, I got sucked in the story and the romance worked for me . My heart bled for Piper and Toni Aleo's writing brought out strong emotions. And while I was screaming in frustration, there were some really sweet moments too (like reading to each other, or with Dimitri).

bookgyrl's review against another edition

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Piper gets pregnant after 1 night with Erik (who is her sister's brother-in-law) and only tells him after 5 months or so. He marries her to save his reputation.

I absolutely disliked the hero and was a bit put off by the sex scenes he had with other women. This was not during his marriage but in the months when he did not know she was pregnant. I don't need this in a romance.

In the end the hero came through. I absolutely loved the scene where Piper smashes his big screen TV and XBox with a hockey stick.

poisonivy70's review against another edition

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**ARC provided by Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

The Premise
The latest in the Nashville Assassins series, this book is about Piper and Erik. The instant Piper Allen sees Erik Titov, she wants him. They lock eyes, dance and then up up spending the night together. After that wild night, Erik tells Piper that he doesn’t “do” relationships, trying to let her know how messed up he really is. Piper is heartbroken...and then she ends up pregnant. She panics, not knowing what to do and ends up hiding her pregnancy for the first few months.

Erik, meanwhile, has been banging everything that moves in an attempt to forget his feelings for Piper, convinced he is not relationship material. This leads to being placed on probation by his team’s owner, for being a manwhore, apparently. When she finally breaks the news to Erik, his solution? Get married, and save Erik’s career, but with the understanding that the marriage would be over once the baby is born.

The Good
I liked Piper, even when she was irrational and giving Erik way more chances than I ever would have. I wish she had been a bit more direct and consistent. Erik was a frustrating hero, but I didn’t like how she’d set him up for failure. She had moments where she wanted him to do something, but when she had the opportunity to remind him, she wouldn’t say a thing, then blow up at him because he forgot. He was clearly thicker than a brick, but she was constantly telling him that she was “fine,” when she was anything but. If you want him to learn to be open with his feelings, I think it’s unfair to hide your own.

What saved this for me ultimately, was the birthing scenes at the end. I won’t detail them and spoil it, but suffice to say, they were funny, heartfelt and gave a balance to the HEA that was lacking from the rest of the book.

The Bad
Unfortunately, there was too much show vs tell in this book. The first night they’re together, I was told that it was life-changing, for them both, and that secrets were exchanged, hearts were bared. But I wasn’t shown this. I just thought it was really hot sex. Even at the end, I was definitely convinced that they liked each other, but I wasn’t convinced they loved each other.

I didn’t read any of the books between the first one and this one, and so I didn’t feel like I knew these characters well. I had a passing acquaintance with Piper from the first book, but Erik was a blank slate, and what I saw of him, I didn’t like.

Alot of the “bad” with this story for me, had to do with Erik. He came across as a wishy-washy a-hole through the majority of this tale, and I felt that the character would have been better served if I had had a glimpse of his treatment he received from his parents. I felt that he spent alot of time saying he didn’t want to hurt Piper, and then he’d hurt her anyway.

If I had had even one flashback of their night together where they simply talked, instead of just sex, I would have a huge impact on the story, and would have given a stronger emotional connection than what I had.

The Bottom Line (2.5 stars)
If you are a fan of this series, you may enjoy this more than I did and seeing the couples from earlier books may make more of an impact for you than it did for me. I wish I could recommend this, but I just didn’t like the hero enough to let go and enjoy the romance.

mslizalou's review against another edition

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***4.5 out of 5 stars***

I'm a huge fan of this series and was very grateful to be approved for a review copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

Let me just say, I really didn't like Erik at the beginning of this book. He really was a bit of a man-whore and I was all in when Piper would throw things at him. However, the more I read, the more I understood why he acted the way he did and I started falling for him every bit as much as Piper.

I will say I loved that no matter how many women Erik was with, he couldn't ever get Piper out of his mind. While I knew he only married Piper initially because he didn't want to lose his job, I knew in my heart that Erik loved Piper as much as she loved him.

This book made me laugh out loud one minute and cry not long after. I love books that pull lots of emotions from me, and Erik and Piper totally fit the bill. I also love this series takes place in Nashville and I recognize so many places mentioned in my city.

Blue Lines is another winner from Toni Aleo and I can't wait to see where she takes this series next.

tween2teenbookreviews's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this, but the guy was a little to emotionally volatile for my tastes.

gerireads's review against another edition

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4.5 wonderful stars!!

This has been my favorite Assassins book yet. Granted, I wasn't so fond of the previous books, I still requested this based on the blurb alone. Boy, I am so glad I did because I ended up devouring this book and enjoying Piper and Erik's story.

Eric Titov is a real bad boy. And when I say bad, I mean BAD. He uses women and doesn't care much for them at all. Plus, he had this really fucked up childhood which involved a lot of physical abuse that culminated in a horrific tragedy where Erik witnessed his father killed his mother and then killed himself afterwards. All of these happened in front of Erik, which messed him up real good. Thankfully, he was adopted by his aunt and uncle and was able to come to the US and finally had a semblance of a normal childhood. But that particular incident affected Erik's view on relationship. He was convinced that he couldn't be a husband and father material for fear that he might end up like his biological father.

Piper Allen is a nice girl and is known as the flighty one, career-wise, in her family. She's been in love with Erik since forever even though he hardly notices her. I loved Piper. She's the best Toni Aleo heroine to date. I remembered reading the previous books in this series and how much I disliked the heroines in those books but Piper was easy to like. I simply adored her vulnerability and the way she fought for Erik and her baby.

Story-wise, Blue Lines had the depth and character development I was looking for. I was so annoyed with Erik for more than half of the book. I didn't know whether or not he could be redeemed but I was wrong. Ms. Aleo has written his redemption beautiful. It wasn't abrupt, it was slow and sweet and very convincing. I believed it. It was a gradual change although, he still had his doubts, you can clearly see that Erik has changed. And for those of you who are wondering
there is no cheating in this book. Erik hooked up with other girls after Piper but once they got married, he didn't cheat.He was afraid he would and he was tempted but he didn't cheat. I was really afraid the author might resort to the cheating trope for the drama but she didn't! I was very happy that she didn't take that direction.

I also loved Erik's adoptive family especially his relationship with Cooper, his adoptive father. It was one of the highlights in the story for me. It really showed that in spite his reputation, there is actually something good hiding behind the bad boy facade. And it also supports Piper's intuition that Erik isn't as douche as he might have been. I would have been very disappointed in Piper for falling in love with jerk but as it turns out, she was right. Erik is a good man.

I definitely, definitely recommend this one. And I also think that this can be read as a standalone. The other couples from previous books appeared here but you don't have to read their books to enjoy Erik and Piper's story. So no worries there.

ARC is provided by Random House Publishing in exchange for an honest review.